all the way to fairy

Chapter 721 Poison

Wei Lin stepped forward, put his palm on her back, and passed on his spiritual power to her. Although it was just a drop in the bucket, Yun Li persisted for a while.

It was precisely this moment of persistence that the flower of the Styx arrived at its destination, and was pulled by the phantom of the Styx.

Yunli breathed a sigh of relief, and changed her hand formula again to complete the last step.

At this moment, a warning sign suddenly appeared, and a fierce killing intent locked on her.

She subconsciously swung her consciousness, and two meters to their right, a blazing light shot straight towards her.

Yunli was astonished that someone could hide near them without being discovered!
At such a short distance, the attack came in an instant, but Yunli ignored it, and the spirit seal was at the last moment, so it couldn't be done in vain.

Besides, she's not alone.

When the blazing aura flew in front of him, Wei Lin held his sword and stepped out, with green leaf sword intents blocking the airtightness in front of him.

What attacked them was a magic weapon with the nature of explosion, which was quite powerful. Before Wei Lin's sword intent could touch it, it was exploded by the sharp attack.

There was a loud noise, and the field of vision was filled with blazing white. The sword intent collided with the spiritual light, the air flow was violent, and the surrounding buildings roared and collapsed.

He opened his mouth, but only spit out a few vague syllables.

As if grabbing a life-saving straw, she hurriedly searched through Wei Lin's storage bag, but a soft call came from above her head, "Ali."

Two sounds appeared almost at the same time, one was dull, as if a heavy object had fallen, and the other was crisp, as if a metal object had fallen to the ground.

With this moment of effort, the double seal of spirit and ghost successfully completed the last step, and the flower of the Styx, which contained the law of nothingness, was sent back to the underworld.

Wei Lin only felt that Ning Wujue's voice was far away, his eyes became more and more blurred, and his consciousness gradually became chaotic.

He tried his best to open his eyes, but his vision was still blurred, and the intermittent voice seemed to be hazy through a hood, only the liquid dripping on his face was hot and vivid.

"What's wrong with you?" She helped Wei Lin up, and quickly checked his situation with her spiritual sense, but found nothing.

Yunli pursed the corner of her lower lip, forced herself to hold back her panic, put her palm on Wei Lin's heart, helped him catalyze the panacea, and hurriedly muttered: "Brother, hold on! Hold on!"

Although the explosive magic weapon is powerful, it is only a middle-grade earth-level weapon. The brother blocked it easily just now, and the fact that he was not injured is a big proof.

Yunli flashed her figure, bypassed the explosion area, and rushed backwards. The orange silk in her hand flew out, and before the opponent's ground escape talisman took effect, she entangled the attacker and dragged him out with irresistible force.


She is afraid of being alone.

She murmured helplessly, poured out the remaining three Panacea Pills with her backhand, and fed them all to Wei Lin with trembling hands.

Panacea really doesn't work.

So what does he want to do?
Yunli became alert suddenly, and interrupted the seal to prevent them from sending away the flower of Styx?Get back the so-called life beads?

Yunli was stunned, then raised her head almost mechanically, and Wei Lin looked at her sadly.

"It's useless, the invisible poison has no solution. It can be as short as a breath, or as long as half a moment, and you will definitely die!
At this moment of effort, the poison must have spread all over his body, even if the Da Luo Immortal came, it would be useless! "Ning Wujue said almost cruelly, with joy in his tone.

No, he can't die!He promised her that he would accompany her to cultivate immortality, and he would accompany her forever!
Wei Lin urged Wen Shenlian to mobilize his spiritual power and control his body with all his spiritual consciousness. However, his body was like a world of rocks and rocks.

A bad premonition suddenly rose in her heart, and she turned around abruptly, only to see Wei Lin lying on the ground, and the Li Lijian in her hand was buzzing from the ground.

Yunli was completely panicked. She didn't know much about poison, and there was no such poison in the inheritance.

Yunli couldn't hear his words at all. At this moment, all her attention was on Wei Lin.

In just a moment, Wei Lin's fair face turned black and purple at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Necrosis, vitality, God punishes vitality!

The person in her arms felt slightly cold to the touch, she lowered her head in a daze, stretched out her hand to check Wei Lin's breath, but she didn't breathe at all.

So, he was pretending to escape?

Wei Lin felt a blur in front of his eyes, and an unprecedented sense of weakness engulfed him.

She raised her head again, Wei Lin's soul faded a little.

If it was said that before, she still suspected that Ning Wujue was lying to her, now she has to believe it.

His body was normal, not even injured.

The consciousness is light and floating, without any focus...

"What did you do?" He repeated, laughing lowly, with a ferocious and crazy look on his face, "Have you heard of the invisible poison?"

Ning Wujue was entangled by Huan Shiling, and struggled several times, but to no avail, he simply stopped struggling.

"It took me 10 years to escape from the River of Styx, 7 years to strip off the void pistil, and 5 years to search for the soul of extreme yin. All my plans for so many years were all ruined by you."

what happened?

Yunli's mind was blank, her body was ahead of her mind, and she leaped over in one stride.

Tulan's forehead was bulging, but she couldn't help but shout: "Grass!"

Ning Wujue stared at the desperate Yunli, gnashing his teeth with hatred: "If you ruin my life, I will kill your beloved!"


Tulan was also shocked, looking at Ning Wujue with a bit of fear, the three of them were very close just now, and he didn't notice anything unusual.

She inspected Wei Lin's body over and over again, but still found no trace of the invisible poison. However, his flesh, bones, and internal organs were all dying.

The elixirs refined by many precious spiritual plants finally had a little effect. The warm medicinal power flowed through the meridian dantian, and Wei Lin regained a little sobriety.

At the moment when Ranyi bumped into the flower of the Styx, Ning Wujue fled immediately, jumped into the exit before the exit disappeared, and didn't even confirm the death of Ranyi.

Yunli's pupils trembled, and she quickly took out the panacea and gave it to Wei Lin, who quickly used his kung fu to dissolve the medicine.

"Ning Wujue?" Seeing the attacker clearly, she was very surprised, "Didn't you go back to Canglan?"

He opened his mouth, wanting to tell her that she was fine, but he felt powerless. There seemed to be a hole in his body, and all the strength flowed away.
Suddenly, he remembered her deep fear and helplessness when she learned that there was no fairy fate that year.

The picture of death in the previous life appeared in her mind, and the fear of losing it overwhelmed her, "No, it can't be ineffective, the panacea can't be ineffective..."

poison? !

"What did you do?" Yunli suddenly turned her head, staring at Ning Wujue.

It turned out that he was already dead, and his soul had left his body.

"Warming God Lotus!" Looking at the bamboo moon-colored lotus in Wei Linhun's body, Tulan exclaimed, and suddenly realized that it was no wonder that he could be refined into an extremely yin soul.

"Oh, what a pity!"

Yunli was still unwilling to give up, she blinked her eyes, and suddenly remembered something, "Sealing Soul Bead!"

Yes, there is also the Soul Sealing Orb. If the body is gone, it will be gone, but the soul is still there, so I can always think of a way in the future.

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