all the way to fairy

Chapter 710 Crash

Chapter 710 Crash
According to Mo Huai, the appearance of the ghost secret realm this time was completely planned by him and Styx girl.

He was not sure about arresting Wei Lin directly to enter the country, so he arrested An Ran and used her as bait to lure Wei Lin in.

At the mention of him, Yunli's complexion immediately turned dark, and she said coldly, "Don't mention ungrateful people, it's a disappointment."

Mo Huai has always disliked his cousin, and there is no camaraderie between them, but Su Xu and him have been friends for many years, and they are inseparable.

In Jiuliyuan, Su Xu resisted Ning Wujue's self-explosion with his body, and saved not only Lin Chen, but also Mohuai Chunan and other monks who escaped quickly.

To be precise, he has saved lives for Mo Huai, Chu Nan, Chu Feng and others.

When Su Xu died, the only thing he couldn't let go of was his cousin. Mo Huai knew this very well. He actually used his cousin as a bait and completely disregarded her safety. It was really ungrateful.

The others were also very angry. After a long time, all of this was caused by Mo Huai. If you take revenge, you will take revenge. What's the matter with implicating others?

Song Qi couldn't help but sneer immediately: "You righteous people keep claiming that we are heretics and sacrificed more than 700 lives. How is this different from demons?"

Li Ming, Cheng Yu, and the two monks of the Phantom Palace were also very angry. Mo Huai's move not only harmed the evil cultivators, but they were also forced to enter the ghost realm. It is not certain whether they can return alive.

After a short fight, Yunli knew that the youngest son of Mingjun was far stronger than them, and he had no chance of winning in a head-on fight. With the help of many ghost cultivators, the situation was not favorable.

At the same time, a steady stream of Yin Qi gushed out of his body, washing over his body, and soon, the Nirvana Sky Fire remaining on his soul body was shaken away.

The burning crimson flame suddenly trembled violently, and several dark silk threads shot out from inside, whirling and cutting the crimson flame out of the cracks.

After being shaken away, she didn't continue to attack recklessly like before. After all, her purpose was to intimidate. After she made a move, she had to give the other party time to talk.

The old city lord of Yancheng had told Tulan about her method early in the morning. Seeing this, Tulan danced imperceptibly in front of her with her long sword in hand, trying to block Chengsha out.

"This place..." An Ran looked at Fengcheng, showing hesitation, "It seems to be the place where Mo Huai brought me in."

Then, he raised his hand and pointed, the billowing yin energy swayed away, and the huge soul power directly sent Yunli and Ling away.

It is no longer feasible to quietly search for the exit secret room, and time is running out. They must leave as soon as possible, so they should show their hands first to show deterrence, and then negotiate.

Flying over mountains and cities, a few days later, the group arrived outside Fengcheng smoothly.

"Hugh is bloody. This world of reincarnation is still in its infancy. It is normal for ghost cultivators to come in and practice. You are a fairy, what are you doing here?"

Tulan's eyes were cold: "I didn't expect that in just 3 years, human cultivation has become very capable. How dare you seal me the world of reincarnation, how dare you!"

Without waiting for an answer, she put away the Mengzhan Saber, waved the Huanshi Ling, and rushed towards Tulan in the air like lightning.

She looked around, Yujian flew to the upper left of the city gate and stopped, then turned around, lay on the flying sword, and looked back.

When he first left the secret room, Mo Huai used psychedelic spells on her, but he underestimated her. She was no longer a canary on Taiqing Peak, struggling to break free from the psychedelic.

While the orange gauze was flying, the scarlet glow on it was thrown out, passed through the sword energy easily, and landed on Tulan's body.

Tulan didn't take advantage of the victory to pursue, and when the wind cleared, he looked at Yunli vigilantly, and asked sternly, "Why did you appear here?"

Looking from a distance, white walls and black tiles, pavilions and buildings are magnificent and orderly; behind Fengcheng, the majestic mountains stretch for thousands of miles, majestic and dangerous.

"Nirvana Heaven Fire! You are a Phoenix!" Tu Lan was shocked, his face sank, and he formed a seal and recited the formula.

When he just left the city, he was only a little sober, and when he turned his head and looked back, he could vaguely see the phantom of a city.

These words were meant to talk about conditions, and they were bluffing words casually spoken. I didn't want Tu Lan's eyes to flash slightly, and he retorted fiercely.

His reaction seemed to be hit by what she said.Yunli was suspicious, could it be that these ghost cultivators are really planning to play this reincarnation world?
"Experience?" She raised her eyebrows slightly, and was about to try again.

Up to now, their primary goal is to leave the ghost secret realm, and other things, it will not be too late to verify after going out.

In her mind, she mobilized Crimson Flame to inject into Huanshiling, and said through voice transmission: "Senior brother, you two should support first."

"I should be asking you this question, right?" Yunli glanced at Fengcheng below, and asked coldly, "Building a city in the reincarnation world with great fanfare, what, you ghost cultivators want to tear up the covenant?"

Yunli Weilin has a strong sense of consciousness, and Duan Xing left behind a secret technique to protect his body. An Ran has seen the secret room, and a few of them went into the city to find the secret room, while the others stayed outside the city.

As soon as the words fell, he raised his sword and swung it out. The power of Senbai ghost rushed towards them like a flying waterfall.

Yunli Weilin raised his sword and crossed his saber, and the two of them worked together to withstand the menacing ghost power. An Ran also quickly reacted and sacrificed the Zhaoying Sword to resist the young man's attack together with them.

"That's right, it's here. When Mo Huai led me out of the secret room, I vaguely glanced at this city."

Unexpectedly, as soon as the four of them stepped into the city gate, ghost power was overwhelming, and a huge formation enveloped the entire Fengcheng. Except for Duan Xingyi, Yunli and the other three's concealment methods failed one after another, and they appeared.

Wei Lin took it for granted, and said in a deep voice, "Leave first."

After a short period of joy, she became suspicious. They urgently needed an exit. Duan Xingyi proposed to come to Guiwang Mountain and use Lei Qilin to restrain the girl of Styx, and the exit happened to be in Feng City at the foot of Guiwang Mountain. Is it a coincidence?
She transmitted Wei Lin: "Now I doubt even more, he is Ning Wujue."

She hurriedly lucked out, stabilized her figure, and felt terrified in her heart. As expected of being the son of the Underworld Lord, her methods were not comparable to ordinary ghost cultivators. The black silk thread could cut the fire of Nirvana!

"Are you sure?" Yunli was delighted. Most of the entrances were also exits, which meant that as long as they found the secret room, they could leave the secret ghost realm.

The haughty young man stood high in the sky in the center of the city, watching them coldly. The white-haired old man next to him was stooped, and his cloudy eyes were as cold as poisonous snakes: "Your Highness Tulan, that's them."

Tulan looked at Wei Lin'anran, and Xuan'er looked at her again, with clear eyes: "A low-level monk with a tenth-level cultivation base, you are not sent by Jiuzhong Xingque to investigate."

His expression became relaxed, and his cold eyes swept across Yunli's body little by little, as if they were real.

Yunli secretly thought it was bad, he wanted to silence it!

First, there was the Styx woman chasing after her, and then she accidentally stumbled into the conspiracy to break the underworld. What kind of crime has she committed recently?

She held Huanshi Ling tightly, threatening to negotiate conditions would not work, so she could only do her best!
(End of this chapter)

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