all the way to fairy

Chapter 728 Awakening

Chapter 728 Awakening
"That's not!"

Zhu Yule gave them blood, pointed to Wei Lin and said, "Like this fairy friend, who comprehended the law of swordsmanship in the lower realm, he will definitely cause headaches for the demons in the future, and maybe he will be the next Lianyang Xianjun."

"Lian Yang?" Mu Yan was startled when she suddenly heard a familiar name.

With a thought in his mind, Wei Lin asked via voice transmission, "Do you know him?"

"Well, not long after she ascended, she was spotted by a dude who wanted to take her as a concubine, but Lian Yang refused, and the dude used dirty tricks to take her away.

Lian Yang killed her in anger, and was revenged by that small family. When she was desperate, Yue Yue passed by and rescued her. "

Mu Yan sighed secretly. At that time, she insisted that the world was either black or white, and she wanted to act chivalrously as written in the storybook.

After slaughtering several important leaders of the small family, it was discovered that they were the main guards of the small border city.

In desperation, Yueyue could only stay and guard the city, and gradually, that small border town became her fief - Yuecheng.

Zhu Yu thought she was curious about Lian Yang, so he explained: "Immortal Lian Yang, that is a role model for many people, he has been promoted to Daluo Jinxian, and his talent is no less than that of the top geniuses of the four major families.

She has come to Chuanxinchi more than once, and every time she heals her injuries and leaves, her aunt and grandma will pour her a cup of Liquan Lvxue.

That is source blood, a drop can life and death human flesh and bones.

Shaohaoyue walked over and gave a salute: "Aunt Zu and grandma."

Hearing this, Zhu Yu was sullen, and couldn't help but complain: "I said earlier that I would send more people, send more people, and I almost wouldn't be able to come back."

As if he knew what they were thinking, Zhu Yu said: "You don't have the residence qualifications yet, so of course you can't go to the mainland of Xingque.

The mist is dense and the fairy air is lingering, covering the surface of the pool like a weight.

With human arrogance, this group of people must be thinking that if it were them, they would definitely accept the little princess of the Feng clan as a spiritual pet and let her serve tea and water.

Hey, proud people, you have to bump into the south wall yourself to know how difficult it is for Feisheng Xianmin to achieve this status.

Yueqing Realm is a newly discovered world more than 4 years ago. Although it is not big, it contains rich resources.

The scale of the city is huge, and there are four eye-catching towers in the east, west, north, south, and four directions. They are built of bluestone, like a thousand-bladed peak.

The fairy boat formation is perfect, and its speed is more than twice as fast as that of a self-propelled sword. Of course, its safety is also higher than that of a self-propelled sword.

She stared blankly at the front, and after a while, her eyes became focused, and the light orange eyes regained their spirit.

They were once the supreme beings of one party, so they would not be willing to be inferior to others, let alone the personal guards of the juniors of the Yaozu.

Above the center of the pool, a young girl hangs quietly in the light golden fairy mist. It is clear that there is only a gentle breeze, but her clothes are blown and rattling, and the sleeves of her clothes are flying.

Suddenly, the girl's eyelashes trembled like butterfly wings, and she slowly opened her eyes, her eyes were blank.

From time to time, people hurried across the sky, and there seemed to be no one idle in the whole city.

Two hours later, a huge vortex of void appeared in everyone's field of vision. Zhu Yu pointed to the vortex and said, "Yueqing Realm is ahead."


Wei Lin's heart froze. This is the military camp she stayed in all year round. It was oppressive and solemn, which didn't match her personality at all.

"It can be regarded as coming back! Hurry up and go to the headquarters."

In the center of the courtyard, beside the bluestone round table, sat a woman in lavender, holding a teapot, and was slowly pouring tea into the cup.

Shao Haoyue sat down opposite her, picked up the cup of tea familiarly and drank it in one gulp: "How long will I be recuperating this time?"

Everyone was looking forward to it before, but when they heard that they finally became bodyguards, they immediately dismissed it. No matter how powerful a bodyguard is, they are just servants after all, which is shameful.

After passing the fairy certificate, enter the city under the leadership of the guards. The streets are wide and straight, and a little dense. There are patrol teams every few feet, and the guards are tight.

The little princess of the Feng clan broke the clan rules for her and promoted her to the head of the personal guard!You must know that the personal guards of the direct descendants of the Feng Clan have always been selected only from the geniuses of the Yu Clan. "

"Hey, after a walk in the mortal world, the demeanor has become refined." God Venerable Miaoyun put down the small bronze pot, and raised his eyebrows slightly.

As the breeze comes, the light golden mist rolls gently and slowly, layer by layer, drifting away to the top of the pool bank, as if encountering an invisible wall, and bounces back gently, without a wisp of mist overflowing out of the pool.

The middle-aged man was like burning his buttocks, and while talking cracklingly, he urged Wei Lin and the others to get off the boat.

The scorching sun, green vines, and the mottled shadow of the sun complement each other, creating a period of dusty years.

The destination of our trip belongs to the No. [-] war zone in the Xiling area. "

Deliberately waiting for the fairy boat, it can only be speed.

Everyone was shocked, Yueqing Realm, don't you want to go to Xingque?

"Why is the letter so urgent?" Zhu Yu was suspicious. He was also in Yueqing Realm, so he didn't need to cross the void to go to the headquarters, and he could control the sword by himself.

Sighing softly, she floated out of the range of the salary transfer pool and walked out. Outside the pool was a courtyard, an extremely quiet courtyard.

"Hey, isn't this a lack of manpower? Hey, I almost forgot the business. Come on, Lao Zhu, send me to the headquarters. There is an important letter, and I have to hand it to the eldest son."

While talking, the fairy boat passed through the maelstrom and arrived at the destination. Before Wei Lin and his party got off the boat, a man hurriedly jumped up.

Through the mist, the water in the pool is faintly golden, and the surface of the pool is as smooth as a mirror.

The location is very special, not far from the main battlefields of immortals and demons, it is the strategically important place that both sides dream of.Today, there is a battlefield for the juniors of the two clans of immortals and demons.

Wei Lin looked around curiously. In the distance, screams shook the sky, magic seals and immortal lights collided fiercely, the sky was dark and bloody, and a city stood nearby, which was the so-called training camp for newcomers.

Cangyu Immortal Territory, the Phoenix Clan's Salary Pool.

"Wake up." The woman said calmly without raising her head.

As early as when the middle-aged man urged him for the first time, Wei Lin and his party had already disembarked from the fairy boat quickly, and Zhu Yu hurriedly controlled the fairy boat to fly out, not even putting down Fang Lie who was healed.

The girl's eyes were lightly closed, and she took a long breath, and wisps of fairy mist flew into her body with her breath.

Zhu Yu smiled and didn't say any more. He also ascended from the lower realm, and he knew exactly what they were thinking.

Seeing Fang Lie, he paused: "Hey, are you... being attacked again?"

God Venerable Miaoyun's mouth twitched. Just after she finished praising her elegance, she turned her head and revealed her secrets. She shook her head and said, "Over thirty-seven thousand years."

"Thank you, grandma, aunt." Shao Haoyue got up, gave a salute, and was about to leave.

This anxious temperament has not changed at all. Every time she drinks her tea, she will leave without staying for a while. God Venerable Miaoyun is helpless and distressed, so she hasten to get down to business: "Your master asked you to go to Tianyu .”

After a pause, she emphasized again: "Go quietly."

(End of this chapter)

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