all the way to fairy

Chapter 727 Future

When the berserk fairy light reached its peak, Fang Lie roared and threw the sledgehammer: "Old Zhu!"

Obviously, Zhu Yu and him are not the first day to cooperate, and the two have a perfect understanding.

When the giant hammer was thrown to the edge, the Xianzhou defensive formation opened a gap that was only a circle larger than the giant hammer, and it quickly closed again after the giant hammer passed through.

The whole process is completed in the blink of an eye.

The giant hammer with fiery red celestial light blatantly met the huge stern of the ship!

In the void, the sound cannot be transmitted, and there is a formation to isolate it. Everyone didn't hear the sound of the collision, and they knew that it must be earth-shattering.

The two objects collided, and the sledgehammer was knocked away after holding on for only two breaths. The sledgehammer was pushed with strong force, and it slammed into the defensive formation of the fairy boat.

Without the owner's continuous supplement of immortal power, and under the void magnetic storm, the immortal hammer only persisted for a moment before it was shattered by the impact of the ship's stern.

But after Fang Lie's immortal hammer resisted and unloaded the force, the attack falling on the defensive formation was no longer enough to break through the formation. Instead, its huge impact force increased the speed of the fairy boat, and it shot out in the opposite direction.

The huge demon ship deftly turned, straightened its hull, and chased after it. At the same time, the hull shook, and a giant crossbow arrow the thickness of an arm and several feet long shot at it.

Under the turbulent demon energy, the power of faith in the two of them quickly weakened, and their bodies and faces were deformed by the violent attack, and blood oozed from their faces and bodies.

Space origin!

Fang Lie cursed angrily, another sledgehammer appeared in his hand, his body suddenly swelled, and with a 'poof' sound, the fairy clothes on his body were broken, revealing a body of bronze-colored and strong muscles.

Fang Lie and Zhu Yu breathed a sigh of relief, under the magnetic storm, the best protection is the object of space attribute.

Although the power of faith prevented most of the magic energy, only a small amount was inhaled into the body, but Fang Lie was seriously injured now, and these tiny particles of magic energy were very dangerous.

He persuaded with earnestness and earnestness: "Crossing the catastrophe and ascending to immortality means being reborn. In a sense, it can be regarded as rebirth. There are countless contracts in the lower realms. Immortal friends must stand up by themselves."

Fang Lie raised his head and roared, his body swelled up again, all the immortal power was poured into the natal immortal hammer, the veins in his arms bulged, and he pushed the giant arrow away little by little.

Zhu Yu was terrified. While struggling to support him, he glanced worriedly at Fang Lie's condition from time to time.

Accompanied by a roar, on the hill-like muscles, the tendons of the python were knotted, and a holy golden light glowed.

Wei Lin's move of Wanshiqingliu, in terms of power alone, of course cannot compare with Fang Lie and Zhu Yu in the late stage of the Celestial Immortal Realm.

Wei Lin's eyes narrowed slightly, that was the power of faith!
The moment he was dazed, Fang Lie had turned into a human-shaped cannonball, rushed out of the immortal boat defense formation, swung his sledgehammer, and smashed hard at the giant crossbow arrow that was shot.

Zhu Yu was very surprised, this woman is weak and weak, she seems to have no strength, but she actually has a spiritual pet who ascends at the same time!
Could it be that she was very lucky, and by chance, she contracted a spiritual pet whose cultivation base is much higher than that of her body?

"Your spiritual pet has also ascended?"

Wei Lin raised his hand, and wisps of gray mist flew out, weaving into a fine space protection at the vital points of the two guides.

"It's not a spiritual pet, it's a friend." Knowing that he had misunderstood, Mu Yan retorted and asked again, "Will the demon clan attack the demon clan's receiving fairy boat?"

He looked at Wei Lin, and praised: "Before reaching the star tower, I understood the law of swordsmanship, and the future is boundless for immortal friends!"

With a slight tap of the toes, he jumped out of the protective formation of the fairy boat, green leaves were formed from the sword, and after gaining momentum for a moment, he swung the sword out.

What the giant arrow brings is not only a huge attack, but also an unrivaled speed. At this moment, the distance between the fairy boat and the magic ship has been opened again, and there is hope for escape!

The billowing green leaves turned into a giant green dragon, roaring and colliding with the giant arrow.

Before they finished exchanging greetings, Mu Yan interjected directly: "My dear friend, do the demons attack often? Will the fairy boats from the demons encounter them too?"

However, they refused to take a step back, clenched their teeth, and held on tightly, with saliva flowing from both sides of their trembling lips.

"Void Reaper! Damn! I really think highly of us!"

Wei Lin tightened his grip on the Li Li sword in his hand, his body was surrounded by gray mist, and soon he wove gray clothes to cover his body.

Fang Lie waved his hand and pointed to the cockpit.

"Old Fang! You don't want to die!"

When the Po'er Pill melted and the medicinal power took effect, Fang Lie immediately felt something unusual, his eyes lit up instantly, what a good pill!
He concentrates on practicing skills and absorbing the power of medicine.

Everyone helped Fang Lie clean up the blood on his body and bandage the wound. After thinking about it, Mu Yan gave him the Po'er Pill specially developed by her to eliminate the evil energy in his body.

The location of the attack was not far from the destination of the trip——Yueqing Immortal Domain. After escaping a certain distance, the magic ship gave up the pursuit.

Because of Wei Lin's move, Zhu Yu had a very good impression of him. He loved the house and Wu, and when facing Mu Yan who was with Wei Lin, he also had a little more kindness.

Zhu Yu was helpless, and quickly stuffed him with an elixir, and while darting towards the cockpit, he said to everyone: "Take care of him!"

The so-called Void Reaper means that no matter the battleship or spaceship, as long as it is hit, it will be destroyed, and in the void, the destruction of a ship means that there is no doubt that it will die.

"Just a fluke."

Everyone was stunned. It was the first time that they experienced the difference between the Xingque fairy clan and the monks in the lower realm. If they were in the lower realm, they might be forced out at this time, so they risked their lives to resist.

At this moment, Fang Lie had no energy left to speak. He was covered in blood, and his holy power of faith also turned into a dazzling golden red!
Under his desperate efforts, he finally gained a little advantage, and the giant arrow was slowly pushed away.

Zhu Yu was shocked, he didn't care about operating the fairy boat, flew over like lightning, and sacrificed his ink folding fan to resist together with him.

But under the desperate efforts of the two, it was comparable to the attack of a giant crossbow. Wei Lin's sword was like the last straw that crushed the camel's back. With their joint efforts, the giant crossbow was finally knocked into the air, and the two fell back to the fairy boat. Spit blood.

"Old Fang!"

"Old Fang, how are you?" Zhu Yufei quickly controlled the formation to close, and turned around to check Fang Lie's situation.

Zhu Yu came out of the cockpit and checked Fang Lie's situation. Seeing that there was no danger of his life, he completely let go of his hanging heart.

Before, the demons had never attacked the receiving and guiding fairy boat, and Mu Yan couldn't help worrying about Dodo.Over the years, although she has grown up a lot, she is not as timid as before, but she is still innocent and lacking in vigor.

"This is not necessarily true, but the probability is much smaller than ours.

In the past, the demons never attacked the receiving and guiding fairy boat. As the people who ascended from the lower realm emerged one after another, the demons were afraid, so they attacked frequently, trying to kill us in the cradle.

The monsters are different, they value bloodlines, and few of those who ascended have bloodlines stronger than those of Xingque's native fairy clan. "

Everyone was excited when they heard this, "So we have a bright future?"

PS: The heroine will be online in the next chapter.

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