all the way to fairy

Chapter 716 The Flower of the Styx River

"It's him." After a pause, Wei Lin said again: "Su Xu's revenge cannot be embraced for the time being."

"I know." An Ran took a deep breath, and slowly looked away, Ning Wujue was right, everyone's primary goal now is to leave the ghost realm.

When they were racing against time and breaking the battle, Yunli, who was bored at the foot of Guiwang Mountain, began to study Guiwang Mountain, especially Lei Qilin who was sealed inside it.

It is said that when the chaos first opened, the world was nothingness, and the three holy beasts Zulong, Yuanfeng, and Shiqilin were born first.

The dragon family lives in the four seas, leads the water family, and is known as the leader of a hundred scales; the phoenix family soars to the nine heavens, dominates the feather family, and is the king of all birds;

In order to compete for living space, the prehistoric tribes often broke out wars.

Qilin is a benevolent beast with a gentle temperament, does not harm humans and animals, does not tread on grass and trees, and is relatively weak in strength, but its advantage lies in its large number.

Later, the three holy beasts ascended to the God Realm and were instigated by the demons. The three tribes broke out in a great war, and all three lost. The beast tribe led by Qilin was torn apart.

In the end, the White Tiger Clan rose strongly and replaced Qilin as the new king of beasts, and the Qilin Clan fell.

The Dragon Clan ruled the Shui Clan, and also split into the Xuanwu Clan.

Looking at his expression, Yunli's brain was like lightning piercing through the fog, and she made some guesses. Except for the accidental intrusion, the most likely situation for Lei Qilin to appear here is that he was born with him.

Tulan was still nervous, apparently not trusting her.

She took a few steps forward and stood in front of the six-pointed star formation, with the illusory silk floating from her wrist, fully on guard.

Seeing her staring at Guiwang Mountain, Tulan was alert: "What do you want to do?"

"It doesn't matter if she can't be killed, in short, her goal is you." Tulan was unmoved.

Yunli was overjoyed, she put aside the plans of the underworld, squinted at Tulan, and flew down the mountain.

I don't want to, Styx girl doesn't care about their conversation at all. With a red moon behind her back, her fingers are flying, and the complicated formulas are generated from her hands like a spirit butterfly, and merged into the phantom of Manzhushahua behind her.

He looked again at the light red light enveloping the secret realm, "It's not the world you sealed, it's..."

The attribute of thunder and lightning restrains Yin and evil, so its function should be similar to maintaining order.

The creatures born in the world are naturally to help the reincarnation world evolve.

Before she could come up with a suitable excuse, the Styx girl had already approached, looked at Wei Lin, and said calmly: "I said, you can't escape."

Around the secret room, eleven formations are in operation, and not far away, Wei Lin, Duan Xingyi, and Zhou Jun from the Sky Spider Sect are manipulating formation-breaking artifacts, and they are messing with something.

Although the Qilin tribe has declined, they are still divine beasts and immortals. Why did they appear in the world of reincarnation?

She understood in her heart that the formation at the exit had been broken, and these twelve formations were naturally set up to break through the formation of the inverted Qiluo star.

Yunli's heart skipped a beat, she was about to cry, could it be so timely, can't she wait any longer?

Seeing her, Wei Lin sent a voice transmission while performing a formula: "This is the last spot. After breaking through, there will be a gap in Qiluo Star's evolution, which will last for a cup of tea."

Yunli rolled his eyes at him, "Can I have some trust?"

Yunli also raised a little bit of hope that maybe talking about the origin of Styx girl could attract her attention and delay time.

She broke out in a cold sweat, hurriedly urged the Yaodan again, intending to block it with the small beads in the Yaodan.

Yunli's eyes flickered slightly, so Tulan didn't know about the existence of the Styx girl, so what was she behind?
Wait, they don't know each other, if I can make them fight...

After entering Fengcheng, Yunli saw a building being torn down from a distance, revealing a secret room, and most of the people were crowded in the secret room at this time.

Yunli sighed, she couldn't do it with her strength.

"Hehe." Tulan sneered again and again, "If you are dead, the effect will be the same."

Now that the peace talks have been made, she will naturally not take action to destroy the seal of Guiwang Mountain, besides, she has to preserve her strength and beware of Styx Girl.

Yunli was not in the mood to wait for him to sort out everything, and interrupted with a loud voice: "The son of the majestic Mingjun, will you not keep your promise?"

However, the little bead that Ning Wujue called as the bead of life remained motionless, as if it were a dead thing.

As soon as he breathed a sigh of relief, the red moon in the sky teleported, and accompanied by the phantom of Manzhu Shahua, the figure of Styx floated out of the red moon.

Ghost cultivators came to this world for the origin of their souls. Could it be that they want to prevent the world from evolving?

Wei Lin raised his eyebrows slightly, and said: "The son of the majestic Mingjun, don't you know who she is?"

The eleven formations and the place where the three of them turned upside down just formed a mysterious six-pointed star.

"Her goal was not to kill us."

In the middle of the hexagram is the secret room where An Ran and others are standing.

Duan Xingyi's pupils trembled, he quickly lowered his eyes, turned sideways, and hurriedly mobilized his spiritual power to break through the formation.

Startled, Yunli sacrificed the fire of Nirvana, and created a barrier of scarlet flames in front of her, and the petals ignored the obstacles again.

While thinking about it, Shi Liang rushed over again, the cracking of the formation has reached the final step, and he can prepare to go out.

With the injection of the magic formula, the manjusawa gradually solidified, and the slender petals fell off one by one, and flew towards them.

The speed seemed to be slow but fast, and it was already in front of him in an instant, Yunli hurriedly waved the Huanshi Ling to intercept it, unexpectedly, the petals were as light as air, directly pierced through the Huanshi Ling, and flew towards Wei Lin.

So far, the dragon, phoenix, white tiger, and Xuanwu four clans stand side by side, named Four Spirits.

"This is..." Tu Lan frowned, "The Flower of the Styx! Who are you?"

"The eyes of the formation are entrusted to you." With a notification, Wei Lin came to Yunli's body like lightning, holding his hands tightly, and also looked at Styx female vigilantly.

Finally, she was about to send the plague god away, and Tulan secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and followed her back to Fengcheng.

Yunli nodded, ten people, 10 minutes, ample time.

Immediately added: "The world is indeed sealed by her. If we don't leave, she won't remove the seal. If you don't want to be a caged bird, join us and stop her!"

Once the evolution of the reincarnation world is completed, no cultivator can enter it, and ghost cultivators are no exception.

Tu Lan followed her gaze to look at Wei Lin, her eyes moved slightly, and she suddenly realized: "She is chasing you."

As soon as the words were out of his mouth, he felt that Lord Ming planned to tear up the covenant between the immortal and the underworld. His son seemed to be treacherous, and there seemed to be nothing wrong with it.

Wei Lin was also sweating profusely, his figure was like lightning, avoiding the floating petals.

There are more and more petals of Manzhushahua, and in a short time, it is already raining petals all over the sky.

The world suddenly became illusory, the perception was distorted, all the sounds between the heaven and the earth disappeared, and from nowhere, the sound of running water hitting the shore came, and the sound entered my ears, getting closer and closer.

Yunli tried all kinds of means to stop her, but it was all in vain.

"Don't stop it, this is the real flower of the Styx, and it is also the flower of nothingness. According to legend, there is nothing that can stop it."

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