all the way to fairy

Chapter 743 Dream Fragment

Chapter 743 Dream Fragment
One side ran frantically for their lives, while the other quickly greeted them. The distance between the two sides was quickly shortened. In the blink of an eye, Mo Tian was already in front of 'Xi Nai'.

"How are you?" he asked.

The sound of sharp arrows piercing the air sounded again, Mo Tian was startled, and when he raised his eyes, he saw several black spots flying towards him, which quickly enlarged in his field of vision.

The pursuer did not escape!

This is the hinterland of the demon clan, less than a thousand miles away from the camp of the army, when encountering their team of demon soldiers, the pursuers don't run for their lives, they will try their best to kill Xi Nai.

What did the Xi family do?
"Second Young Master, be careful!" Several guards stepped forward and stood in front of him, trying their best to block the sharp arrow.

These sharp arrows are the opponent's full blow, even if there are two of them in the late stage of the demon realm, it will take some effort to stop them.

After ten breaths of stalemate, the strong attack brought by the sharp arrows was finally dispelled, and the sharp arrows condensed with immortal power suddenly scattered, turning into a large amount of air flow and swaying towards the surroundings.

Immortal energy and demonic energy surged, covering the sky and blocking out the sun.

Just as the guards breathed a sigh of relief, a light and shadow flashed in front of them, and rushed towards Xi Nai behind them.

It's that fairy clan!
She didn't know when she had come to the front, covered by the aftermath of the turbulent attack, passed them, and attacked Xi Nai!

The guards were terrified, so Xi Nai just let it go, standing beside him was their second son, the younger brother of Lord General.

The general attaches great importance to the safety of his younger brother. Every time he travels, he will send a small team to accompany him for protection.

If something happened to him, they might all have to be buried with him!
The guards all turned around, or attacked the pursuer, or rushed towards Motian.

Unexpectedly, the water vapor was steaming, the sky and the earth were covered with white mist, the body seemed to be not his own, and he lost control, his heart was obviously anxious, but his movements were extremely stiff and slow.

The fog is getting thicker and thicker, and it is impossible to see clearly from a short distance away.



Short muffled groans and painful screams sounded one after another, the former belonged to Xi Nai, and the latter belonged to Motian.

The sound of something heavy falling to the ground.

All the demon guards were shocked, it was Xi Nai!Xi Nai is dead!

The pursuer's target is dead, and next, it's time to silence him!

The two guards in the late stage of the Heavenly Demon Realm looked at each other, and they all urged the heart furnace. The thick and viscous magic liquid overflowed, and the sense of loss of control suddenly weakened, and they regained control of the body...

On the other side of the mist, blood was gushing from Mo Tian's shoulders. He made a formula with his hands, and nine huge dark purple palms appeared in front of him, slapping hard on the light gray runes densely packed like raindrops.

Facing the pursuer directly, he felt more than the demon guards. Fortunately, the opponent only had a late stage cultivation in the Celestial Immortal Realm. Forcibly suppressing a group of demon guards would consume a lot of energy for her, so he could barely block the opponent's attack.

If you persist, you will be able to take down this desperado when the two demon guards get out of trouble, or the military camp comes to help.

Damn it, what did the Xi family do to kill the other party?

Just as he was dealing with Lian Xue with all his heart, the brilliance of the fingertips of the dead 'Xi Nai' behind him flowed, and the fairy threads were woven and outlined, and several dream fragments were soon formed.

With a light fingertip, the fragments of the dream flew out, and under the cover of the vast white mist and the surging air flow, they entered Mo Tian's body without anyone noticing.

Then, the body of 'Xinai' gradually became blurred, and the surrounding scenery fluctuated for a while, with a faint orange light flickering faintly.

Soon, the body was clear again.

This time, it was really Xi Nai's body, and Shao Haoyue had already disappeared into the air.

Seeing this, Lian Xue loosened her control over the demon guards and let them break free. Then, before the two late-stage demon guards attacked, she gritted her teeth and made a final blow as if to make a decisive fight.

The light gray talismans are densely packed, like a thousand sharp knives, flipping and sprinting continuously...

The dark purple giant palms gradually dimmed and split open. Finally, all nine purple palms collapsed, and Motian spewed out a mouthful of blood, which was overturned by the turbulent attack and flew upside down like a kite with a broken string.

"Second son!"

The demon guards who had just escaped from trouble were terrified when they saw this scene, and in a flash, they rushed over to catch Mo Tian.

Mo Tian opened his mouth, spat out another mouthful of blood, tilted his head, and fell into a coma.

When the demon guards panicked, the pursuers turned around and fled, the pale yellow light flashed rapidly and disappeared without a trace.

At this time, in the direction of the magic army camp, several figures were rushing towards this side, and the leader was Fan Xu, Mo Fei's personal soldier.

Seeing the movement here in the big camp, Fan Xu's heart immediately thumped. At this time, if there is no accident, the second young master should just pass by Mianyangpo when he comes back from receiving supplies.

Halfway through the flight, Fan Xu heard an earth-shattering shout, "Second Young Master!"

At that moment, his heart trembled, and he increased his speed to the extreme, came to the scene like a whirlwind, and pushed away the surrounding demon guards.

Seeing Motian whose life was hanging by a thread, Fan Xu was startled and anxious, and asked calmly, "What's going on?"

After asking, without waiting for an answer, he picked up Mo Tian and headed towards the station.

The magic guards hurriedly followed, the last one paused and rolled up Xi Nai's body on the ground.

After returning to the camp, he called a military doctor for treatment, and Fan Xu sent someone to the front line to inform Mo Fei. After finishing everything, he finally had time to inquire about the situation.

A demon guard took out Xi Nai's body and replied angrily: "He is chasing Xin Nai, we found that there are immortals chasing him, so we went to rescue him.

Unexpectedly, the other party was persistent, not only did not retreat, but also killed Xi Nai while surrounded by us, and later tried to kill us to silence him. "

The demon guards were still in fear. If Lord Fan hadn't come in time with that desperate posture, the other party might have killed them all.

"Xi Nai."

Fan Xu murmured, his eyes fell on the corpse, his pupils shrank slightly, he suddenly leaned over to check, and a glint of obscurity flashed in his eyes.

Soon, he straightened up, raised his eyes and asked the guard: "Is the general back?"

The night is like ink, and the new moon is hazy.

The camp of the Demon Clan's army was brightly lit, just like daytime.

Accompanied by intermittent roars, the hideous and huge shadow on the military tent twisted and twitched.

"Bastard... so bold..."

Another sullen roar sounded, and the surging devilish energy shook the surrounding military tents.

The patrol team that was patrolling in front of the Chinese army tacitly quickened their pace and moved away quickly, for fear of being hurt by the angry general.

Leaving the camp of the Chinese army, they slowed down their pace at the same time. While being terrified, they couldn't help but shed tears of sympathy for Fan Xu in the camp.

Turning around a few camps and passing a blind corner, all the soldiers scanned their eyes as usual, found nothing unusual, and returned slowly.

When the last two people crossed the dead corner and were about to step into the fork, the air twisted, and the figures of the two disappeared instantly. The next second, the two figures reappeared. At first, they were thin and short. same.

When the patrol team passed by the military tent next to the Chinese army camp, Shaohaoyue, who was second to last, moved her fingertips slightly, triggering the dream fragments.

(End of this chapter)

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