Chapter 740
Jun Yushan narrowed his eyes slightly, with a lingering curve on his lips: "You are really strong, not comparable to those embroidered pillows before.

However, compared with this son, you are still far behind.

I heard that you don't want to join my private army, so I will give you a chance. After three tricks, I will let you be a sword boy. "

Everyone: "..."

Nima, are you sure this is to attract people?

A private army is considered a hireling, and a sword boy is a slave.

At this time, Wei Lin received a voice transmission from Zhang Duo: "Be careful, this dandy hates us people who have ascended from the lower realm very much, and always likes to bully us in the name of sparring. Many people were injured by him before."

"Thank you." Wei Lin replied, looked at Jun Yushan, and began to think about how to deal with it.

Jun Tianming is an important and powerful person in the side branch of the Jun family. His only son cannot be killed; he will be taught a lesson in the name of sparring. As long as he is not dead or disabled, the Jun family will not die forever.

After pondering for a moment, he calmly said: "It's fine to compete with you, but I don't work in vain."

Everyone was stunned. During the few months they had known each other, Wei Lin gave them the feeling that he was a noble swordsman like green bamboo, and an existence like the breeze and bright moon.

Never thought that he would ask for a reward on such an occasion!

However, these words can be regarded as dispelling Jiantong's insult, defining the sparring as a training partner for money transactions, vaguely giving people a sense that Jun Yushan is not as good as him.

Seeing everyone's indescribable expressions, Wei Lin was momentarily stunned, and flashes of the past flashed in his mind, that little money fan, who used to say that he didn't work for nothing, and when he met others in danger, he always rescued others without hesitation.

He secretly exhaled, calmed down, and waited for Jun Yushan's answer.

Jun Yushan didn't seem to notice the deep meaning hidden in his words, he was stunned for a moment, nodded and said: "Okay, it's not convenient in the city, let's go out and fight!"

After getting Wei Lin's consent, he stood up with his sword and flew towards the southeast. Wei Lin also left like a green smoke with his sword.

Everyone in the remaining three battalions looked at each other. After a while, someone hesitated: "Battle Commander, we..."

"Go back and rest."

Before the man could finish speaking, Zhang Duo made a final decision, they couldn't afford to get involved in the affairs of Mr. Jun's family.

Wei Lin and Jun Yu Shan flew to the forest thousands of miles away from Xinbing City.

The two floated in the air, one holding a blue long sword and the other holding a silver and white rapier, facing each other quietly.

The forest wind is blowing, and the yellowish fallen leaves are swirling, slowly falling from the sky.

A fallen leaf fell from above the blade, snapped into two pieces, and continued to float down.

Jun Yushan slowly raised the sword, the corners of his lips curled up in a contemptuous arc, and the majestic immortal power poured into the sword, and the sword body was lit up little by little.

Wei Lin on the opposite side looked calm, and Mo Li's sword was also full of aura.

Jun Yushan's pupils shrank, and he murmured in surprise, "Immortal Artifact!"

Wei Lin held Mo Li horizontally, and his fingertips slowly slid across the blade. The golden thread in the middle of the cold-looking sword disappeared, and the current Mo Li sword had returned to its original appearance.

The corners of his lips were slightly curved, with a little warmth in his heart, and he whispered softly, "It's called Mo Li, a heavenly high-grade fairy artifact."

After the words fell, the tip of the sword was raised, and was about to attack Jun Yushan, when suddenly the whole body shook, and a warning signal rose from nowhere.

He looked at Jun Yu Shan vigilantly, but saw that the other party was also wary of him, as if he was facing a formidable enemy.

As soon as their eyes met, the two immediately understood that there were other people, and they were still strong.

Looking at each other, the two tacitly restrained their breath, entered a state of invisibility, and carefully revealed their spiritual consciousness.

Hundreds of miles away from the mountains and forests, there is a piece of low and gentle hills. At this moment, in a quiet and beautiful canyon, three figures wearing gray-green cloaks, who are hidden from head to toe under the cloaks and hoods, are walking slowly from the side of the canyon. walk out slowly.

Even though they were tightly wrapped, Wei Lin could still feel the wave of demon energy from them.

There are demons sneaking in!
He was slightly startled, thinking quickly about how to leave, and went back to report.

That valley is the boundary between the Seventh War Zone and the Eighth War Zone. It is thousands of miles away from the immortal and demon battle lines. If the demons appear here, there must be a conspiracy, and it must be reported as soon as possible.

However, the demon in the middle is a late-stage demon in the Heavenly Demon Realm, and the demons on both sides are also in the middle-stage of the Heavenly Demon Realm. If they move, they are likely to be discovered, and given the difference in strength between the two sides, it is very likely that they will not be able to escape.

After hesitating, another seven-member team appeared on the other side of the valley, wearing light gray cloaks and hoods, and surrounded by immortal energy, they belonged to the immortal race!

Wei Lin was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized that it wasn't the demons sneaking in to attack, it was someone collaborating with the enemy.

They should be preparing to trade something.

On the side of the fairy clan, the leader is a person in the early days of the fairyland. He stared at the demon clan opposite him and walked very slowly.

Behind him, two people who looked like guards had long swords lingering in their hands, ready to go. The other four were also tense, and they might attack violently anytime and anywhere.

With a thought in Wei Lin's mind, he cautiously probed towards the high grounds on both sides of the valley. As he expected, there was a person in the dense forest on the top of the mountain, holding a longbow, aiming at the demons below.

Soon, the distance between the two sides was very close, only the last ten feet remained.This distance, for both immortals and demons, can be reached in an instant.

They stopped, and behind the leader of the fairy clan, a tall man walked out, and he took out a box and continued to move forward;

On the demon side, a person also walked out, and what he took out was a palm-sized box.

Under the watchful eyes of both sides, a fairy and a demon walked up to each other, squatted down, put the boxes and boxes on the ground, and opened them, as if they were inspecting the goods.

Inside the box of the Immortal Clan, there are thirty neatly arranged silver-white balls with metallic luster, and the surface of the balls is engraved with dense and mysterious runes.

Wei Lin's heart was filled with anger. It was a bomb, a big killer on the battlefield. The ball was mainly made of rain sand and cold smoke silver. The inner structure was exquisite and the runes were mysterious.

The bomb works like a talisman, and the owner can use it directly. Unlike the talisman, it does not require the maker to inject energy to form an attack.

It is blank, and the moves are stored by the user. When using it, the bomb explodes completely, and its power will far exceed the attack stored by itself.

This is the war zone of the Jun family, and the demons they traded with are likely to be their opponents. There is a high probability that the explosive bombs traded in the past will be cast in the seventh war zone in the follow-up war!
In the small box that the demons took out, lay a piece of bone, the thickness of an adult's wrist, about three inches long.

The bones are snow-white, shiny and shiny, and there is faint golden bone marrow flowing inside.

After such a distance, when the box was opened, Wei Lin still felt a sense of coercion, and there was a faint growl of unwilling dragons in his ears.

That is a keel!
At this time, Wei Lin suddenly received a voice transmission from Jun Yushan: "That's the Wang family, the Wang family in the eighth war zone, we can't let their deal be concluded."

(End of this chapter)

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