all the way to fairy

Chapter 744 Trigger

Chapter 744 Trigger
After leaving Mianyangpo, Shaohaoyue's master and servant sneaked into the magic army's camp. In half a day, they had already figured out the general situation of the camp.

As the rumors said, Mofei valued his younger brother Motian very much. Hearing that Motian was seriously injured, he returned from the front line soon, and his suppressed anger did not burst out until Motian turned the corner.

Now, the word "suspect" can be discarded, and Shaohaoyue is sure that Motian has awakened the blood of Tianji.

The dream fragment has been triggered, and the next thing is to wait for Motian to wake up to confirm whether he believes that the blood of the secret is triggered.

The afternoon sun was dazzling, and Mo Tian opened his eyes, only to feel that the corners of his eyes were dry and weak, and his vision was blurred.

He closed his eyes hard, opened them again, and his vision finally became clear.

The bright sunlight slanted in through the window, sprinkled on the table, the white letter paper was glowing, and I glanced at a few lines of words from the corner of my eye, "Shen Canghao was promoted to Daluo Jinxian and returned in the mid-term..."

Glancing at it, he naturally looked away without any emotion, because that was the information he had read long ago.

Taking his hand away from the table, he squeezed his stiff arm, he sighed lightly, he was really tired these days, and he could fall asleep looking at the official documents.

Wait, why is it so quiet outside?
He got up and went out, except for the sentries in front of each military tent, there was no one there.

Before he could ask, the sentinel said with a little surprise: "Second Young Master, you are awake. There is a letter from the Marshal's Mansion saying that the Marshal wants to promise Miss Biling to our general. Everyone is congratulating the general."

Mo Tian nodded, not surprised at all, as if he knew that such a day would come.

He strode towards the camp of the Chinese army, and when he passed by one of the military tents, he found two sentries who were not standing guard properly and were whispering gossip.

"From now on, our general will also be the marshal's confidant, and we will be on the verge of success!"

"Hey, I hope our general can change his fate with a dowry like that Baixi!"

"Who says it's not? If you have a good partner, you will have to fight for 10 years less!"

"You said that Bai Xi has offended who Fang Sheng, and openly offered a reward to kill him! It can't be a debt of love, right?"

"Compared to this, I'm more curious about the background of the Qiuxi Tower, offering a reward to the commander of an army, dare to accept such a mission, dare to send it! And the killer codenamed Nightingale is also reckless..."

Mo Tian frowned when he heard that, "Ahem, why don't you stand guard and talk some gossip!"

The two sentries were startled, and they knelt down and begged for mercy: "Second Young Master, forgive me!"

Mo Tian snorted, didn't bother with them, and continued to go to the camp of the Chinese army. It's not worth disappointing such a trivial matter on a happy day.

As he walked, the scenery in front of him melted into the vast expanse of whiteness, and his consciousness also became blurred. His eyelids seemed to be stuck and he couldn't open them no matter what.

"Second son! Second son!"

The flustered and sad voice seemed to come through a thick barrier, hazy and inaudible.

"Second Young Master, be careful!" The voice suddenly became sharp, like a sharp knife, slamming into the eardrum.

The barrier was shattered, and the sounds of honking horns, wind, fighting, and weapons clashing could be heard clearly.

Mo Tian suddenly opened his eyes, seeing corpses strewn across the field, flags fell to the ground, and a strong smell of blood filled the sky!

He was stunned, this is... what's going on?

Mo Tian couldn't react, everything in front of him was both familiar and strange.

What is familiar is that this is the battlefield of immortals and demons in the Yueqing Realm. He has been in this small world for 8 to [-] years; what is strange is that this is not any war zone of the demons.

He looked around the surrounding area, tried hard to search his memory, and finally remembered that this is the area occupied by the immortal clan, the hinterland of Xiling area.

How did you hit the hinterland of the fairy clan?Victory?
Mo Tian's mind went blank, and while he was thinking, his brain throbbed like a needle.

When the headache was about to explode, the ankle suddenly tightened and was caught by something.

He lowered his head, facing the last familiar face covered with blood and stains, it was Geng Jie, the guard sent to him by his elder brother.

Geng Jie raised his head with difficulty, "Quick—go—"

For the last word 'go', only a faint breath sound was uttered, but Geng Jie didn't make a sound.

"Geng Jie!" Mo Tian exclaimed, only then did he realize that most of the corpses at his feet were familiar, they were soldiers of the [-]th Dark Fire Army.

Panic rose in Motian's heart, what's going on?Why is everyone dead?

What about big brother?
"Big brother-"

Mo Tian suddenly turned his head and shouted. As his neck turned, the back of his head felt a burning pain. He stretched out his hand to wipe the blood.

No wonder the brain hurts, it turns out that it hurts the brain.

"General! General!"

Fan Xu's mournful cry came from a distance, and Mo Tian froze, with an ominous premonition, he turned almost mechanically, and followed the sound.

Among the remains of severed limbs all over the ground, my elder brother was dressed in black armor, kneeling on one knee and wielding an epee.

His head was hanging down, his hair was messy and blood-stained, loosely scattered like straw, and his chest, abdomen, and legs were full of sharp arrows.

"Big brother!"

Motian was in unbearable grief, endless power suddenly emerged from his exhausted meridians, he flew over, grabbed his brother's shoulders and shook, "Big brother, wake up, big brother! Big brother..."

"Second Young Master, the general has already left, hurry up! You hurry up!" Fan Xu urgently urged with grief.

Mo Tian regained his sanity, growled and asked, "What's going on, what's going on?"

"There will be no reinforcements. We are the bait. This is a conspiracy against our [-]th Army. From the new offensive and defensive deployment, we have been abandoned!"

Fan Xu laughed miserably, his laughter was shrill, like a ghost crying, "No, it should be said that Miss Bi Ling's promise to the general was a conspiracy! The purpose is to let us relax our vigilance and come here with peace of mind.

Hahaha...we have been abandoned long ago..."

Motian's head hurt more and more, because the short-lived and vague memories of the injury flooded him, and he remembered it.

According to the established plan, their [-]th Army broke into the depths of the enemy's army and attracted the enemy's siege.

However, the reinforcements that should have arrived have not arrived, and the distress signal sent has also disappeared.

They were abandoned.

Motian felt sad, his eldest brother devoted himself to revitalizing the family, fought bravely against the enemy, and was finally appreciated by Marshal Yanyuan, and married with generals, but in the end, he was just an abandoned son.


Covered in shadows above his head, Mo Tian raised his head and saw Fan Xu standing in front of him. The next second, a sharp arrow flew out of Fan Xu's chest and shot into his heart.

Sharp pain spread from his chest, he stared blankly at the blood hole in Fan Xu's chest, and fell down unwillingly...

Mo Tian sat up suddenly, opened his eyes in the radiant light of the night pearl, his breathing was short, and his whole body was covered in cold sweat.

"Second Young Master, you're awake!" A familiar face approached, full of worry and surprise.

"Geng Jie."

Mo Tian whispered, turned his head and looked around, familiar furnishings, layout, familiar subordinates, no blood flowing into rivers, no corpses strewn across the field.

(End of this chapter)

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