all the way to fairy

Chapter 720 Ruizhu

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly saw the manjusawa phantom in the red moon on the sky quickly solidified.

Yunli was astonished. Didn't Ranyi's intelligence have been eroded by the devil's energy? Why did he start manipulating the flowers of the Styx again?

A demon who can manipulate the flower of nothingness, danger, capitalized danger!
She hurriedly glanced at the team, quickly counting the time, hesitating whether to go out without waiting for the last moment.

As for ghost cultivators who are too late, they can only give up.

After hesitating, Manzhushahua was completely solidified, but its petals did not fly down as before, and it still stopped at the red moon.

But Ranyi still attacked Ning Wujue without any rules.

Didn't she control it?

Yunli was puzzled, and in the next second, Ning Wujue's life pearl trembled, flew towards Manzhu Shahua, and landed on the stamen.

This turn of events shocked everyone.

Ning Wujue didn't expect it at all, without the protection of the life bead, dyed clothes' sharp claws grabbed his shoulders fiercely.

"I have a solution!" She turned to look at Wei Lin with burning eyes.

After some negotiations, Tulan asked Yunli Weilin to help clear the demonic energy together with a hundred top-grade soul beads.

Yunli smiled, the hidden danger of dyeing clothes was completely solved, she was in a good mood, and the others were also relieved, especially the ghost cultivator who hadn't left yet, almost wept with joy.

However, Dye Yi's cultivation level was already much higher than theirs, and after becoming enchanted, her strength skyrocketed. The three tried their best, but they only allowed her to fly a short distance away.

Wei Lin raised his eyebrows slightly, "Lead her into the law of nothingness."

She stopped moving, and threw herself at Ning Wujue again, she only had one eye.

The dyed clothes are gone, and he is not in a hurry to go out. He has no handle to restrain him, and he can't beat him.

Ning Wujue gritted his teeth, temporarily put aside his suspicions, and flew towards the flower of the Styx.

"Yes!" Yunli nodded, eliminating the source of the magic energy of dyeing clothes, and the other magic energy is water without a source, which can be slowly eliminated.

In a blink of an eye, she understood that Ning Wujue's life pearl should be derived from the stamen pearl of the flower of the Styx, and without the stamen, nothingness would be naturally incomplete.

"If it wasn't for you plague gods to attract her, would there be demonic energy?" Tulan gritted his teeth.

Ghost power is yin and cold, and its effect on dealing with devil energy is greatly reduced. It can't compare with spiritual power, let alone Nirvana Sky Fire.

Having made up their minds, they acted immediately. Yunli condensed a crimson spiritual power shield to protect her whole body, flew to the left side of Hongyue, threw out the phantom silk and wrapped it around the waist of the dyed clothes; Demonic energy, flew to the right side of the red moon, wrapped the arm of the dyed clothes with the nine nether silks; To dye clothes.

As soon as he touched the flower of the Styx, the soul body of the dyed clothes collapsed and disappeared without a scream.

Tulan sent a group of ghost cultivators out to deal with the remaining demon energy, while she pointed to the Styx flower on the sky, squinted, and said, "You don't want to pay for this, do you?"

She recalled the whole process in detail, and didn't see that he was injured, but during the battle, there were always things that she couldn't take care of, so she still had to ask.

"The law of nothingness!" Yunli exclaimed, this is the complete law of nothingness!

Finally, with the joint efforts of several people, Ranyi bumped into the flower of the Styx, Yunli held her breath, this flower was sacrificed by her, I don't know if it will be effective for the master?
In just a moment, she knew what to worry about.

Yunli stood up: "If you are willing to give it, I won't mind."

"Oh, what a thick-skinned." Tu Lan made a complaint, raised her hand, and drew a half-arc ghost mark.

The two seals meet, and they all fly to the red moon. The initial test is successful, the two hand formulas change slightly, the ghost seal and spiritual seal are simultaneously strengthened, and the red moon shines brightly.

He was in pain, and when he realized it, a red light flashed on his fingertips, and a burst talisman hit Ranyi's body, and at the same time, a deep yellow light shone on his body.

"Don't stop, clean up the demon energy quickly." Looking at the dilapidated Fengcheng, Tu Lan's heart was bleeding, so many years of painstaking efforts were ruined!
Yunli followed his gaze, rolled her eyes, and said slyly: "This is the world of reincarnation, your territory, we don't work for nothing."

Having settled the source of the demonic energy, Yunli exhaled heavily, "It's finally done!"

For low-level monks, the Explosive Talisman is a great killer, but in the face of the enchanted dyed clothes, the Explosive Talisman is just a firework, and it can't hurt her at all.

When they were targeted by Dye Yi at first, although they were a little flustered, they escaped in the end. Later, Dye Yi was not targeted by them, so it was relatively easy to deal with.

"The petals are all right?" Wei Lin came to her side and asked via voice transmission. He had witnessed the power of the law of nothingness with his own eyes, and he couldn't help worrying.

After spending three whole days, most of the magic energy was finally cleared away, only a small amount drifted away.

After holding back for a long time, he spat out heavily: "Grass!"

"What's the situation?" Someone asked suspiciously.

The law of nothingness, blurs all things, on the sky, the bright red full moon has now become a slender last quarter moon, and if it is allowed to blur, the only crescent moon left will disappear.

However, Ning Wujue's purpose is not to injure the enemy, but to use the huge impact of the Explosive Talisman to open the distance and stay away from the dyed clothes.

Yunli is even more strange, she also has life beads, whether it is to draw out the spiritual energy of the continents, or to melt the Nine Nether Silk, it is an act of protecting the Lord, why do you still let yourself run away?
A slight sound came from somewhere, and Yunli felt that the whole world was shaking, and her consciousness faltered for a moment, but she soon regained clarity.

Sealing Huangquan is the decision of the two worlds, the fairy and the underworld. Now, this flower of the Styx river that contains the law of nothingness will naturally be sent back to the bank of the Styx river by them.

Yunli smiled easily: "I haven't found any problems for the time being, and I will check it after I go back. How about you? Are you not injured?"

Yunli frowned in thought, Xuan'er tilted her head slightly, and said, "Why don't we talk about your purpose of building the city?"

On the sky, the bright red manjusawa floated quietly, and there seemed to be invisible monsters around it. The turbulent devilish energy came nearby and disappeared in an instant.

Wei Lin's hanging heart also fell to the ground: "No."

Slowly, the world was shaken, and a quiet river phantom appeared above the red moon, and the flower of the Styx, which was parked in the air, was pulled and drifted slowly.

Yunli turned her expression back, and also formed a seal and recited the formula, condensing a half-arc spiritual seal. Her spiritual power was not of sufficient quality, so she could only use more spiritual power to twirl into the Nirvana Heavenly Fire to barely reach the standard.

Push and pull together.

Tulan: "..."


Yunli's spirit was shaken, as long as she floated on the phantom of Styx, the flower of Styx would be sent back to Huangquan, and the trip would be completed.

Unexpectedly, it drifted slower than a snail, less than half a meter away, and it took a quarter of an hour to drift away, and Yunli couldn't hold it anymore.

This seal seems simple, but in fact it consumes a lot of spiritual power, and the power of the two seals must be kept the same without a slight difference, and the requirements for spiritual consciousness are not small.

Happy Lantern Festival

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