Chapter 719
Before An Ran could finish her sentence, she had already been pushed into the exit by her. Then, while pushing the others out, Yunli greeted Wei Lin: "Senior brother, hurry up! You guys go out first, I'll be the last!"

After crackling and yelling, she looked at Guixiu again, "What are you doing with the pestle, you guys also hurry up!"

As soon as the words fell, a ghost Xiu couldn't dodge in time, and was invaded by the devil's energy. His soul was instantly black as ink. He raised his hand and grabbed a thin male ghost beside him, and pulled it hard.

Startled, Tu Lan flew forward, and the Nine Nether Threads in his palm flew forward, destroying the possessed ghost cultivator.

Becoming a demon is a very important matter, and you must leave quickly. The problem is that it takes time to open the passage back to the Nine Netherworld, so how can you just leave immediately.

At this moment, the devilish energy surged all over Ranyi's body, the sky was dark, and the devil's cloud was billowing.

The ghost cultivators might not be able to run at this speed, Yunli's heart beat wildly, she looked at the ghost cultivators who were close at hand, and gritted her teeth, "Go to Canglan, too!"

The devilish energy confuses the mind, can draw out the infinite murderous thoughts and tyranny in the heart, and turn it into a machine with only instinct and eternal desire to kill, especially the devilish energy of those who are new to the devil, which is completely out of control.

This is why, those who have just become demons often slaughter a world, destroying the world, until they are completely swallowed and assimilated by the devil's energy, and the demons who cultivate with the devil's energy can consciously control and control the devil's energy.

Ghost cultivators use yin qi to cultivate, and many ghost cultivators have dark thoughts and are more easily bewitched, and they can easily become nourishment for devil qi.

Ran Yi, who lost his mind, didn't care about it, and rushed towards Ning Wujue under the halo, completely ignoring the burning of his body.

Chengying's soft white halo radiated, and when the terrifying demonic energy met the halo, it sizzled and was quickly wiped out, and there was no trace of demonic energy around Ning Wujue.

This is also a blessing in misfortune.

Insufficient in cultivation and anxious, Ning Wujue endured the damask firmly, and was able to stop the castration only after flying upside down for several hundred meters, and this distance was almost to Ranyi's side, the churning demonic energy Surround him instantly.

Yunli's heart is slightly settled, the life pearl can also eliminate the evil energy, counting the Nirvana Sky Fire, the help of the senior brother and Tu Lan, it should be able to last for a while.

At this time, he suddenly sacrificed a small shiny bead, which was exactly the same as the small bead in the Yunli Demon Pill.

After thousands of calculations, I didn't expect that a name would allow Ranyi to break through the seal and restore her memory.

If a person like him becomes a god, it would be unfortunate for all living beings.

While cursing inwardly, he quickly rushed towards the exit.

As soon as he nodded, all the ghost cultivators rushed towards the exit, Yun Li was startled, Cheng Ling flew out, and stopped the ghosts: "Line up for me! Why are you crowded!"

The exit is only about three feet wide, and there are at least thousands of ghost cultivators in Fengcheng. If they swarm over, no one will be able to get out.

Tu Lan only hesitated for a moment before agreeing.

He didn't want to confront Ran Yi from the very beginning, so he avoided it in every possible way, and even broke through the formation quickly without hesitating to expose his identity.

This is also the Pearl of Fate, Ning Wujue's Pearl of Fate.


Under her threat, the ghost cultivators had no choice but to be patient, queuing up to go out while avoiding the demonic energy.

Ning Wujue was furious, and before he could speak, Ranyi's attack struck again, and cracks appeared on the dark copper-colored ancient mirror under the erosion of demon energy.

Yunli raised her eyes to look at Ranyi, completely unconscious, she only had the killing instinct at this moment, her ten fingers were bent into claws, wrapped in devilish energy, and attacked Ning Wujue fiercely.

Sincerity and kindness are the most beautiful qualities, but bad people always use and trample on them.

"It's okay, now her target is not me."

Wei Lin stepped back, broke free from her hand, and said, "I'll be with you."

Except for him, all the human cultivators have gone out, and the ghost cultivators are like lightning, flying to the entrance and exit, but there are too many, and it will take some time to get them all out.

As for the child of destiny, no matter how many times he has been reincarnated, he can't hide his selfish and despicable nature. If he goes out at this moment, Dye Yi will definitely follow him, and all living beings will face catastrophe.

Yunli tapped her fingertips to burn out the demonic energy that was rushing in. She stood in front of the exit with a look of contempt on her face: "I promised not to kill you, I just pushed you."

The key now is that the exit of the broken formation is only 10 minutes away, and the time may be too late.

In the field, Ning Wujue was the most panicked person. No matter how deep his scheming, no matter how perfect his plan, no matter how high his previous cultivation level was, at this moment, he was just a small early-stage foundation-building cultivator. opponent.

His gaze pierced through the billowing demonic energy, fixed on Yunli, and warned solemnly: "Don't forget our deal, you swore it in the name of the God of Suzaku."

"It's not yours..." Tulan's eyes widened in disbelief, Xuaner remembered what Ning Wujue said on Guiwang Mountain, and suddenly realized.

The demonic energy was raging, and the instruments Ning Wujue sacrificed collapsed one by one, and he was soon stretched, and he was about to be swallowed by the demonic energy.


Thinking of this, he hated Yunli so much, damn Phoenix!

Yunli looked away, only to see Wei Lin still standing at the exit, casting spells to expel the devilish energy while maintaining the order of the ghosts.

It was him who had dyed clothes in his heart, and he was the one who was targeting him after being enchanted, how could Yunli dare to let him get close, Huanshi Ling flew out, and instantly sent him flying.

Yunli's eyes felt slightly hot when she saw it. It wasn't Ranyi who did the wrong thing, but she paid the worst price.

As she said that, she hurriedly grabbed a ghost cultivator who was about to fly into the entrance, made a space, and pushed Wei Lin forward.

However, the shimmering light is firm and long-lasting, just like a sea god needle, it does not move at all despite the surging devilish energy.

She looked at the battle situation, and there was only a small cloud of white light, which was as faint as the glimmer of fireflies in the dark night in front of the raging devil energy.

In this world, why do bad people live better?
It shouldn't be like this...

She was anxious: "Brother, why are you still here? Get out!"

He could only suppress his anger, and once again used his defensive magic weapon to deal with Ranyi's attack.

Time was running out, Yunli couldn't stand a stalemate with him, let go of the ghost cultivator, and continued to block the demonic energy.

A person like her loves passionately, hates decisively, and never leaves room for it.

Ning Wujue quickly sacrificed an ancient dark copper mirror, and the dark golden aura kept the devilish energy out.

Now she doesn't know how to make seals at all, Honglian Yehuo and Manzhushahua have been forgotten by her.

The Chengying halo is obviously the nemesis of demon energy, even the dyed clothes who lost their sanity were burned and screamed.

However, she refused to retreat and rushed forward over and over again.

Different from her embarrassment, Ning Wujue was dressed in white clothes, and under the protection of the life bead, he was calm and unhurried. He looked over the dyed clothes and looked at Yunli, with a cold expression on the corner of his mouth: "What a divine beast Phoenix, what a treacherous person! "

Yunli retorted: "In terms of treachery, who can compare with you, cheating ignorant girls, trampling others..."

(End of this chapter)

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