all the way to fairy

Chapter 739 Find the Difference

Chapter 739 Find the Difference
Sure enough, I just listened to Lian Ge's eloquence: "The top of the list today is Shen Canghao, the number one heir of the Shen family. He has been on the top of the list for 10,000+ years;

The second place is Phoenix Crown Prince Shaohaoheng. He and Shen Canghao entered the Qing Yun Ranking in the same year, and entered the top ten in the same year. He only lost to Shen Canghao every time. "

With the word 'every time' and the word 'only', the three of them had a dispute in their hearts.

Either it is true as the words say, Shaohao Heng and Shen Canghao are equal in strength, and you chase after each other; or, Shaohao Heng's strength is higher than Shen Canghao, and he deliberately hides his clumsiness.

But no matter what the situation is, it shows that Shaohaoheng's talent is outstanding, beyond the reach of others.

His eyes slowly swept over the three of Wei Lin, and when they finished digesting this piece of information, Lian Ge suddenly sped up his speech, and said in one breath: "Shaohao Jin, the Seventh Prince of the Feng Clan, is ranked fifth; Shaohao, the Fifteenth Prince of the Feng Clan, Luo, ranked seventh."

Wei Lin was stunned, three of the top ten on the Qing Yun List were from the Feng clan, and the rankings were not low!
Liange smiled convincingly, his speech speed eased up again, and Youyou added: "Moreover, Shaohao Luo's age is much younger than the others.

Among his age group, only he and Bai Leling, the princess of the White Tiger Clan, entered the top ten of the Qing Yun Ranking, one seventh and one eighth.

Shao Haoyao, the sixteenth princess of the Feng Clan who was slightly younger than him, did not enter the top ten, but was ranked eleventh on the Qingyun List, and the other twelve direct descendants of the Feng Clan were also well-known in the gang. "

Although Wei Lin had already known some of the situation of the Feng Clan from Mu Yan, he was still shocked when he heard this.

The Feng family is full of talents!
"Twelve? Isn't that right? Isn't there seventeen direct children in the younger generation of the Feng clan?"

Chang Nian's startled voice brought back Wei Lin's thoughts, no need to think, there must be A Li.

Sure enough, in the next second, I heard Lian Ge say: "The Qingyun ranking is compared every 3 years, and the evaluation is based on various aspects such as actual combat, martial arts skills, and age.

Yuedian was congenitally deficient, and had been recuperating in Tianyu Mountain since he was a child. When Xingque Xianmin first learned about it, the selection of Qingyun List had passed, and before the new round of selection, the event of Demon King Ye Yuyu happened. "

Wei Lin pursed the corners of his lips. Since the Qing Yun Ranking is not only ranked by combat power, the difference in cultivation level caused by age does not exist.

In other words, if she hadn't died back then, she would definitely have been on the Qingyun list, and it was very likely that she would be among the top.

No wonder it was designed.

With one Shaohao Heng already on par with Shen Canghao, the number one genius of the human race, and adding Shaohao Jin who can count on all strategies, Shaohao Luo who is good at fighting, and Shaohao Yao who is outstanding in alchemy, the Feng Clan can overwhelm the other seven families of the Immortal Alliance. damn.

Then there will be a little princess with amazing talents, whose talent and potential will very likely catch up with Shaohaoheng. How can the other seven families of the Immortal Alliance feel at ease?

It is conceivable that when they grow up, the Phoenix clan will be the dominant family in the Immortal League in the future!
After a long silence, Chang Nian asked with concern: "Then how is this little princess of the Feng clan doing now? Could it be that she hasn't woken up for more than 3 years?"

Everyone heard what he meant, and suspected that Shao Haoyue was dead.

In fact, the vast majority of people in Xingque had guessed this before, how could it be so cheap to kill the Demon King if they crossed two great realms.

Lian Ge raised his chin, and his voice was full of excitement and admiration: "Over 500 years ago, Yue Temple succeeded in Nirvana, and now it is consolidating its cultivation.

She is the first in the younger generation to go through the catastrophe! "

Infected by his voice, recalling the experience along the way, Wei Lin was filled with emotion, how could genius be suppressed, how could genius be suppressed!
Unknowingly, the city of recruits arrived, and there were too many people talking. Everyone stopped talking about these sensitive topics, shut up, and prepared to go back to the camp to rest.

As soon as they entered the city, a boy in yellow blocked their way.

He is tall and thin, with a crooked dark green jade crown on his head, loose yellow and green clothes, a messy belt, and a lot of accessories.

He didn't even have a face, and with that sloppy expression, he looked like a playboy.

Seeing him, Zhang Duo and others hurriedly saluted, "Third Young Master!"

The young man ignored them, his eyes swept over the three of Wei Lin, and his tone was arrogant: "Who is Wei Lin?"

Wei Lin's expression remained unchanged, he took a step forward, and slightly tilted his head towards the young man, expressing his response.

From the young man's clothes and accessories, as well as the names Zhang Duo and others called him, it is not difficult to guess that he is the Jun family, the master of these immortal soldiers.

The young man squinted, looked at him from head to toe, snorted through his nostrils, and said lazily: "I heard that you are good at swordsmanship, and you are known as the No. 1 under the fairyland. I will meet you here."

The corners of Wei Lin's mouth twitched. He wasn't that arrogant. This was a compliment from his colleagues. Not only did he not take it to heart, but those who complimented him didn't take it too seriously. Where did this dude hear it?
"Ahem," Zhang Duo cleared his throat, forced a smile, and introduced to Wei Lin, "This is Elder Jun's only son, Mr. Jun Yushan, the third in the family.

Mr. Jun is also a swordsman, with extraordinary talents, and he likes to exchange ideas with others. "

Wei Lin glanced at Jun Yushan, who was about to raise his chin to the sky, and asked playfully, "Discussion?"

It's really shameless for the other party to compete with him in the early stages of the fairyland in the late stage of the fairyland.

Jun Yushan had no sense of bullying at all, so he blew away the broken hair hanging from his forehead, and said provocatively, "What? Don't you dare?"

Wei Lin was patient and politely refused: "I have just left the battlefield, I am exhausted physically and mentally, and need to rest. If there is a chance in the future, I will definitely have a good discussion with the third son Jun."

As more and more high-level demons died under his hands, the demons were very scrupulous about him. Several times in a row, the late demons came to him, and this time they even attacked him as soon as they came up.

After a while, the demons might not be able to sit still.

Once it gets the attention of the high-level demon clan, I am afraid that a plan will be made against him at that time. The high-ranking immortals of the Jun family may not be able to rescue him in time. He needs to improve his strength as soon as possible.


Jun Yushan didn't talk about martial arts at all, and sneered, and the next second, a silver-white long sword condensed from his hand, and struck Wei Lin like an autumn wind sweeping fallen leaves.

The other party's behavior was obviously here to find fault, Wei Lin's face was slightly cold, and in his mind, Mo Lijian had appeared in his hand, and he held the sword to meet him.

The two swords collided heavily in one place, and the two sword intents, one green and one white, collided fiercely. Caught off guard, the people around were immediately blown away by the aftermath of the shock.

When everyone stabilized their figures and looked over, the two had already separated.

As soon as Jun Yushan changed from his previous lazy attitude, he looked at Wei Lin with bright eyes, and his face was full of eagerness to meet a strong enemy.

On the opposite side, the tip of Wei Lin's sword tilted slightly to the ground, his hand holding the sword was tightened, and his expression was a bit surprised.

This dude, his swordsmanship is surprisingly good, he has a bit of real ability, and his cultivation is two small realms higher than him, so he is a difficult opponent.

(End of this chapter)

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