all the way to fairy

Chapter 751 Instant Kill

However, such a fierce attack cannot be received forcefully. The hidden weapon male fairy looked cold and serious, and at the moment when the surging green leaf was about to arrive, his body was like a dragonfly on the water, and he quickly swept aside, trying to get out of the attack range of the sword intent.

He cultivates hidden weapons, and his movement is extremely fast, and the speed in a small range is even faster than space teleportation.

Therefore, his usual way of fighting is to get out of the way before the opponent's attack arrives, constantly consume the opponent, and sneak attack from time to time during the period, disrupting the opponent's offensive rhythm.

In the past, this method was always unfavorable. Not only were many people whose cultivation bases far surpassed his were consumed to death, but many geniuses who became famous at a young age, including many sharp sword cultivators, died with hatred.

Today, for some unknown reason, facing a little fairy soldier whose cultivation base is two realms lower than his, the chill in his heart became more and more intense, and the hairs all over his body stood on end.

It was an instinct for danger cultivated in the battle of thousands of years of tempering.

While his figure was flashing, he didn't dodge out of the range of the sword attack as usual.

He hit a wall, to be precise, it was a space barrier!
Under the cover of the grand green leaf sword intent, at some point, a light gray mist appeared around his body, so light and thin, but under the impact of the mighty sword intent, he remained motionless.

A layer of cold sweat soaked from the forehead of the hidden weapon male fairy, and one after another hidden weapons flew out from his hands, without exception, they were all bounced back by the gray mist.

At the same time, he quickly observed the situation of the gray mist, but sadly found that the left gap was the direction from which the sword intent swept.

He made a quick decision, and he didn't even have time to sacrifice the best defensive artifacts, facing the grand sword intent, and wanted to escape the gray fog space before the last gap in the gray fog closed.

The sword intent was as he had expected, extremely fierce, it easily broke through his original protection, wounds appeared one after another, like Ling Chi, if he couldn't breathe, he had become a blood man.

Fortunately, he is already infinitely close to the edge of the gray fog space, and he only needs to take a step to leave the gray fog surrounding.


At this moment, there was a sneer in the wind.

Under great pressure, following this sneer into his heart, he saw the young sword cultivator in mid-air, with his thin lips tightly pursed, and his delicate phoenix eyes were filled with coldness.

In the next second, a majestic sword intent gushed out from the azure blue long sword, and Ling Ran's aura could cut through the sky and the earth.

The face of the hidden weapon male fairy turned pale, this move cannot be accepted.

One step forward, instant death, no luck.

He had no choice but to retreat quickly, taking this opportunity to sacrifice his strongest defensive weapon.

The moment the defensive artifact was about to be activated, the grand green leaf sword intent swept over, and the last gap in the gray mist closed.

Wei Lin's face was a little pale, he didn't look at the final result, and quickly took out two Xingque Buling Pills - Da Huan Pill and took them.

Da Huan Pill is the basic elixir of Jiuchong Xing Que, which quickly restores immortal power, and is the most demanded elixir of Xing Que along with Xuan Yuan Pill for healing injuries.

Xuanyuan Pill is a simplified version of Jiuzhuan Xuanyuan Pill. After Mu Yan became an alchemist outside the Jun family, she first learned these two kinds of pills. Because of this, Wei Lin never thought that Jiuzhuan Xuanyuan Pill was Danfang from Xingque.

The loud noise was earth-shattering.

The two people in the battle circle next to him had been paying attention to this side. Under their gaze, the sword intent was flying horizontally and vertically in the small gray fog space, like a green thunder bursting, and the figure of the hidden weapon male fairy was completely engulfed.

Suddenly, red spots appeared in the emerald green, mixed with fine white spots, the old man in gray robe and the fairy in green felt a chill in his heart, while Jun Yushan and the others were both happy and surprised.

It was the blood and bones of the male fairy with hidden weapons. In the confined gray fog space, Wanshiqingliu's attack power was multiplied several times, and he had nowhere to hide, so he endured it completely, and was directly blown into blood foam residue !
At this moment, a thought arose in everyone's mind, don't underestimate the enemy, especially in front of the sword repairer.

The male fairy with hidden weapons is proud of his peerless body skills. In the past, many sword cultivators were either dragged to death by him, or sneaked to death. defensive fairy.

With the rear guards approaching every step of the way, he would have no chance to sacrifice his strongest defensive weapon, otherwise, he would be seriously injured but not necessarily dead.

Wei Lin raised his eyes to look at the formation above his head that was gradually calming down, secretly regretting that if he could break the formation, the movement of the battle would definitely attract the city guards.

The Wang family is a mid-level family, and it is impossible to buy off all the city guards in Liyuan City. At that time, the crisis will be temporarily resolved.

While sighing secretly, a killing intent locked on him, and the old man in gray robe left Zhang Duo and the others and came straight to him.




Several warnings sounded at the same time, Wei Lin raised his sword, and suddenly left the spot, Mo Lijian danced airtightly in front of him.

At the same time, he retracted the gray mist, condensed a gray mist barrier in front of him to block the attack of the gray-robed old man, and sent a voice transmission to Zhang Duo: "Go and help Jun Yushan and the others."

Originally, Wei Lin planned to take a breather and regain some of his immortal power, so he went to join Jun Yushan to kill the green-clothed fairy first, and then everyone fought against the gray-robed old man in the middle of the fairyland.

Right now, the gray-robed old man has no other way to find him. He can only hope that Zhang Duo, who is in the same realm as the green fairy, can kill him as soon as possible with the help of Jun Yushan and others.

There is a big difference in realm, which is really difficult.

Lian Ge and Hao Lu also came over and interfered with the old man from time to time, hoping to help him share some pressure.

Wei Lin blocked and retreated, relying on the gray mist barrier, blocked the gray-robed old man's strong attack several times.

Seeing this, the gray-robed old man made a feint, turned back abruptly, and the dust in his hand was violently drawn towards Liange.

"Deputy battalion commander!" Wei Lin shouted urgently, and the gray fog flew out, trying to isolate the old man in the gray fog space.

However, it was too late.

Previously, the three of them stood separately and surrounded the old man, but now it is convenient for the old man to attack Lian Ge.

Faced with a strong man whose cultivation level was higher than that of a large realm, Liange did a good job of protecting himself. He activated the bright light armor long before the battle started, holding a gun in one hand and a shield in the other.

It's a pity that there is a huge gap between him and the old man's cultivation level. The shield only resisted for a moment, and he was thrown away by a strong force. On the way, the shield shattered and people vomited blood.

With this buffer, Wei Lin's gray mist rushed over and blocked in front of him, and Hao Lu's bloody long whip also wrapped around the old man.

Wei Lin heaved a sigh of relief, and glanced at the other side from the corner of his eye. Under the attack of Zhang Duo and others, the green fairy was retreating steadily.

The thinking is right, there is hope for this battle tonight!
The gray-robed old man swelled with immortal power all over his body, turned around, and at the same time shattered the long whip, the floating dust in his hand attacked Wei Lin with supreme immortal power.

Hui Wu was not by his side, Wei Lin had been on guard against him for a long time, and immediately retreated hastily.

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