Chapter 750
It seems that Mu Yan's identity is not as simple as she said, and she is not just a little maid beside A Li.

In the end, three nine-turn Xuanyuan pills were sold at prices of six thousand, six thousand seven, and seven thousand three.

Wei Lin couldn't help feeling emotional, alchemists really make money!
Before the auction was over, he summoned the waiter of Feimiao Pavilion and negotiated the matter of sending Shamanu to Pinglu City.

After the auction was over, Fei Miao Pavilion's grand array was activated, randomly teleporting the guests to various places in the city. Wei Lin and his party landed in an alley.

Because the camouflage had been re-disguised in the private room, the group of people merged into the crowd as soon as they left the alley. This safety measure made Wei Lin greatly admire Shaohaojin, the owner of Feimiao Pavilion.

Fenli Baiyutao was not photographed, so there is no need to worry about giving the fairy peaches to attract the attention of the Wang family. Jun Yushan decided to go back to Jun's other courtyard to stay.

Fighting is prohibited in the city, be safe!
Back in the other courtyard, Jun Yushan opened the protective circle and was about to open the door to enter when his arm was suddenly held down by Wei Lin. He tilted his head and asked with his eyes.

"It's not right, it's murderous." Wei Lin sent a voice transmission.

Jun Yushan's heart trembled first, did the Wang family go to another courtyard?

Xuan Er became suspicious. On the first day he arrived at the other courtyard, he ordered the housekeeper not to let anyone in at will, and even found an excuse to imply that the Wang family should pay special attention.

The ban is intact, how did the Wang family's pursuers get in?
It's the city guard!The Wang family has organized the city guards!Only in this way can the Wang family dare to act in Liyuan City!
Thinking about the key, Jun Yushan's complexion was as pale as paper, and beads of sweat rolled down from his forehead.

He underestimated the killing intent of the Wang family.

Leaving Yueqing Realm and coming to Liyuan City smoothly, he thought that even if the Wang family had doubts, they would have scruples, and would only assassinate if they were not sure.

Unexpectedly, the Wang family was so bold that they directly broke into the other courtyard of the Jun's family. This was to put him in the same pot as the other courtyard of the Jun's family!
It was so quiet, the people in the other courtyard might have been killed.

He immediately turned around and growled, "Go!"

Wei Lin didn't move, it was already too late.

Sure enough, in the next second, a larger magic circle appeared, covering the entire Jun family and its outer three-foot radius.

"Young Master Jun, is this going to be staged without entering the house?" A sullen voice came from the door, and then the door opened slowly, and there stood an old man in gray robes in the middle of the fairyland in the middle of the atrium.

Behind him, there were corpses lying all over the place, Wei Lin saw a familiar face - Chang Nian!
He was lying on his side, facing the door, his eyes were round, and the hideous wound spread from his forehead to his nose, almost cutting half of his face.

Wei Lin felt the blood flow backwards all over his body, anger welled up, followed by sorrow, he had only ascended for a few months, and the lower realm's passion for his ascension should not have faded.

But he has already fallen.

Among the newly promoted Immortals, Chang Nian had good combat power. He should have a broad immortal path and a good future, but he died just because he might reveal that others were involved in collaborating with the enemy.

When he died, he didn't even know why he died!

His eyes moved, familiar faces and figures were lying in the pool of blood, all of them were comrades-in-arms who had been with him day and night, and many of them had cooperated with him to kill the enemy.

Afterwards, the old housekeeper and the other courtyard's own guards, without exception, have all fallen.

Wei Lin clenched his fist, then slowly opened it, and Mo Lijian appeared in his hand without a sound.

"What's going on?" Zhang Duo's eyes were reddish, his questioning voice was trembling, and the other four looked at Jun Yushan in unison.

"We'll talk about it after we live." Wei Lin said in a deep voice, quickly analyzing the situation between the enemy and us in his mind.

There is no smell of blood at a close distance, and the spiritual sense can't find anything, and there is a formation inside;

As far as the enemies I can see so far, except for the old man in the middle of the fairyland in the atrium, in the shadow of the courtyard walls on both sides, a green-clothed female fairy is standing with her sword in her arms, and she is at the early stage of the fairyland; a tall and thin male fairy is leaning against the courtyard wall like a boneless The late stage cultivation base of the Earth Wonderland;

There are only three people on the surface, and there are still enemies hiding in the dark.

And the seven of them, except for the battalion commander Zhang Duo who is in the early stage of the fairyland, the rest are all cultivated in the fairyland. In the middle stage, although I only have the cultivation base of the early stage of the fairyland, my actual combat power is equivalent to the late stage of the fairyland.

After quickly analyzing, Wei Lin said: "You guys hold back the two Heavenly Wonderlands, and I will deal with the one in the Earth Wonderland first."

Although he spoke fast and in a low voice, the enemies in the court heard it clearly, and the male immortal in the late stage of the fairyland was furious, "Arrogant boy, you dare to speak nonsense in front of me in the early stage of the fairyland! "

Before he finished speaking, Wei Lin felt a movement in front of him. Without thinking, he raised the Mo Li sword horizontally, and with a 'ding', the silver-white light flashed away, and the next second, the silver light appeared on the fingertips of the male fairy, and the speed Disappeared at such a fast speed that no one could see the shape of the weapon clearly.

It's a hidden weapon!
This is actually a male immortal who practiced hidden weapons!

Wei Lin's heart shuddered, his body was like green smoke, and he took the initiative to meet the male fairy. The other six people divided into two groups, Zhang Duo, Lian Ge, and Hao Lu attacked the old man in gray robe; Jun Yushan, Luo Jun, and Yan Hong attacked A female fairy in the early days of the Heavenly Wonderland.

Facing Wei Lin who was attacking alone, the male fairy with hidden weapons sneered again and again, the sharp sword light fell on his body, there was no blood seeping out, but there was a crack in the courtyard wall behind, and the figure disappeared in an instant, turning out to be just a phantom.

The corner of the hidden weapon male fairy's mouth turned up, evoking a sarcasm, while leisurely moving and dodging, while looking at Wei Lin in his spare time.

The moment he looked at the past, he froze for a moment, the other party's expression did not fluctuate, there was no surprise, no sudden surprise, it seemed that he had expected this situation a long time ago.

An ominous premonition rose from the heart of the hidden weapon male fairy...

Although he was angry at the other party's contempt on the surface, seeing that Jun Yushan and the others did not refute the arrogant boy's proposal, he knew that the other party had some real skills, and the result of the first sneak attack also showed that the other party was experienced and sensitive, and he was not a rookie.

Therefore, he seemed to be leisurely and comfortable, but in fact he showed his housekeeping skills and used his body skills to the extreme. He asked himself, even if it was an attack from a strong man in the fairyland, he could dodge it immediately.

The opponent obviously seemed to have guessed his speed, but he was still calm. What cards did he have?

Suddenly, the huge green leaf sword intent swept over, covering the sky and the sun, with a sharp aura like a light on his back, the male fairy with hidden weapons couldn't help being frightened, and couldn't help but wanted to run away quickly.

Sword cultivators have always been fierce in their moves, and they like to strike first. Before the offensive arrives, they first use their sharp swords to confuse the enemy's mind.

The hidden weapon male immortal stabilized his mind and secretly warned himself not to panic. This is a common trick used by sword cultivators.

(End of this chapter)

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