all the way to fairy

Chapter 729 Mission

Chapter 729 Mission
"Is there a mission?" Shaohaoyue stopped.

God Venerable Miaoyun didn't answer directly, she picked up the teacup and shook it gently, her tone was gentle and gentle: "Our Feng clan never suffers."

Shaohaoyue nodded, understood, Yueqing Jie.

Keep it a secret, naturally the less people know about her awakening, the better. Shaohaoyue made an invisibility formula, went to the teleportation hall in the clan, and teleported directly to the foot of Tianyu Mountain.

The mountain is quiet, the forest sea is like green, and under the bright sunshine in the morning, Tianyu Mountain is quiet and beautiful, just like in the past.

Shaohaoyue raised her head slightly, staring at the most towering Tianyu main peak among the mountains, she was stunned.

After an absence of more than [-] years, every inch of the homeland has a soft sense of familiarity. Maybe it is a walk in the world of mortals, and after the catastrophe of Nirvana, the unforgettable pain and grievances of the past have faded a lot.

After opening the formation and stepping into the mountain, the scenes of playing with Huahua in the past are still vivid in my memory, but my heart is no longer sharp.

She seemed really, really relieved.

"Your Highness!" The breeze blew, and a blue shadow appeared beside him, his voice trembling slightly, "I'm back."

Shaohaoyue's heart warmed up, and she smiled at him: "Uncle Kong is concerned."

"It's good to be back, it's good to be back!" Kong Qing's eyes were slightly red, "What are you doing so stupidly, why don't you use the body protection fairy artifact I gave you? Fortunately, I have been rescued, otherwise I would really be like those people meaning."

Shaohaoyue's expression froze for a moment, she pursed her lips and said, "The rules I set, naturally should lead by example."

After finishing speaking, seeing Kong Qing showing disapproval, he said first, "I'll go see Master first."

Kong Qing woke up like a dream, and tapped his forehead: "Look at me, I'm nagging, almost delaying the business, hurry up and go."

Entering the small building of mountain language, the faint sound of the piano can be heard, and there seems to be a fairy mountain surrounded by clouds and mist, and then falls into a quiet deep valley in a moment, the rustling sound of the wind passing through the forest, the gurgling sound of the water flowing on the stone, and even the sound of her walking footsteps are like accompaniment, Free and harmonious.

Shaohaoyue's thoughts moved slightly, and in the next second, he was at the lakeside. Not far away, Jiuxi God was sitting by the spring at will, playing by the water.

At this moment, the clear and beautiful morning light fell, covering his whole body, and his gestures and gestures were full of the meaning of being out of the world.

The spring water is cold, the breeze is gentle, after a song, Shaohaoyue only feels that his consciousness is clear, his body is extremely transparent, and the remaining violent energy of the original blood in his body is much more docile.

"Thank you, Master." She stepped forward and saluted respectfully.

The original blood in the salary pool comes from various elders and sages of different clans, and it is very effective. After it is fully refined, she will be able to break through to the middle stage of Taiyi Golden Immortal smoothly.

But after all, it is not my own strength, it takes some effort to refine it, but now with the help of Master's "Washing the Essence", it is much easier to refine it.

Jiuxi God Venerable turned around, looked at the only little apprentice, with mixed feelings, thousands of emotions came to his lips, and finally he only sighed helplessly: "You."

"I'm sorry." Shaohaoyue lowered her eyes and whispered.

The Jiuxi god was stunned, and looked around her seriously. After going through the calamity of Nirvana, he would naturally change, but he didn't expect her to change so much.

With a calm expression and a calm demeanor, it is not like before, with thorns all over his body, stabbing whoever he catches.


"I figured it out. She is just very important to me. In your long life, she is insignificant. I can't ask you to treat her like me. I can't save her because I'm not strong enough. I can't blame others."

Jiuxi was suspicious, if it was just like this, he wouldn't be so relieved, could it be that he met her?
He sighed softly: "Master, I know that you are wronged, and I know that you don't like these things, but there is no way, there are demons raging in the open, and all the tribes are watching secretly, you must grow up as soon as possible.

You are the phoenix girl chosen by Mingzhu, and you are destined to become the belief of our clan. You must have strong strength.Remember that disaster in the ancient times, we must not repeat the same mistakes. "

Shaohaoyue fell silent.

In the ancient times, a human cultivator rose up quickly, established the Goddess Palace, led the fairy clan to defeat the demon clan, beheaded the demon king, and forced the remaining demon clan to hide in their old lair.

Without the raging demons, I thought there would be peace, but I didn't expect that after the war, the human race became greedy and turned their attention to the former alliance, hunting and killing all races in the name of killing demons.

The mermaids are beautiful, and the mermaids they weave are the strongest defense in the world, and they are not good at fighting. They were slaughtered by the human race first, and almost wiped out. Only a few people were captured and reduced to goods and playthings.

The Anaconda Ray, Xuanyu, Cangxi and other clans were all wiped out, the Dragon Clan, White Tiger Clan, and Xuanwu Clan were also besieged and slaughtered, and the Phoenix Clan was the main target of the Human Race because of their strong vitality due to the blood of Nirvana.

The Feng clan is arrogant and doesn't like to reproduce. The clan members are fewer than other clans. One by one the clan members died, and the genocide is imminent.

The ancestors were helpless, the strong man cut off his wrist, planted a longevity curse in his blood, and lost the chance to take the blood of Nirvana.And with the twin contract, the two joined together to keep the same clan, so they were able to survive the disaster.

That period of history was tragic and humiliating for the Feng Clan, and every Phoenix needs to remember it.

Shaohaoyue drooped her eyelids slightly, looked at the bluestone at her feet, and said in a low voice: "I understand, I just..." It just takes time to grow up.

She blinked, calmed down, raised her eyes and asked, "What's the mission this time?"

Jiuxi God Venerable sighed secretly, and handed her a jade slip: "This is the general plan, you will finalize the specific details."

"it is good."

The next day, Shaohaoyue found Kong Qing: "Uncle Kong, send this letter to Brother Seven, and give me his reply as soon as possible."


"Oh, by the way, let Lian Jiang arrange the affairs at hand as soon as possible. He will accompany me on this mission."

"Lian Jiang, died in battle."

Shaohaoyue's movements froze, and Xuaner acted nonchalantly: "Tiao Lianxue."


"That's it, let's do it first."

Kong Qing agreed, turned and left.

Shaohaoyue slowly opened her hand, and one after another contract runes emerged in her palm. Fortunately, except for the one belonging to Lian Jiang, the rest were all lit up.

She let out a heavy breath, slowly clenched her palms tightly, and said two words softly after a long time: "Rest in peace."

Hey, no, why are there ten lights on?Not only is there no less, but there is one more!
Checking the personal guard contracts one by one, there were two more.

These two runes are slightly dim, and they should be contracted by her during the catastrophe in the lower realm. The distance is too far, so it is naturally dim.

But, the Tiger Clan who has awakened the Xuanshuang White Tiger bloodline is okay, you can't count on fighting, it's okay to watch the house and do some chores.

What happened to the other one?The weakest bear clan!

She scratched her head in doubt: "Am I so weak in the lower realm? Need the protection of a lowly bear clan? Will I not be coerced?"

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, Wei Lin and his party have been at the newcomer training camp for more than a month and have completed the training.

Today is the day they officially enter the battlefield.

(End of this chapter)

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