all the way to fairy

Chapter 741 Suspension

Chapter 741 Suspension
Wei Lin's heart shuddered. The No. [-] war zone adjacent to the eighth war zone was commanded by the surname Zhou. He was the elder of the side branch of the Zhou family who controlled the entire Xiling area. Several nearby war zones respected him.

If the explosive bombs that flowed into the demons were used in the ninth war zone, even if the elder Zhou's elder died, it would definitely attract the attention of the Zhou family. After a thorough investigation, the Wang family would not be happy.

Therefore, the prerequisite for the two parties to reach a deal should be that bombs should not be used in the eighth and ninth theaters.

On a deeper level, perhaps the Wang family is only one of the parties involved in the transaction, and the elder of the Zhou family branch is also involved.

It can be seen that these explosive bombs are most likely to be used in the seventh war zone that the Jun family is in charge of!

The demon army that fought them was the [-]th dark fire army under the command of the demon general Yan Yuan, commander Mo Fei, who had been cultivated in the early stage of the Youmo Realm, besides him, there were four or five subordinates in the late stage of the Heavenly Demon Realm.

On the human side, there are three war zones, only the ninth war zone in charge of the side branch of the Zhou family. There is a Taiyi Jinxian master. The highest cultivation level of the Jun family and Wang family defense areas is only in the late stage of the Celestial Immortal Realm.

If all the [-] explosive bombs were injected by Mo Fei, it would be easy to capture the seventh theater.

Of course, it will only be a short-term capture.

In the absence of a full-scale advancement of the demon clan's defense line, if you rush into the interior of the fairy clan and break in alone, you will soon be surrounded and suppressed by the fairy clan who reacted.

A section of the line of defense was briefly captured, which was nothing to the immortal clan, but to the Jun family and the immortal soldiers in the seventh war zone, it was a catastrophe.

After thinking about it, Wei Lin said via voice transmission: "Cooperating with the enemy is a serious crime, we can just startle the snake."

Collaborating with the enemy is indeed a serious crime, and if there is any trouble, the two parties will stop trading, but this means that the other party will definitely kill the root and hunt down to the end.

Even if they escaped by chance this time, the Wang family will follow up to investigate, and the nearby Jun family residence is obviously the focus of the Wang family.

It's just that now, I can't take care of so much, I can only solve the immediate crisis first.

Jun Yushan, as a child of the Jun family, was more anxious than him, and discussed carefully through voice transmission: "This kind of transaction must prevent the other party from breaching the contract and robbing the goods, especially when the two parties' cultivation bases are not equal.

There should be containment means arranged in that box. After they activate, let's act again, pretending to be chasing and fleeing, and we will chase after each other. "

Wei Lin was a little surprised, he ran away and chased, the person who was chasing had to be one step behind, the possibility of being caught was even greater.

This dude actually left the more dangerous pursuit to himself!
After a moment of silence, Wei Lin sent back a message: "I'm here to chase, I have the space confinement technique, and I can sustain the attack in the late stage of the Heavenly Demon Realm."

Jun Yushan turned his head to look at him, and it took a while to transmit the voice: "Okay."

In the valley, after inspecting the goods, one immortal and one demon turned their heads and gestured 'no problem' to the leader.

Then, the person from the Immortal Clan made a trick to the box containing the explosive bombs, the red light in the box flashed slightly, and it was fleeting, and then there was a slight ticking sound, one after another.

The other member of the Demon Race also stepped forward, one on the left and one on the right with the Demon Race who inspected the goods earlier, and used the technique of traction to keep the box stable; the inspector from the Immortal Race picked up the box with the keel.

It's now!

Jun Yushan jumped up suddenly, and rushed towards the Jun's residence, as fast as a ghost.

As soon as he moved, the tense trading parties immediately noticed, and all looked towards this side.


Hearing another shout, a blue shadow flashed across the forest like lightning, and disappeared into the vast forest.

Without ordering, the Wang family sent two people to chase after it, while the archer on the top of the mountain turned around and shot, and the sharp arrow pierced through the air.

The leader of the demon clan was the one with the highest cultivation level on both sides of the transaction, so he was supposed to chase after him, but this trip was at the request of the Wang family, so he only brought two subordinates with him.

Right now, the two need to cooperate with each other and use the traction technique to keep the box at the same level. If there is a slight tilt, the arrangement inside the box will take effect and explode.

If he left, the other party would have malicious intentions, and he didn't need to make a move, as long as he disturbed the balance of the box, the two subordinates could die.

If he didn't leave, Wang Peng, the leader of the Wang family, would not dare to leave, and he had to stay with a majority of people to restrain him, after all, the cultivation base of the other party was two small realms higher than his.

For a while, both sides could only wait quietly.

On the other side, Jun Yu Shan of Wei Lin had already entered the monitoring range of Jun's residence. Jun Yu Shan turned around abruptly and swung his sword suddenly. Wei Lin, who was chasing him, also slashed horizontally with his sword.

These two swords are not for power, but for grandeur.

The sword energy rushed into the night, surging vertically and horizontally, and with a sound of brushing, the trees with a radius of tens of feet were all turned into dust under the surging sword energy.

Under the sweeping air current, the sharp arrow that pierced through the air was continuously unloaded and slowed down, and sank into the chaotic woods.

And its target——Wei Lin turned into Changhong again, chasing the blue shadow in front of him and disappearing into the flying branches and leaves all over the sky.

The two Wang family members who were chasing over stopped abruptly and quickly disappeared.

At this time, the guards at Jun's residence were alarmed by the sword energy, and activated the investigative circle, looking towards this side.

The two looked at each other, turned around decisively, and reported in a deep voice: "They went to the Jun's residence, and they should be in the seventh war zone."

The leader of the Wang family said with a sullen face: "Don't jump to conclusions and ignore the real danger!"

After finishing speaking, he looked at the leader of the demon clan, "The transaction is temporarily suspended."

The leader of the demon clan nodded, and said coldly: "Get those two little bugs out earlier, if the Wang family is inconvenient, we can do it for you."

Under Wang Peng's signal, the two Wang family members used the traction technique to carefully take the box back.

The three demons took back the keel box, turned and left, and Wang Peng hurried away with the rest.

The two Wang family members who performed the traction technique stepped on the flying sword carefully and flew away slowly. Once the arrangement in the box is activated, it cannot be stopped, and it will be automatically released after an hour.

After a while, the valley returned to silence.

On the top of the mountain on the right, a foot behind the boulder where the Wang family's archers had ambushed earlier, a shadow of nothingness slowly solidified.

It was a woman with delicate face Saixue, her fair face was indifferent, she moved her fingertips slightly, and a green leaf flew over from a big tree not far away, and when it landed on her palm, it had turned into a green leaf. A shadow stone.

The woman put away the photo stone, urged the personal guard contract, and reported respectfully: "Your Highness, something happened, they suspended the transaction, but their conversation was recorded, which clearly involved collaborating with the enemy."

Thousands of miles away, the territory of the Demon Race.

Shaohaoyue leaned against a towering tree, staring at the sky in a trance.

After receiving Lian Xue's report, she was silent for a moment and asked, "The whereabouts of those three demons."


"You're going to Mianyangpo in a while, the plan has changed..."


After explaining to Lian Xue, Shao Haoyue took out a lavender cloak and put it on, sighing softly to himself: "Hey, sure enough, the plan will never keep up with the changes."

When the words fell, the person disappeared from the place.

(End of this chapter)

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