all the way to fairy

Chapter 722 Nirvana

With a sharp turn in his brain, Yunli threw out the Soul-Sealing Orb with his backhand, and the Soul-Sealing Orb was glowing with aura, floating above Wei Lin's soul body.

One breath, two breaths...

Wei Lin's soul became weaker and weaker, but the Soul Sealing Orb still hadn't absorbed him into it.

"Hey, it's useless. He has cultivated to the golden core stage, and there is no possibility of reincarnation." Tulan couldn't stand it anymore, and said sympathetically.

Hearing this, Yunli couldn't bear it any longer, her tears rolled down like broken beads, she tried her best to activate the Soul Sealing Bead, saying incoherently: "Senior Brother, don't, don't die..."

Just finished the spiritual seal earlier, both spiritual power and consciousness were consumed a lot, and what I did later was all due to strong support.

At this time, she frantically activated the Soul Sealing Orb, and her spiritual consciousness had reached its limit. On her pale face, the veins on her forehead were bulging, bleeding was oozing from the corners of her mouth, eyes, and nostrils, and her body was even more precarious.

Wei Lin raised his head and looked at the Soul Sealing Orb, even though he was very reluctant to part with it, he had no choice but to say goodbye at this moment: "A Li, put it away."

"No, there must be a way!" Yunli shook her head desperately, "There is also Nanmi, and the soul lamp. Yes! Nanmi, and her!"

Yunli raised her head and shouted, "Nanmi—Nanmi—"

An Ran froze in place, unable to speak for a long time, and never again did she realize so clearly that she was no longer her cousin.

"The majesty of the beast is really extraordinary."

"Where's Ah Li?" Mu Yan stretched her neck and looked towards the gap, Wei Lin's situation, obviously something unexpected happened in the secret territory.

"Lei Qilin!" An Ran exclaimed, "How did it come out?"

The efficacy of the blood of the phoenix in life and death, flesh and bones comes from this.

Phoenix ashes, Nirvana rebirth.

This wait is another three days.

Suddenly, the wind gushed and the fire moved, and the crimson sea of ​​flames set off a turbulent turmoil, clearing into the clouds, a huge orange-gold phoenix flew out of the sea of ​​flames, went straight to the sky, and disappeared from the sight of everyone in Cang Lan.

Yunli curled up her lips, but tears flowed wantonly along her cheeks, she lightly raised her fingertips, and the demon pill flew over, taking Wei Lin's soul into it.

All the ghosts fled, scrambling to escape back to the underworld, not daring to wait and see.

Everyone was shocked and excited. After Donglu, it is well known that Yunli is a phoenix. However, this is the first time that people really saw her real phoenix body.

The blood cannot be used with the Longevity Mantra, so it directly uses the vitality of Nirvana Heavenly Fire!

In the next second, a huge dark purple monster covered in lightning came out of the gap and hit the ground. Its limbs plowed deep grooves on the ground, and it slid tens of meters before barely stopping.

"Brother Wei!"

He swallowed hard, retreated violently, with a flash of white light all over his body in the middle of the journey, he had fled from this world.

Unfortunately, this is the world of reincarnation, Nan Mi did not come.

An Ran was about to refuse, when a huge hole suddenly opened in the air, as if being forcibly torn apart, the gap was extremely irregular.

After killing Ning Wujue, Yunli called the Yaodan out of her body, and raced against time to activate the Wenshenlian, sensing Wei Lin's aura.

Mu Yan thought of a possibility, she relaxed a little, and continued to wait patiently.

"Shut up, you don't want to die, what are you talking about..."

Yaodan lay quietly in her palm without any movement, she held it slowly, and whispered softly: "I will bring you back."

Those with insufficient cultivation were instantly crushed to the ground.

When the morning light was twilight, everyone suddenly had strong heart palpitations. Looking around, the clouds in the sky were dyed red, and the sun was shining.

In fact, she knew very well that even if Nan Mi came, there was nothing she could do.

Tulan raised her head with difficulty, clusters of crimson flames fell endlessly from the void, like a rain of crimson fire.

"found it."

Canglan Continent, Beishan System.

It stands to reason that in seven days, even if it fails, he should find a way to come back.

Obviously, it didn't come out on its own initiative.

Seeing this situation, Ning Wujue jumped up, intending to sacrifice the teleportation formation, which he spent three days refining temporarily, in order to escape after revenge.

The sky fire was billowing, turbulent and surging, burning the sky and the earth crimson, and the dim world of reincarnation was as bright as day.

Su Ning Zhenjun suggested softly: "Mu Xiaoyou, An Xiaoyou, why don't you follow me to the Mirage Palace to rest first, An Xiaoyou's injury still needs rest."


