Ninefold Star Que, a mansion in the Cangxuan Immortal Territory.

In the bright study room, the man has a tall figure and a firm face, standing in front of a map with his hands behind his back, his brows are tightly frowned.

This is a battle map, black and white dots are intertwined and engulfed, although both sides have been engulfed, but it is clear that the black dots are engulfed faster than the white dots.

"If this goes on like this, I'm afraid this match will be lost!" An anxious look flashed across Baixi Xianjun's face, walking back and forth around the map.

As he walked, his consciousness suddenly went into a trance, and when his vision became clear again, he was no longer in his study.

He stood on a wooden bridge, surrounded by green trees, gurgling water, and elegant buildings hidden in the green shadows of blue waves.

Not far in front of him, there is a man in green shirt, handsome and calm, with a calm expression.

"Are you...the Immortal Attendant of the Nine Rivers God?" Immortal Baixi was shocked when he recognized the man in blue. He raised his eyes and looked around, "This is Tianyu Mountain?!"

Jiuxi God is the Supreme of the Phoenix Clan, one of the Eight Great Supremes of the Immortal League, even the younger generation of the Phoenix Clan can't often see him.

Although he is a Da Luo Jinxian, he can be regarded as the backbone of the entire fairy alliance, but he is very soft-spoken in the face of the Supreme Dao Ancestor Realm.

After a short breath, he was shocked, and hurriedly resigned. The shocking news: the little highness of the Feng family who was supposed to be recuperating in Tianyu, was reincarnated in his Canglan Realm!
Immortal Baixi regained her composure and quickly cleared her mind. Back then, she was not seriously injured, but died. The serious injury was just an excuse for the Feng Clan.

With a sigh, he pulled out a smiling face and said, "It's nothing, everything is normal, thank you God for your support."

Unexpectedly, after a meaningful exchange of greetings, there was no more to say. The Jiuxi God still turned his back to him, and for a while a needle could be heard quietly.

Just when he was about to be overwhelmed, Jiuxi God finally turned around and said: "The war is so tight that I don't have time to take care of the situation in the small world."

Immortal Baixi calmed down, nodded, and entered the quiet small building in front of him. The Jiuxi God stood by the lake with his back to the door, facing the wind.

After settling this matter, Jiuxi God still had a look of worry on his face. It has been a while since Yiye Di was removed, why didn't he come back?
Standing quietly for a while, he sighed lightly, and was about to enter the house when he suddenly felt a strange movement of the Inextinguishable Volcano.

Lord Jiuxi nodded lightly, "Little friend works for the Immortal League, such a trivial matter is nothing to worry about."

Nirvana, Your Highness?
Kong Qing was startled, the so-called phoenix nirvana, burning in anger, reborn in despair.

However, Immortal Baixi felt a layer of invisible pressure, he couldn't even breathe smoothly, and the flow of immortal power in his body was even more stagnant.

In such a small world, who can push His Highness into a desperate situation?

What's more, he is a human race, so I really don't understand why the supreme phoenix clan asked him?
Kong Qing stretched out his hand and made a gesture of invitation: "Xianjun, the gods are here to invite you."

In such a small world, what should Jiuxi God pay attention to?
His thoughts turned sharply, but he didn't show it on his face, and replied tactfully: "It's true that I haven't checked it for a long time, and I'm lucky to come to Tianyu today, can I ask the gods to protect me for a while?"

Holding a long spear, the young man in red leaped tens of meters in the air, and suddenly fell into the encirclement of the demon army.

When he opened the door and saw the empty courtyard, he was stunned. It was probably His Highness who could make the god so anxious.

The spear in his hand swept across, bursting with flames, flying in all directions, and the surroundings fell like wheat waves, blood and flesh flew everywhere, and there was not a single demon standing standing in a radius of several feet

Resurrected from the dead, the Feng Clan has the treasure that can revive the Immortal Clan! ! !
After the shock, he couldn't help crying inwardly. The Feng Clan refused to close the case in Yueqing World War I, so many pairs of eyes were staring at him, waiting for the person involved to leave the customs.

He is a human cultivator who has ascended from the lower realms, and he is incomparable to Xingque's native family sect, with profound background and not so many small worlds.

When Kong Qing heard the movement, he hurriedly raised his voice to inquire. The next second, Jiuxi's body turned into green smoke and disappeared from the spot.

After a while, a girl in a dark purple outfit with high black hair came through the air, and said with a smile: "Little brother, it's wrong to bully ants, sister is here to fight you."

But after a while, his face was pale and sweaty, and he couldn't help beating his heart. Why did he call him here today? Could it be that he accidentally touched the bottom line of the Feng Clan?
He began to rack his brains, recalling what he had done recently, even recalling what he said on weekdays, and he didn't think there was anything that would offend the Feng family.

"Thank you God."

Immortal Baixi bowed respectfully: "Xiaoxian Baixi, I have met the god."

After careful inspection, he said in surprise, "Nirvana?"

In desperation, there will be Nirvana.

The long spear collided with two whirling crescent scimitars, the long spear glowed red, and the scimitar purple awns skyrocketed.

Following his opening, the pressure on his body suddenly eased, Immortal Baixi breathed a sigh of relief, and became more and more confused.

"The demons have increased their troops, and the battle is a bit tight, but it is still within the controllable range." Xianjun Baixi carefully considered his words, and replied respectfully, waiting for his business.

With one shot, Shaohao Luo didn't stop. He swung his spear and spun his feet like a spinning hot wheel.

Unfortunately, how could he get involved in this matter.

Immortal Baixi's face twitched, it was almost naked, the purpose of the god was the Canglan Xiaojie.

A human race, a Feng clan, the God of Jiuxi specially invited him here, and naturally he would not care about the fighting situation of the human race.


Seeing that he understood the intention, stamped the conclusion on the matter, and made a promise implicitly, the Jiuxi god would not keep him, saying: "Hurry up, the battle is busy, and the deity will not keep my little friend."

A few days later, the Exorcism Pass.

Deafening shouts, screams, and collisions intertwined continuously, resounding from all directions on the battlefield.

It was only by chance and coincidence back then that I was lucky enough to get the Canglan Realm.

He was fighting like a fool, and suddenly felt the killing intent, and he swung his spear without thinking.

"Xiaoxian retire."

"How's the battle going?"

After a pause, he turned to the topic of war again, beating around the bush and complimenting the younger generation of the Feng clan, and at the end, he said with a sincere expression of concern: "Calculating the time, Yue Palace has been in retreat for more than [-] years. I don't know how the injury is. wake?"

To be more polite, Immortal Baixi immediately sat down on the ground, thinking about it in his heart, communicating with the soul avatar left behind in Canglan, and checking the memory of the avatar for nearly ten thousand years.

"Damn, you really linger!" Shaohao Luo couldn't help cursing, gave up killing the Chinese army, and focused on dealing with the girl.

The girl in purple was born in Abyss, one of the four famous sects of the demon clan. She is one of the few young geniuses of the demon clan, and her cultivation level is slightly higher than his.

Xun Xia smiled softly: "Little brother is very energetic and seductive, and my sister is kind and loving, so you can't be haunted."

Judging from past experience, she couldn't get anything cheap from this cheeky witch, so Shaohao Luo shut up and focused on dealing with it.

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