all the way to fairy

Chapter 738 Undercurrent

Chapter 738 Undercurrent
Zhang Duo's low voice continued: "As a direct descendant of the Feng Clan and the beloved disciple of the Nine Rivers God Venerable, Yue Dian naturally has the means to save her life, if she wants to leave, Ye Yuyu can't stop her.

Moreover, she is an underage cub with great potential, and her cultivation level is not the highest in the Crescent Army, so leaving is reasonable and no one will criticize her.

But she didn't go.

After Ye Shiyu appeared, she acted decisively, ordered everyone to retreat to the tower, activated the protective array, and sent back a distress signal to the Feng clan.

She flew out of the city tower and met the Demon King Ye Shiyu.In the end, no one died except for the soldiers who were affected when Ye Shiyu landed.

She saved the Crescent Army and everyone in the surrounding war zone.

Because of her example, the Crescent Army strictly implemented this military rule, and under the leadership of the personal guard Lian Yang, the Jianan area was stabilized.

For more than 3 years, even if Yuedian is not there, the military achievements of the Jianan area are still in the top five! "

Wei Lin had mixed feelings, shock, pride, and distress.

In the beginning, she was just a little girl who was afraid of ghosts, the dark and insects. She shed blood and walked through the darkness, step by step she became the commander of the three armies, and finally she died absolutely.

In the army, unity does play a certain role, but when there is a huge gap between the enemy and the enemy, numbers alone cannot make up for it.

It is conceivable that if she hadn't blocked the Demon King Ye Shiyu, not only the New Moon Army would be completely annihilated, but also the legions in other surrounding theaters would not be spared.

In the end, only a few big families and direct descendants of great sects were able to escape. No wonder she had such a high prestige in the army. Even the immortal soldiers of the human race would respect her when they mentioned her.

Wei Lin closed his eyes, suppressed the surging emotions in his heart, and asked hoarsely, "Why did Ye Shiyu appear in Yueqing Realm, and landed in her war zone so coincidentally?"

As one of the top ten demon kings, Ye Shiyu is naturally under the focus of the power of the Immortal League, and his every move will be closely watched.

In this case, let him sneak into the Yueqing world, there must be tricks in it!

The old soldier named Luo Jun sneered: "Why else, someone betrayed me."

Zhang Duo stared and interrupted: "Luo Jun!"

"It's obvious." Luo Jun shrugged, his face full of indifference.

He muttered, but he didn't say any more. Some things, even if everyone knows it well, can't be put on the bright side.

Zhang Duo shook his head, and said meaningfully: "The reason given above is that the demon king Li You used his sky poison and demon skills, combined with the demon king Xixi's profusion of spring flowers, to drag the three human race ancestors who were fighting against them into a fantasy world .

Ye Shiyu took the opportunity to leave and sneaked into Yueqing Realm.

However, the Feng Clan did not accept this reason, and the matter remained unresolved. Since then, the Feng Clan has changed its old style and only sweeps the snow in front of its own house.

Even the dragon and basalt clan, who are also the four spirits, need to pay a very high reward if they want them to help. "

Wei Lin was secretly startled. The implication of these words was that this matter was not only related to the human race, but also the dragon and basalt races who were also the four spirits were involved!
No one is stupid who can go through thousands of dangers and ascend to the star tower. Not only Wei Lin understood the implication of these words, but also the other two newcomers, and they fell into silence for a while.

The superficially politically clear, united and friendly Xingque is actually full of undercurrents. In essence, it is not much different from the sects of the lower world.

After a while, Chang Nian asked, "Is the Feng clan very powerful?"

Zhang Duo let out a 'huh' and said: "If you only count the descendants of the clan, they are not strong. The Feng clan is arrogant and does not like to reproduce. There are less than three hundred members of the entire clan with pure blood.

It is less than one tenth of the other three spirits, and compared with the four major families of Shen, Song, Qi, and Zhao, the clan members are even more different. "

"Less than three hundred?" Chang Nian was stunned. A medium-sized family with a little strength in the lower realm had more than three hundred members.

Deputy Battalion Commander Lian Ge patted him on the shoulder: "Don't look at the small number, there are strong people coming out in large numbers. I give you a warning, don't provoke the Feng people. They are very united. Offending one is equivalent to provoking a group. The end will be bad." Very miserable."

"Then what if they provoke me?" Chang Nian almost blurted out.

"Ask the higher-ups of the Feng Clan to decide for you. Don't settle it privately. The Feng Clan is very defensive. Even if their clansmen commit crimes, they will never allow outsiders to punish them."

"This is too overbearing!"

Chang Nian was dumbfounded, his own people are of course biased towards his own people, and the top officials of the Feng clan make decisions, so there is no fairness at all.

As if he knew what he was thinking, Liange sneered: "Only with strength can we talk about fairness. The Feng clan can control the Yu clan with less than [-] clansmen, keep pace with the Dragon clan, and become one of the eight pillars of the Immortal League. It's their solidarity."

Lian Ge is a native fairy of Xingque, and he knows some secrets that others don't know. He paused, took back his hand on Chang Nian's shoulder, and said quietly: "The original fairy alliance had nine pillars, except for four families and four spirits. In addition, there is a Liu family, the Liu family is only slightly weaker than the Shen family and the Dragon family, and the Xianmeng ranks third.

At the end of the ancient times, the Liu family used secret means to imprison and torture and kill a member of the Feng family. Feng Jun was furious and issued an order to spread the sky.

Afterwards, the Yu Clan hunted down and killed the Liu family's descendants in exile. In just a few months, all the descendants of the Liu family's blood were wiped out, leaving no one behind! "



Not only the three newcomers Wei Lin didn't know about this secret, but most of the others also didn't know about it, so they gasped.

The pillar of the Immortal Alliance, what a colossus it was, it was wiped out in just a few months!

Someone asked in shock, "Didn't the rest of the Xianmeng stop it?"

"Of course I stopped it, but it was useless." Lian Ge unconsciously lowered his voice, and said in a deep voice: "The Feng family will not give face to anyone, Feng Jun said that anyone who blocks or helps the Liu family belongs to the Feng family." Enemies, behead them all!"

Luo Jun's scalp felt numb, and he couldn't help swallowing: "Although the Feng clan has always been very strong, this... isn't it too crazy?"

Wei Lin was awe-inspiring, how could the Feng Clan, with so few members, be able to intimidate allies if they were not strong and crazy.

The Feng Clan has few members, but occupies a lot of resources, which means that every member can get the best training.

The phoenix is ​​also a race that is good at fighting. When it grows up, it must be terrifying, and Ali has won nine out of ten battles, showing amazing strength at a young age.

Therefore, that conspiracy was caused by other immortal clans fearing the Feng clan.

Chang Nian said what he wanted to say, "So, the little princess of the Feng clan was designed because of fear."

Lian Ge didn't answer directly, but glanced around and said: "This Yueqing Realm is a battlefield for the younger generation of immortals and demons. The leaders in each theater are all leaders of the fairy clan and the top of the Qingyun list."

They are all experienced monks. Although the three of Wei Lin have never heard of the Qing Yun Ranking, they can guess that it is the talent and strength ranking of the younger generation.

(End of this chapter)

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