all the way to fairy

Chapter 715 Destiny

Duan Xingyi was shocked suddenly, the movement was so loud that even Li Ming, who was resting next to him, was startled, and turned to look at him suspiciously.

The corner of Wei Lin's lips twitched slightly, and he continued to transmit the sound: "In the void, I happened to meet the two subordinate families of Venerable Wujue who were fighting.

We are really curious, you are already the overlord of Mo Yuntian, why do you want to ruin your achievements and take the initiative to plan to follow the demon monk and enter Jiuliyuan? "

Mo Yuntian, Lu's family, Lu's family, all the familiar and unfamiliar words evoked Ning Wujue's memories, and those long-ago memories that had been forgotten by him suddenly came alive again.

After a while, his eyes moved slightly, and the voice transmitted faintly: "I am also puzzled. You plan to kill me after you go out. That phoenix is ​​also the Child of Destiny. Didn't she tell you that the Child of Destiny cannot be killed?"

Wei Lin was speechless, it was fine to avoid answering his questions, but he even started to sow discord, which is really strong.

It also agrees with Ning Wujue's temperament.

He didn't expect Ning Wujue to answer. People like Ning Wujue have unfathomable thoughts, and I'm afraid they won't reveal their thoughts to anyone.

However, what does it mean that the child of destiny cannot be killed?

This doubt only existed for a moment, before it was dismissed by Wei Lin, he said with a sneer: "You actually believe in something as illusory as fate."

Even at that time, the direction of their investigation was to go out and be assassinated by gangsters, and they didn't think about home at all, which gave enough time for the spirit-absorbing array to grow.

Hmph, how could the formation he set up be so easy to break!

The spirit-absorbing formation slowly grew and spread. When more and more Chen family members were trapped in the formation and became nourishment, the Chen family only noticed that some members of the family were missing.

The effect was exactly as he expected. For a long time, the Chen family did not discover the existence of the spirit-absorbing formation.

After he left the customs, everything was a foregone conclusion, the Ning family's blood flowed into rivers, and no chickens or dogs were left behind.

Hui Neng broke the irreversible fate!

Many years later, his cultivation level improved, and after a lot of fighting, he successfully became the new emperor of Moyun Tianyu.

Duan Xingyi looked up at the sky, and sighed secretly, just when his vengeance was about to be avenged, fate dealt him a head-on blow.

Fortunately, the Chen family has long been dead, and no one knows that he did this. Because the spirit-absorbing formation absorbs vitality, it is very similar to the method of the demon emperor's tendons. Qingxuan Zhengdao counted this incident On the tendons.

There are only two unusual things about this spirit-absorbing formation. One is that it can grow. The spiritual power and vitality absorbed by the formation will be transformed into nourishment for the formation, making it grow and expand continuously;
The second is that the eyes of the formation can be moved, and the eyes of the formation are moving all the time, which prevents the formation from being cracked.

When he tried his best to control the spell, it was five years later.

After going through countless prisons, he proved with his personal experience that fate is determined by people, not by God!

Later, Huineng's reputation became more and more popular, and he had the tendency to become the leader of the evil spirits. He knew that he could not let it go any longer, and planned to kill Huineng himself.

The moment he saw Huineng from a distance, the fragments of fate jumped again, and he saw that Huineng changed his shell and ascended to Qingxuan with a new identity.

After embarking on the fairy road, he knew the existence of the Child of Destiny, he is the one chosen by destiny, and one day, he will become a real god!
I thought that that life would be perfect, but I didn't want to have stains.

He is the child of destiny, he is Ning Wujue, his immortal journey should be perfect, how can there be stains?

Those established fates cannot be changed, but he can take advantage of them.

In anger, the ancestors of the Chen family sacrificed their lives to find him, the person behind the scenes, with taboo techniques, and cast a spell on him.

When they first met, Huineng was still a monk who had just ascended to Qingxuan. At that time, he discovered that Huineng would be possessed by demons in the future, which would become a serious problem for Qingxuan.

And he, because of his meritorious service in deciphering the formation, became famous as Qingxuan, and became friends with the few remaining geniuses from the Moyun Tianyu, and became brothers of the opposite sex.

When they finally discovered the existence of the spirit-absorbing array, it was too late, and the spirit-absorbing array had already covered most of the Chen family.

It's a pity that Huineng doesn't belong to Mo Yuntian, so he couldn't kill him directly, so he made a small plan to make Huineng conflict with a sect. He wanted to use the hand of that sect to solve the future troubles.

He disguised himself and secretly set up a simple spirit-absorbing formation in a remote corner of the Chen family.

The people of the Chen family were greedy, and the Patriarch of the Chen family wanted to seize the primordial purple energy, so he found an excuse to slander the Ning family, and asked his father to use his son as an apology.

People who live in remote places are of low status and are not important people at all. Their disappearance has not attracted attention.

Before becoming Ning Wujue, he was a Blue Star.

Unexpectedly, that sect is so useless, not only failed to obliterate Huineng, but dragged Huineng down, using the resources of a sect to help Huineng grow up, and also made him a monstrous monk.

Duan Xingyi sneered, a young man is always so proud that he clamors to change his fate against the sky, but in fact, he has never escaped from the shackles of fate.

The Chen family used the power of the whole family, but they could do nothing. Instead, more Chen family became the nourishment of the formation.

Since he was a child, he was a child of someone else's family. He joined the Olympiad training team in junior high school. He created his own problem-solving method, which is faster and more accurate than the standard answer. He gets full marks in any competition. A gold medal, a Grand Slam.

He raised his eyes slightly, looking at the sky covered by the formation. When he was in danger due to bad luck, he believed in fate and hated the ruthlessness of fate.

Bloody enmity, how can we not avenge it?

In five years, the spirit-absorbing formation has grown at an astonishing rate, covering most of the Moyun Tianyu, turning hundreds of millions of living beings into bones.

After graduation, he has made remarkable achievements in many fields, is admired by others, and is a "god" in the hearts of the people.

Fortunately, he has a special ability - peeping into fate, occasionally seeing fragments of the future.

Father naturally refused, and the Chen family actually wiped out the Ning family.

In the competition among the young children of several great families, he became famous in the first battle, but the head of the Chen family affiliated to the Ning family found out that he had a majestic purple aura.

But this incident became a thorn in his heart.

One day when he was out in a car accident, he was born as the legitimate son of the head of a small immortal cultivating family in Moyun Tianyu.

He changed his mind, the immortal journey of the Child of Destiny must be perfect!

He raised his hand, watched for a while, and slowly closed his five fingers. The past was like smoke, flowing from his fingertips. From now on, he is just Duan Xingyi!
Wei Lin didn't know anything about his complicated memories and mental journey, and when he saw a formation opening, he stepped over to direct the cracking of the next one.

An Ran glanced at Duan Xingyi from a distance, and sound transmission Wei Lin: "He is Ning Wujue, right?"

Others didn't know Ning Wujue's existence, but she knew it. Ning Wujue was the only one who had such talent in formations and treated the Jindan cultivator indifferently.

PS: Space is limited, so let’s put an outline in this part.

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