Such conversations happened everywhere in the Canglan Continent, and almost all the monks were talking about it.


Now, what she has to do is to call back Wei Lin's soul from nothingness by taking advantage of the strange induction between Bingdi and Wen Shenlian when the Inextinguishable Volcano shatters the void.

"Do not--"

Dodo's panicked voice brought her back to her thoughts, she turned her head and saw Mu Yan staring at the sky in a daze, with tears streaming down her face.

"Immortal Volcano!" Tu Lan's throat was dry, and he stared blankly at the desperate woman in the flames, "This is, Nirvana!"



Above the sky, there is an ancient, desolate and terrifying coercion suddenly invaded, and everything under the sky is mired in mud, and it is difficult to move.

"Sister, what's wrong?"

"Yes! If you can have such a spiritual pet, it will be worth dying for."

The magic of Nirvana Heavenly Fire lies not only in its terrifying power to burn mountains and seas and burn everything, but also in its vitality, the title of the flame of life.

Moreover, he is an extremely yin soul, even if he enters reincarnation again, he will go to the underworld.

Grabbing with five fingers, she recalled the Yaodan, felt the familiar aura inside, her eyes were filled with heat, she cried with joy: "Senior brother."

At this moment, the wall of the world seemed to become thinner, and a small world could be faintly seen, glowing red, a sea of ​​flames.

"A Li hasn't come out yet!" Mu Yan was so anxious that she didn't care about exposing Dodo's talent, so she ordered through voice transmission: "Duodo, try to see if you can go in."

"Senior Sister An, follow Zhenjun to the Illusion Palace, I'm here." Thinking of An Ran's injury, Mu Yan couldn't help persuading her.

"That's... Fairy Yun?"

Time is running out, so hurry up.

"Wei Xiaosan!" She exclaimed and hurried over.

Wei Lin's soul body was so faint that he could hardly see it, only a soft voice echoed in the wind, "Senior brother can't accompany you anymore, you have to be good..."

Yunli rushed over in despair, but only grabbed a piece of air. She knelt on the ground, raised her head and screamed in despair: "Senior brother——"

However, just as he jumped up, his ankles tightened, and a powerful force dragged him into the sea of ​​flames. At the end of his consciousness, he met a pair of burning orange eyes of despair, with boundless killing intent overwhelming the sky.

Ning Wujue's wanton laughter echoed in her ears, endless anger spread from the bottom of her heart, instantly burning her in despair, and clusters of crimson flames escaped from her body...

Dodo shook her head like a rattle, pointed to the sky, and replied: "No, the void is very dangerous now, I will be burned to death."

It has been seven days, and the exit has been closed. According to the ghost cultivator who came out last, they seem to have found a way to deal with it.

"Thank you, Zhenjun, for your kindness. My injury is not a problem." An Ran waved his hand. After they came out, they waited here, and a bunch of ghost cultivators were welcomed, but Yunli and Yunli didn't come out for a long time.

The Nine Great Medicines of the Heaven and Earth, the Warming God Lotus, can warm and nourish even if there is only one fragment of the soul left.

The crimson flame landed on Yunli's body, and in the blink of an eye, it joined the crimson flame escaping from her body to form a sea of ​​flames.

Immediately afterwards, a huge transparent bubble flew out. Inside the bubble lay a person and a sword. Wei Lin was breathing shallowly, as if he had been seriously injured and fell into a deep sleep.

Pushing it again and again, finally finding a faint breath, Yunli hurriedly flew over.

As soon as she moved, the unquenchable volcano in the void moved, and the void shattered. This time, it was no longer a faint breath.

Mu Yan, Jingxu, and Douduo also exclaimed incessantly, hurriedly stepped forward to check, and soon, they recognized that the transparent bubble was transformed from Wei Linjiao's cassock, and the protection should be turned on at this time, unless Wei When they woke up, they couldn't open the bubbles.

Different from the third generation, the current Wei Lin is a Jindan monk, and the law of the Dao is not something they can compete with.

Lei Qilin raised his head and looked at the closed gap, his huge deep purple eyes were blank.

"Ayan, you..." An Ran frowned, and she felt a strange strangeness in Mu Yan again.

"The phoenix is ​​in the sky, and all living beings worship." Mu Yan looked at the sky, tears rolling down, "She finally did what you expected, and she was decisive. Are you satisfied?"

The first realm, the Canglan Continent is over.

Goodbye, Yunli.

At this point, the plot of the Canglan Continent is over, and the name Yunli is officially abandoned, and she will be Shaohaoyue from now on.

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