all the way to fairy

Chapter 714 Peace Talk

Chapter 714 Peace Talk
Yunli said lightly: "It's very simple. I'm not interested in knowing what the underworld has planned. As for how the fairy and underworld will deal with this matter, we'll discuss it later. Now, open Fengcheng, and we have to leave here."

Tulan felt a tingle in his heart when he heard that, there was no compromise in this condition, it was completely one-sided overlord's clause.

The reason why he wanted to stop her was because he was worried that the plan of the underworld would be exposed. He let them go without fulfilling any promises. Wasn't the previous fight for nothing!
He narrowed his eyes slightly, and asked in a dark tone: "What if I don't agree?"

Yunli smiled slightly, raised her left hand slightly, and the demon pill flew out of her body and stopped in front of her, "Then I can only hit until you agree."

The ghost cultivators here didn't know that they were in a hurry to hide from the Styx girl, and if they won the fight, of course they had to put on a full-on momentum. The lion opened his mouth wide and easily compromised, which would arouse suspicion instead.


Tulan was so angry that she couldn't speak, she stared at her fiercely, but she was helpless, she couldn't beat her again and again, if the phoenix hadn't been merciful, he might have been consumed to death now.

In addition, the formation is damaged and must be repaired as soon as possible!
After weighing the pros and cons, he shook his sleeves heavily, turned his back, and ordered in a cold voice: "Bai Feng, take someone to the city to see if there is an exit."

This meant a compromise, Yunli secretly heaved a sigh of relief, Xuan'er secretly laughed at him for saving face, and promised her conditions even if he beat around the bush.

As soon as these words came out, not only her, but all the ghost cultivators present heaved a sigh of relief, and asked Bai Feng's ghost guards to respond, and hurriedly mobilized their hands to return to the city.

As time passed, she thought it would take a long time to find the exit, but Shi Liang came to report after an hour, and the exit was found, but there was a restraining formation.

After careful investigation, Wei Lin already had a way to crack the export ban, but it just took some time; while the formation of the Seven Luo Stars covering the entire secret realm, he has not yet found a way to crack it.

It has been several days since Pengcheng escaped, and she didn't know what big move the Styx girl was planning, but she never chased after her, which made her feel anxious.

There is no way, Wei Lin and Duan Xingyi, who is suspected of Ning Wujue, are the best at discussing formations among the crowd, so they will naturally go.

Yunli opened her consciousness and found that Song Qi and others were looking around not far from Guiwang Mountain, she immediately called them by voice transmission, and discussed with Tulan: "It's easier to do things with more people, we will also send people to look for them. "

After everyone left, Tu Lan snorted heavily, found an open space in front of the mountain and sat down, closed her eyes and meditated, as if she didn't want to see her.

Leading everyone to stand up one by one, Duan Xingyi began to command: "Zhou Jun, earth spirit power attacks the eye of the formation."

Under his command, one formation eye after another was destroyed, and soon, the restriction was broken and the exit was revealed.

Duan Xingyi directly ignored everyone's expressions as if he had seen a ghost, and said to Wei Lin: "It's a bit troublesome to change the formation of Qiluo Star, and ghost cultivators need to work hard."

At this time, in Feng City.

"Yes." Shi Liang nodded heavily, "Master Feng Jue and Duan Xiaoyou have already started to break the formation."

Yunli cheered up, and motioned him to help in the city, while she looked at the sky from time to time, secretly on guard.

Although he was puzzled in his heart, Wei Lin still nodded, and with his eyes, he signaled everyone to do what Duan Xingyi said, and he also walked quickly to Xun's seat.

Everyone agreed, and Tulan was not in the mood to fuss with her about small details, so he agreed sullenly.

"Can you break the formation?" Yunli asked anxiously.

They were the ones who were in a hurry to leave, and Ning Wujue could plan to leave first and hide, without risking to admit their identities.

This Styx girl, in terms of combat experience alone, is far behind Tulan, and even inferior to many ordinary monks, but they can't resist the fact that they have a big killer like the red lotus fire, and they dare not touch it at all.

Not wanting to, Duan Xingyi suddenly said: "Zhou Jun, the position of Kun; Li Ming, the position of Dui; Cheng Yu, the position of Kan; Qian Yuan, the position of Gen; Song Qi, the position of Zhen; An Ran, the position of Li."

However, Duan Xingyi is Ning Wujue, and the Qiluo Star Formation is the formation he refined, so it shouldn't be a big problem.

His tone was calm and his speech was slow, but he could not comment on it. Everyone was stunned. Is this really a Foundation Establishment cultivator?
Even the talented Foundation Establishment disciples of the four major sects would not be so rude to Jindan cultivators like them.

After several people discussed, Wei Lin led them into the city and looked for the exit together, while Yunli stayed in Guiwang Mountain and had a 'friendly exchange' with Tulan.

While speaking, he was already walking towards the northwest formation.

A trace of doubt crossed Wei Lin's mind. The target of the Styx woman was with him. Since Duan Xingyi was Ning Wujue, with his formation skills, let alone staying for ten days and a half months, even a year or two, there would be no chance at all. question.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and looked at Wei Lin at the same time, what is the situation?
Wei Lin squinted his eyes, it seemed that he had completely admitted his identity.

Duan Xingyi continued to command: "Li Ming, Jin Lingli..."

After a while of excitement, she remembered that now the entire Ghost Secret Realm has been sealed, and after breaking the exit restriction, she must also break through a layer of formations.

Wei Lin frowned slightly. This is indeed a problem. In the eyes of Guixiu, the secret realm was sealed by them. If you want to ask the other party for help, you have to think about your words carefully. You can't let Guixiu know. There are other ghosts who seal the secret realm.

Zhou Jun looked at Wei Lin hesitantly, and did as he said.

Fortunately, facing Wei Lin, she was cautious, otherwise they would not be able to escape outside Pengcheng.

Duan Xingyi turned around, saw that Wei Lin remained silent, and said flatly: "Didn't you guess it. In any case, everyone has the same goal, go out first."

Yunli didn't care either, she looked into the distance, a little worried, hoping to leave before Styx girl arrived.

Yunli wanted to keep An Ran, but she was the only one who had seen the exit of the secret room, so she had to go too.

Seeing him turn to Wei Lin again, he said: "You have dual spiritual roots of fire and wood, and the speed of conversion into wind spiritual power is fast, so I will give you the position of Xun."

After thinking for a while, he first asked Duan Xingyi to explain to him in detail the principle of the method of breaking Qiluo Star's evolution.

Everyone was dumbfounded. With the speed of breaking the formation, it is not an exaggeration to say that the restriction was set by him.

Thinking of this, he looked at Duan Xingyi, thinking about how to expose his identity.

After familiarizing himself with it, he found the ghost guard named Bai Feng, and with an indifferent attitude and calm intimidation, he tricked Bai Feng into sending a ghost cultivator to inject ghost power into the desired location.

They don't need to destroy the entire Qiluo Star evolution, they only need to open a hole at the exit position.

Even so, the required ghost power is still huge. Fortunately, the ghost power does not need to be injected completely at one time, but slowly injected according to the progress and order of breaking the formation, which did not arouse the suspicion of ghost cultivators.

During the break, Wei Lin couldn't help asking via voice transmission: "I have some doubts, and I want to ask for advice. Why did you plan to be imprisoned in Jiuliyuan on your own initiative? Can you reincarnate with your memory?"

 begging for votes with the cheek
(End of this chapter)

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