Chapter 745
Mo Tian wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, gasped heavily, and murmured happily: "Fortunately, it was a dream."

After the words fell, he froze, no, it didn't seem to be a dream, could it be that after being seriously injured, the bloodline alarm of Tianji was triggered?
Thinking of this, he couldn't sit still anymore, turned over and got out of bed, ready to go to Mo Tian, ​​"Is the elder brother back?"

As soon as he moved, he was held down by Geng Jie: "Second Young Master, your injury is not healed yet!

After he reminded, Motian felt the burning pain in his abdomen. He took a breath and asked again: "Is the eldest brother back?"

"Hearing that you were injured, the general rushed back immediately, and he is currently on fire in the camp."

Hearing this, Mo Tian pushed his hand away, got off the bed, and said before Geng Jie stopped him, "It's okay, I have something important to ask my elder brother."

Geng Jie didn't stop him anymore, and helped him out of the camp.

Shao Haoyue, who was in the patrol team, felt relieved when he saw him rushing out and heading straight for the Chinese army camp.

The first step was successful.

"Mo Tian believed it."

Lian Xue's sound transmission sounded in the sea of ​​consciousness, and Shao Haoyue let out a breath secretly, and replied lightly: "It's just a preliminary belief."

Lian Xue smiled slightly, "The news came from the Qiuxi Building that Nightingale had sneaked into Liyuan City half a day ago."

And three days later, it was the date for Immortal Baixi to go to Liyuan City to report on his duties.

Shaohaoyue raised her eyes, and glanced at the camp of the Zhongjun calmly. Mo Tian had already entered, and the camp was quiet for a moment, and then she saw Fan Xu and others coming out in a file.

She withdrew her gaze and pretended to be a patrolling soldier with peace of mind, monitoring the Mo brothers so that they could be rescued at any time.

Inside the Chinese army camp.

Mo Fei's face was so heavy that water dripped out, "Are you sure it's Tianji blood warning?"

Motian shook his head, "The trigger method this time is a bit different from last time, and the content is more detailed and clear than last time. I'm not sure."

The corners of Mo Fei's lips were tightly pursed, and his eyes were full of solemnity, "The trigger method of Tianji Blood is uncertain. The ancestor Mo Feiye triggered it for the first time when he was seriously injured and dying.

The last time you triggered it, you accidentally saw Lord Yanyuan, and it was interrupted for a short period of time, with only one fragment.This time, he should be seriously injured and sleeping, and the blood of Tianji was more thoroughly stimulated. "

Mo Tian nodded, he thought so too, so he rushed to discuss with his eldest brother.

Seeing Mofei's heavy expression, he couldn't help comforting him, "Brother, don't worry too much, since we know, let's try to avoid it.

I also have to thank Xi Nai, if he hadn't been hunted down and brought disaster upon me, we wouldn't have known about this catastrophe. "

"Don't be careless, it's too early to conclude that you have a glimpse of the secret." Mo Fei looked cautious, thinking about what happened recently, especially related to his reckless brother.

Well, there is no suspicious person around, and there is nothing against him.

Thinking back for a while, Mo Tian raised his hand: "It can be verified! Shen Canghao's promotion to Da Luo Jinxian came back in the middle of the year, and the assassination of Bai Xi from the Beifu Legion seems to be done by the killer Nightingale of Qiuxi Tower."

As he said that, he patted his head in frustration. If he had known earlier, he would not have stopped the two sentries.

Fortunately, Bai Xi's assassination can be verified.

Mo Fei frowned tightly, "Half a month ago, Shen Canghao fought His Highness Gou Lei, so I can be sure that it is me.

The Shen family is heavily guarded, especially regarding matters related to Shen Canghao. Even for your highness, it is not easy to get news about him, but we can only receive news when he is successfully promoted and passed the customs.

At that time, the Yicheng meeting was probably over, and the new offensive and defensive deployment was already on its way to the four famous families. "

"Bai Xi can do it!" Mo Tian raised his eyebrows and raised his voice.

As the commander-in-chief of the Beifu Legion, Bai Xi was naturally followed by them. His news was within the purview of the Demon General Yan Yuan, so he could ask the people in the Marshal's Mansion to inquire about him.

After pondering for a moment, Mo Fei said: "Shen Canghao's promotion must not be relaxed. In this way, I will send a message up, whether it is true or not, and let the higher-ups check."

Mo Tian showed admiration, "Brother is still thoughtful, and your Highnesses may not be sure about things that we can't find out."

The promotion of Shen Canghao is of great importance, if the news is true, it will be another great achievement!
After the matter was sorted out, Mo Tian relaxed his tense nerves a little, and asked instead: "By the way, big brother, what happened to Xi Nai? Why was he hunted down?"

Mo Fei rubbed his swollen temples, "In a few days, I will lead a team to escort the marshal back to Yicheng. This place has to be arranged in advance. I was planning to trade some explosive bombs with the Wang family in case of emergency."

"Could this be the work of the Wang family?" Mo Tian's face was slightly cold, and his eyes were full of anger.

Mo Tian was expressionless, "I have already sent someone to investigate."

Headquarters of the Southern Wilderness Theater - Gelan City.

Shaohaojin put away the Tianji Fan and praised: "Excellent."

Wan Xiang, the personal guard who stood by the side, was puzzled, "Where is the magic?"

The news from Yuedian clearly indicates that the plan has changed, and at this time, we should find a way to remedy it.

Shao Haojin chuckled, "If you can be the commander-in-chief of an army, there is no one who can be credulous. Mo Tian is seriously injured, and Mo Fei will definitely investigate carefully. Our previous plan was not bad either. We didn't directly target Mo Tian and hurt him through other incidents. But the whole plan is planned by us and cannot stand scrutiny.

Starting with the matter of collaborating with the enemy is different.

The contact between the Xi family and the Wang family was acquiesced by their immediate superiors, Mo Tian and Zhou Chang. This is true.The three of Xi Nai had an accident, and the transaction was robbed. Of course, there was a problem with the transaction. "

Wan Xiang suddenly realized that, in this way, the direction of follow-up investigation was naturally whether there was an inner ghost, whether it was a trap of the Wang family, or whether there was a third perception.

The direction was so far away that it was thousands of miles away, and they never thought that their goal was Motian!

"Yue Dian is wise!"

Shaohaojin tapped the palm of his hand several times with a folding fan, and a warm smile appeared on his lips, "Sure enough, there is a reason why Xiao Shiqi can achieve great military exploits. This ability to adapt to changes, even if the hall is present, I can't dare to say it. Do better than her."

Wan Xiang nodded in agreement, this is the same as mixing lies with the truth, borrowing from the original matter, taking advantage of the trend, and quietly achieving her goal!

After thinking for a while, she asked, "Those two boys who broke the deal, should we send someone to protect them, before they are found out by the Wang family."

The more complicated and longer the matter was, the better for them.

Shaohaojin shook his head, "The wild geese leave traces, the more you do, the more mistakes you make."

Time flies, and three days pass in a blink of an eye.

Liyuan City, Jun's other courtyard.

Wei Lin glanced at the tree shadows swaying by the window, and asked, "Have you thought about what to do next?"

That day, after escaping a catastrophe, they hurried back to the city. On the grounds that they had to return to the Cangxuan Immortal Territory urgently, Jun Yushan assigned the soldiers who knew about the engagement at that time as an escort team, boarded the fairy boat, and left in a hurry. Yueqing world.

If the soldiers who knew about it were transferred away, no one would know where they had gone to fight, and the Wang family could not be sure that the person who eavesdropped was Jun Yushan.

(End of this chapter)

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