Chapter 736 Planning (3)

Feeling Shaohaojin's strange gaze, she suppressed the bloody plot surging in her mind, cleared her throat, and said seriously: "Look, the experience of the ancestors is there, and the people of the Mo family must be interested in Tianji's bloodline." Convinced.

Even if Motian hadn't awakened the bloodline of Tianji, he could use it if he arranged it so that he thought he had awakened. "

This kind of story-coincidence plan is not Shaohaojin's style. Seeing that she has a plan in mind, I can only believe it and follow her plan to perfect the details.

"There are two things that can be used. First, Shen Canghao has secretly returned to the Shen family and is preparing to be promoted to the middle stage of Daluo Jinxian. The high-level demon clan should be aware of this, but with Mo Fei's status, he will not know;
Second, a few days ago, Nightingale, the assassin of the Qiuxi Building, accepted the task of assassinating Bai Xi. With her strength, even if she failed, she would seriously injure Bai Xi. "

Shaohaoyue nodded. As the commander of the Beifu army, Immortal Baixi's assassination will definitely attract the attention of the demons. Motian knows that this matter is not unexpected, and it can be used as evidence that he has a glimpse of the secret.

Hey, wait, Nightingale accepted the mission to assassinate Bai Xi? !

She asked in surprise, "The former Nightingale died?"

It shouldn't be, with that girl's prudence and determination, she always only accepts certain tasks, how could she die?

"No, it's still that fairy named Ruge from before." Shao Haojin keenly caught her implication, and asked, "Why, does she have a relationship with Baixi?"

"Well, I bumped into Bai Xi and had a secret talk with her before. She is Bai Xi's Taoist companion in the lower realm. When she first ascended, Bai Xi took good care of her."

Shaohaojin was quite surprised, raised his eyebrows, and recorded the news in the Tianji Fan casually, and said: "Let's continue, Yanyuan only has this intention about the marriage, and has not clearly informed Mofei, I will let Heyou do his best." Son, make sure before they return to Yicheng."

After thinking for a while, Shaohao Yue said, "I'm going to..."

Two days later, the two finally finalized all the details. Shao Haojin rubbed his swollen head, got up and prepared to return to the Southern Wilderness Phoenix Clan War Zone. This time he came secretly, and if he left for too long, it would arouse the vigilance of the Demon Race .

Shaohaoyue got up, sent him out, walked to the door, Shaohaojin stopped, and handed her a few jade slips: "This is the summary of important events in these years, take time to read it.

Also, the Wang family in the No. [-] war zone of Xiling is secretly contacting the demons. It will be the first transaction in about half a month. You can drop by this trip, do me a favor, go there a few days in advance, and get evidence of the Wang family's collaboration with the enemy. "

"Which royal family?" Shaohaoyue recalled for a while, but had no impression of this family at all, only remembered that Xiling was under the jurisdiction of the Sishui Zhou family.

"The first affiliated family of the Zhou family in Boshui, the Zhou family has a weak background, and if it loses the Wang family, it will definitely be downgraded to a middle-ranking family in a short time."

After being stunned for a moment, Shaohaoyue understood that his target was the Song family.

The Zhou family is just an ordinary high-grade family of the human race, and the war zone is incompatible with the Feng family, let alone its affiliated families.

It can only be the Song family of the four major families of the human race that can make this seventh brother bother to target him.

"Okay." She nodded.

After sending Shaohaojin away, she also took action, preparing weapon pills.

All of her items were destroyed in that battle, and all of her items had to be prepared again.

Yueqing Realm, Xiling Seventh War Zone.

After more than a month of fighting, Wei Lin became a ten-man squad leader with outstanding meritorious service, and was in charge of a section of defense area independently.


The desolate horn sounded, and the third battalion ushered in a change of defense. This time, they could go back to the rear city and rest in peace for two days.

Of course, this has to be under the premise that there are no major accidents.

"It can be regarded as a good night's sleep. Let me tell you first, no one will disturb me. I will sleep on it for three days and three nights! His grandfather is exhausted!"

"You kid, don't fall asleep!"

"Go, go, crow's mouth, curse me..."

Soldiers with tired faces got up with their swords and flew towards the rear city. Some of the big-hearted soldiers were already lying on the flying swords of their comrades, and fell asleep.

Wei Lin rubbed the center of his brows, ready to go back and take a nap before starting to practice.

Fighting every day and night consumes a huge amount of spiritual power, celestial power, and physical strength. At this time, sleeping can make the nerves less tense and the state will be better.

He sighed lightly, if the Wenshenlian was still there, he wouldn't have to find time to sleep, as its warmth could completely soothe the body and mind.

It's a pity that after waking up that year, there was no Wenshenlian in the sea of ​​consciousness, only the light bamboo moonlight on the soul body, showing its past existence.

He guessed that Wen Shenlian should have been completely refined, and that he was able to be rescued, Wen Shenlian played a big role.

At this time, Zhang Duo Yujian came to him and said: "Congratulations, you have been promoted to the team leader, you are the fastest I have ever seen."

Wei Lin pulled the corner of his lips and smiled at him.

Zhang Duo turned his head and glanced at the tower behind him, leaned over, and lowered his voice: "I heard that the Wolf Smoke Legion is about to recruit soldiers. You were right not to join the Jun family before."

"Wolf smoke!"

Before Wei Lin answered, an immortal soldier next to him yelled, breathing quickly: "Battle Commander, is this news true? The Wolf Smoke Corps really wants to recruit soldiers!"

The tired immortal soldiers were immediately attracted by the news, and all looked over.

Zhang Duo looked back with a guilty conscience, and saw Jun Tianming floating in mid-air, directing the battle, but he didn't have the consciousness to sweep this way, he calmed down, and stared fiercely at the fairy soldier who spoke.

"What are you talking about!"

The fairy soldier came over and quickly covered his mouth.

Within the sect of the aristocratic family, the transfer of immortal soldiers is not prohibited, especially the lower ranks of immortal soldiers, but those with great strength are not included.

Zhang Duo was also specially recruited by the Jun family, and he always felt a little guilty when he took the salary of the Jun family to attract outstanding talents.

A man with disheveled hair rolled his eyes and said, "Why are you getting so excited, kid? With your strength, you still can't get into Wolf Smoke."

The shouting fairy soldier was discouraged, and his head drooped.

These days, although Wei Lin learned a lot about Xingque from them after fighting, he had never heard of Wolf Smoke, so he couldn't help asking: "Who is this Wolf Smoke Army?"

Zhang Duo replied: "Among the hundreds of legions of our human race, Wolf Smoke has always been in the top five. It is an elite legion directly under the Song family. It has a very rich supply of resources, which is not comparable to that of ordinary troops like us.

With your talent, it is no problem to join. The Jun family treats us very kindly, but after all, it is only a low-rank family with limited resources, and there are also bottlenecks in subsequent promotion. "

Speaking of this, he changed to sound transmission: "Although I was supported by the Jun family, I still advise you to resist the pressure and go to those top legions."

(End of this chapter)

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