There are not many ghost cultivators who are good at musical instruments. Since he has a strong mind and soul, ordinary sound attacks may not be effective for him, so the ghosts will not bother with it.

At this moment, there was nothing he could do, so he had no choice but to use the sound attack, hoping to interfere.

Wei Lin's soul has been warmed by the Shenshen lotus for more than 3000 years, and there is a seal on it. This level of sound attack has almost no effect on him.

The hopes of the ghost cultivators fell through, but there was an unexpected joy.

Yunli turned into a phoenix, shining brilliantly, forcing back a group of ghost cultivators. Now their target is Wei Lin, and there were no ghost cultivators attacking An Ran.

Now that there is no difference in sound attack, An Ran's sea of ​​consciousness is surging, his face turns pale and he vomits blood.

Discovering her condition, some ghost cultivators turned to attack her, hoping to surround Wei and save Zhao.

Wei Lin used Yin Xu, cut off the black silk, and shouted at her: "Close to Guiwang Mountain!"

An Ranyi understood that the thunder and lightning on Guiwang Mountain seemed to be different from ordinary thunder and lightning, and it was extremely restrained against these ghost cultivators.

She flickered, avoiding Guixiu with difficulty, and flew towards Guiwang Mountain.

As Ning Wujue, did you learn about it in Qingxuan Continent?
However, Qiu Ye, who was born in Jiuzhong Xingque, knew little about the underworld, and there was no record of this in the Feng Clan's inheritance or information about the underworld.

In the center of the lake stands a silver-white unicorn, which is shaped like a horse or a deer, with a tail like an ox's tail, a body covered with scales, and a striped abdomen.

A sense of enlightenment rose in Yunli's heart. It was not that the Yaodan had self-awareness, but that the little bead at the core had self-awareness.

She looked over, it was Duan Xingyi.

He stared blankly at the little beads in her demon core with his eyes wide open, his face full of disbelief.

Perhaps, she was able to reincarnate as a broken soul, and it was also Zhu Zi's credit.

At the critical moment, the demon core that was being drawn and flew towards the black silk suddenly became radiant and stagnated in the air. In the fierce and majestic energy of the demon core, there was a clear white halo that was clearly different from the energy of the demon core.

Under the halo, pieces of Nine Nether Silks were destroyed, and Tu Lan was terrified. What kind of treasure is this?
Looking at the shattered sealing formation below, he became even more impatient, gritted his teeth, and used all his ghost power to spawn the Nine Nether Silks, and attacked towards Yunli.

What is the origin of this little bead?
Not only is there a rune formation on it, but it can mobilize the spiritual power of a lot of continents, and it can even protect the Lord!

Lei Qilin, Phoenix, and pieces of Nine Nether Silks were melted away, and Tu Lan felt like retreating. The other ghost cultivators were only affected by the afterglow of the halo, but he was the main target of attack. If he didn't retreat, he might be consumed to death.

Yunli glanced at Tulan, and saw that he was at the end of his strength, and the secret path was not good. Tulan was the son of the Lord of the Underworld. As a Phoenix, she killed him in front of all the ghost cultivators. If she turned around, she might cause the Phoenix clan Conflict with the Underworld.

After Tulan cursed, she also became ruthless, urging more Nine Nether Silks regardless of consumption, he was determined to deal with the phoenix Yunli first!

Yunli was suspicious. Judging by his tone, he didn't seem to know that it was Lei Qilin who was sealed in Guiwang Mountain.

She tried to recall it with her divine sense, the little bead jumped, the soft halo disappeared, and the demon core returned to its original state.

Everyone has reached their limit, and the collapse is only in an instant. Yunli is in a hurry. Is it possible that I really have to explain here today?

Seeing this, the struggling Tulan couldn't help exclaiming: "Lei Qilin!"

Wei Lin who was nearby had a pale face, bulging veins on his forehead, and his clothes were stained with blood. Regardless of using Yin Yin, and sometimes even resisting the sneak attacks of other ghost cultivators, he just relied on one breath to hold on;

Yunli was astonished when she changed back into a human form. This was the voluntary behavior of Yaodan, not hers.

An Ran on the top of Guiwang Mountain, under the siege of Yin Gong and all the ghost cultivators, relied on the power of lightning from Guiwang Mountain from time to time to support him.

Seemingly seeing them too, the unicorn raised its head and let out a majestic and deep roar, the sound of thunder rolled, and the sealing formation trembled endlessly.

life beads?Destiny's Child?what is that?
also?Who else is Destiny's Child?
Not only her, but others also looked at Duan Xingyi, full of doubts.

With Wei Lin's restraint, Yunli got a chance to breathe, she circled and danced, stirring up the wind and fire, and annihilated the black silk close to her.

He is the youngest son of Mingjun, and the leader of the ghost cultivators in this reincarnation world. What he doesn't know, logically, other ghost cultivators don't know either.

However, at this moment, the ghost cultivators can't care about him, everyone's attention is on the bead that is quietly floating in the air.

Not only him, but he also had a panoramic view of Guiwang Mountain. He could clearly see a Thunder Lake deep in the mountain, which was filled with liquid lightning.

There are more and more black threads close to her, and Yunli's demon pill is pulled out of her body little by little.

The halo is extremely soft, clear and vast, but its power is impressive. When the darkest and coldest black silk meets the halo, it dissipates instantly like morning dew meeting the morning sun.

Moreover, with the passage of time, Yunli Weilin's spiritual and physical strength gradually became exhausted, his speed slowed down unconsciously, and Tulan gradually gained the upper hand.

Yunli was still in astonishment, and couldn't recover for a long time. Suddenly, an unbelievable exclamation came from below: "Fate Orb?! You are also the child of destiny!"

Qilin is an auspicious beast, and it is born to restrain ghost cultivators like them. Thunder and lightning are strong and yang, and they are the nemesis of yin and evil.

Unexpectedly, he wanted to run away, but the soft halo refused to let go, shining towards him in circles.

The soft halo became more and more intense, covering almost the entire audience. Under the halo, everything was invisible, and Duan Xingyi, who was hiding in the dark, was also forced to come out.

The plan to transform this reincarnation world may die prematurely.

Tulan kept complaining, the prison guard born in this world turned out to be a unicorn, and it was of the thunder attribute!

As early as when she broke through the tenth level, she found that her demon core had a little sense of autonomy, but she never expected to be able to be so autonomous. The demon core easily dispelled the attacks she couldn't resist!
The halo became softer and softer. Under the radiance of the holy light, her demon pill, the size of a pigeon egg, became transparent, revealing the small white beads the size of corn kernels inside, and the soft halo was emanating from the small beads. .

How did you know about that period of Star Legacy?

Relying on his deep cultivation, Tu Lan stubbornly withstood the speed at which the two joined forces to give birth to the Nine Nether Silks, and gradually caught up with the speed at which Yunli Weilin destroyed them.


Tulan's soul and body were gloomy, and her face was full of lingering fear.

Yunli took the Yaodan back into her body calmly, flew to the top of Guiwang Mountain, and Yaoyao gave Wei Lin a wink, and said loudly to Tulan: "Now, can we talk?"

Wei Lin understood, their purpose is to go out as soon as possible, if they can make peace with Tulan, no matter whether the exit is really in Fengcheng or not, they can leave the ghost secret realm as quickly as possible.

He took out the elixir and took it, trying to recover his spiritual and physical strength.

Tulan supported her weak soul body, and said coldly: "What are you talking about?"

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