all the way to fairy

Chapter 737 The Cause of Fall

"Thank you for the reminder." Wei Lin secretly sighed that Zhang Duo is a good person, but unfortunately, he wants to form his own sect and will not join any forces.

Everyone next to him looked at him enviously, talking about the benefits of the elite army.

"The basic items such as the fairy soldiers of the elite legion, armor, wound medicine, etc. are all provided by the fairy alliance, so you don't need to exchange them yourself."

"Almost all of their meritorious deeds are used to exchange for promotion resources. As their cultivation level increases, it will be easier to obtain meritorious service and their status will be more stable. It is a virtuous circle."

"Yeah, not only that, they are not like us, they are stationed in one place all year round, resisting the demons day and night, and they have no time to practice."

"Okay, don't talk about the Wolf Smoke Legion, we can't even get in the top fifty legions. It's better to go back to the city and sleep."

While speaking, everyone was getting farther and farther away from the rear theater, the deputy battalion commander patted Wei Lin on the shoulder, and said earnestly: "You must hold on.

Hey, back then our battalion commander was too loyal, and after receiving several favors from the Jun family, he agreed to join the Jun family's private army.

Otherwise, with his talent, the top five legions would not be able to enter, and the top fifty legions would have no problem at all, and it would not be the end of the Heavenly Immortal Realm today.

You should have heard of Immortal Baixi, he ascended only 500 years earlier than our battalion commander, and after overcoming the initial pressure, he joined the Beacon Army.

Later, he shined brilliantly in the army and won the trust of the Song family. Now he is the commander-in-chief in charge of an army. "

"He relies on more than strength." An old soldier leaned over and winked at Wei Lin, "Have you heard the saying that dowry changes fate, do you know who is Immortal Baixi's companion? The Song family..."

"Ahem," he was interrupted by Zhang Duo before he finished speaking, "Luo Jun, your skin is itchy, right? You can tease Xianjun."

Luo Jun shut his mouth, and gave Wei Lin a look of "you understand".

It's okay to talk about the legion, but it's not easy to talk about specific individuals. Someone hastily changed the subject.

"Hey, the more rights you enjoy, the more responsibilities you have to bear. What we are facing are mostly low-level demons.

Those elite legions, however, often face tough battles and perform special tasks, especially when they follow the big shots. They often have to face enemies whose strength is far superior to their own by several realms, and their casualty rate is much higher than ours. "

Someone said again: "What is it to join these elite legions? If I have the talent of Wei Xianyou, I will definitely find a way to go to the Feng Clan and join the New Moon Army!"

"I want to join the Crescent Army too!"

"Me too!"

"Hey, why am I not a demon clan..."

All of a sudden, almost the entire third battalion of immortal soldiers expressed that they wanted to join the New Moon Army.

Wei Lin was slightly stunned, Mu Yan once said that the defenders of Yuecheng were called the New Moon Army.

Among the newly ascended people, apart from him, there are two other people who also stayed in the third battalion. Hearing this, Chang Nian with a thin face blurted out: "Crescent Army? The number one army?"

"No, the New Moon Army is the private army of the little princess of the Feng Clan. It is far from the main army in terms of number and cultivation level." Zhang Duo clenched his fists, and his voice couldn't hide his excitement. Among the Yaozu, they can be ranked upstream, catching up to some high-ranking families."

Chang Nian was shocked. The Zhou family in charge of the Xiling area was a top-grade family with ten war zones under their jurisdiction. The seventh war zone they were in now was a relatively small one. The strength of the New Moon Army can be imagined.

The power of a princess of the Feng Clan is comparable to that of a high-ranking family!
It has only been a few months since he arrived in Xingque, and he is not yet familiar with the forces of the human race. He has already heard the name of this little princess of the Feng clan several times.

Moreover, the reactions of these people were very strange. When the princess was mentioned, they were obviously excited, and some of them even showed fanatic expressions.

There is no need for him to ask, someone has already eagerly explained to them: "Although the New Moon Army is not yet a top-notch army, it is the first choice that most of the immortals in Xingque yearn for.

The Phoenix Clan is one of the eight pillars of the Immortal Alliance, with a profound heritage, and the treatment of the New Moon Army is almost the same as that of the top legions;
Yuedian is also brave and good at fighting, and has rarely lost in his life. Even in the face of a powerful enemy far surpassing the New Moon Army, the defeat is beautiful, making Xianmeng unable to pick it up.Following her, meritorious deeds will never be less! "

Wei Lin exhaled slowly, suppressing the turbulent longing and excitement in his heart, and said softly: "Is there any other reason?"

Xingque is full of talented people, and there are many brave and good fighters in the high family family. With these two points alone, the New Moon Army will not become the first choice of Xingque Xianmin.

Zhang Duo nodded, straightened his back unconsciously, and showed reverence and yearning: "The most important point is that the Crescent Army has a military rule, which is not available in any other legion."

He paused, his tone slowed down, and he spit out almost word for word: "In case of danger, the soldiers should retreat first, and the officers should leave behind!"

"This, is it impossible?" Chang Nian retorted subconsciously, and another newly ascended person also nodded in agreement.

Although they came to Xingque for a short period of time and their military career was only a few months, the Xingque immortals were indeed more friendly and loyal than the lower realm monks.

However, high-level monks, especially those from aristocratic families, still consider their own interests first, and will only help others on the premise of ensuring their own safety and interests.

"It's true." Zhang Duo raised his head slightly, affirming in a deep voice.

"When the military regulation of the New Moon Army was formulated, everyone thought it was a child's innocence. For this reason, many people waited to see the jokes of the Feng Clan and Yuedian.

However, the Crescent Army carried out this military regulation, especially in the battle more than 3 years ago.

At that time, the Yueqing Realm had just been born from the Sea of ​​Laws. Considering the instability of the plane, the powerful would destroy the Yueqing Realm.

The ownership of Yueqing Realm is determined by the outcome of the younger generation.

Later, Li Wang Ye Shiyu, one of the top ten demon kings, evaded the power of the fairy clan and sneaked into the Yueqing Realm.The place where he settled down was the war zone that Yue Dian was in charge of.

At that time, Yuedian had just broken through the early stage of Taiyi Golden Immortal, and Ye Shiyu was in the early stage of Demon Ancestor Realm, a difference of two big realms!
But Yue Dian did not retreat.

She burned her blood, heart and soul, attracted the Nirvana fire of the inextinguishable volcano, and forcibly performed the ultimate move of the world of mortals-dancing for nine days, and with the determination to die together, Ye Yuyu was burned to death.

Fortunately, Jiuxi God came in time, otherwise she would be burned to death by the raging sky fire.

Even so, she was seriously injured and dying, and she has been in retreat for more than 700 years. "

Wei Lin's eyes trembled, and his fingertips trembled uncontrollably. It turned out that she fell like this.

Thinking of her more than 300 lonely reincarnations, his heart felt as if it was being pricked by a needle, and it hurt sharply.

She fights the devil to the death to protect the safety of the common people. Even if she is reincarnated as a mortal, she will use her own luck to continue the country and protect the people of the country.

But how did the common people treat her...

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