all the way to fairy

Chapter 712 Fierce Battle

Chapter 712 Fierce Battle

Surprised for less than a second, Duan Xingyi's voice transmission sounded in the sea of ​​consciousness: "Kanzi, the third place."

Yunli was stunned for a moment, and taking advantage of Tulan's focus on An Ran, she threw out the Meng Zhan Dao and hit the formation eye that Duan Xingyi had mentioned.

Kacha, the array eye is destroyed!

This formation is obviously weaker than the formation they attacked earlier.

She immediately understood that An Ran should be under the command of Duan Xingyi, and her attacking array was weaker.

Fighting with a group of ghost cultivators for so long, Duan Xingyi is still hiding in the dark and has not been discovered. Based on this concealment method and the judgment of the opponent, [-]% of this guy is Ning Wujue who didn't run away!

But why would he do it?

Senior brother's attainments in formations are already very high, something he can't even do, Duan Xingyi, a young disciple of the Foundation Establishment Stage, easily found the weakest formation eye, this move is simply telling them clearly that he It was Ning Wujue.

There is also the matter of the Nine Raiding Heavenly Silk Screen before, even if there is no senior brother who is as careful as a hair, it is very suspicious to find out the details in his words, just privately worshiping the Nine Raiding Heavenly Silk Screen.

The thunder and lightning have just reached the yang, restraining evil spirits, the actions of the ghost cultivators are limited, and they are not obvious at the beginning. As the number of thunder and lightning increases, the battle situation begins to tilt. Even An Ran, who was dodging in a panic at first, gradually relaxes .

Yunli was puzzled, when the furious Tulan's black line flew towards her like a waterfall.

Opportunities appeared in Wei Lin's place, some ghost cultivators went after An Ran, his pressure dropped sharply, and Ning Wujue pointed out the weak points, and succeeded frequently, destroying several formation eyes one after another.

Wei Lin, who saw this situation from a distance, was very anxious, and quickly swung a few swords, forcing all the ghost cultivators back, and wanted to go to help.

Just at this time, there was a clear drink, and there was a bright yellow light flashing in the pitch-black silk thread.

The damage was much more, and he saw some ways.

Tulan's soul body twisted a few times, and quickly adapted to the blazing light. He snorted coldly, and black silk threads flew out of his palm again.

Only this time, what he attracted was not the power of the void, but the lightning from Guiwang Mountain.

The moment she saw the black silk, she had expected it, and she had underestimated it only after the real fight. These black silk were extremely cold, and they were not weak against the Nirvana Skyfire.

His heart froze, his fingertips flew, the black threads in his palm multiplied, and he shot out quickly, surrounding Yunli from all directions.

Tulan was anxious and angry, if the seal was broken, their years of hard work and planning would be in vain.

As long as he got rid of this phoenix, he would be free to deal with the other two.

When the words fell, Tu Lan raised his hand, and the silk thread flew out of his palm, Yunli flapped his wings, and clusters of crimson flames flew out to meet Hei Si.

The gloomy red moon light was suppressed, and the world brightened up.

In the black silk thread, the bright light became more and more intense and brighter, and finally, a crisp chirping pierced the sky, the bright light exploded, and the dense black silk thread was broken inch by inch, reduced to dust in the firelight.

Compared with the previous ones, these silk threads are darker in color, smooth and tough, so dark that it seems to be able to swallow all the light in the world.

Wei Lin was overjoyed, and swiped a few more backhand swords, cutting off more black threads.

With the cooperation of several parties, one formation eye after another was destroyed, and more and more lightning appeared.

Raising the sword and swinging it out, the sharp sword intent slashed fiercely on the black silk with thunder and lightning, and a handful of black silk broke in response.

A huge orange-gold phoenix flew out of it and went straight up to the sky. With its gorgeous wings spread, the wind surged and the fire danced.

However, Tulan is a Styx woman, she must have rich combat experience, the black threads are still growing, and the cold ghost power attached to them is endless, within a few breaths, she is surrounded by countless black threads.

"Let's see how long you can spend!"

This sealing formation is composed of countless small formations nested and combined. When there is a gap in the formation, as long as the sequence and pattern are found, the destruction of the formation will be more effective.

Wei Lin was in a hurry, and from the corner of his eye, he glanced down to Guiwang Mountain, the crackling thunder and lightning blessed his soul, and he swung his sword to make Yinxu.

Sure enough, the thunder and lightning from Guiwang Mountain came from just to yang, overcoming yin and evil.

She turned around to avoid it, suppressed the doubts in her heart, and fought with Tulan again. Tulan's offensive was fierce, and she had no energy left to attack the formation. She only looked at An Ran and Wei Lin from time to time to make sure of their safety.

After all, the character and behavior he showed in the early stage are not greedy at all.

Judging from past experience, Ning Wujue has a deep scheming mind, taking one step at a time and looking at three steps. According to his temperament, it is too reckless to sacrifice the nine-circle silk screen and point the eyes of the formation. It doesn't seem like he will do something things.

There is no need to break the interface, and it is much easier to use Yin Xu. In just one breath, a large amount of lightning power is attracted to attach to the sword.

Under the interference of Ghost Xiu, An Ran was also unable to attack the formation. She glanced at Wei Lin, and began to take the Ghost Xiu who was chasing her away from the battle circle where Wei Lin was, not giving them a chance to support.

She bit the bullet and drove Huanshiling to mobilize all the Nirvana fire in her body.

Seeing the dense silk threads shooting towards them like rain curtains one after another, Yunli's heart trembled. There are so many, can they resist it?

Lei Qilin inside the seal seemed to feel that someone was helping, and eagerly attacked inside the seal, thunder and lightning crackling non-stop.

Under the blazing light, the ghost cultivators hurriedly retreated like a light on their backs, and those who were close and did not dodge in a hurry melted into the blazing light.

Next, while dealing with all the ghost cultivators, he approached Yunli's direction to prevent accidents and provide timely support.

Wei Lin felt at ease, and didn't rush to go there any longer. He slashed horizontally with his long sword, and repelled several ghost cultivators who took the opportunity to sneak attack.

What's even more frightening is that these black threads are like red lotus karmic fire, and they are also aimed at the soul. During the fight, the soul is aroused.

It's a pity that he doesn't have time to observe and think carefully, and he hasn't learned the formation of ghost cultivators. If he wants to find out the order of breaking the formation accurately and quickly like Duan Xingyi, he won't be able to do it for a while.


Tulan turned pale with shock, among the few people, the only one he took seriously was this phoenix, he never thought that a little man Xiu could break his Nine Nether Silk!
"Why are you standing still, stop him!" He hurriedly greeted the retreating subjects.

The ghost cultivators were a little frightened, it was difficult to stop him before, but now his moves carry the thunder and lightning of Guiwangshan, which is even more dangerous.

They had to listen to Tulan's order, and they were afraid of thunder and lightning. Several ghost cultivators who were good at sound attack took out their musical instruments and attacked from a distance.

Facing human cultivators, this is the best move to use. However, in the first fight just now, a ghost cultivator played the beginning, but this sharp sword cultivator approached him against the sound attack and slashed kill.

(End of this chapter)

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