all the way to fairy

Chapter 752 Aftermath

Wei Lin, Lian Ge and Hao Lu came out of the same battalion, especially the latter two, they cooperated with each other countless times.

After the first wave of attack, the three of them distanced themselves and still surrounded the old man. No matter who he attacked, they immediately dodged and did not take the attack directly. They just had to hold back.

The gray-robed old man knew that going on like this would be bad for his side, so after several trials, he suddenly attacked Liange with all his strength.

Wei Lin and Hao Lu hurriedly helped to contain him, but the old man ignored him and chased after Lian Ge and beat him fiercely.

Liang's best defensive shield was broken, and he couldn't resist it. Not long after, he was picked up by the old man and fell to the ground with serious injuries. His life was dying.

After solving one, the old man didn't rush to rescue the green fairy, but instead attacked Hao Lu, attacking violently as well.

Wei Lin's face suddenly changed, and he understood the old man's intentions.

The green fairy was seriously injured under the joint attack of Zhang Duo and Jun Yushan, and saving her could not change the situation.

The old man wanted to kill as many of the female fairies as possible before Zhang Duo got rid of them, so as to gain an advantage for the latter.

The old man's cultivation level was higher than that of Zhang Duo, and without enough helpers, they would not be able to win.

Thinking of this, Wei Lin took a deep breath and drove the gray fog to trap the old man.

Although the gray mist space is strong, it needs to be supported by cultivation base, and trapping the enemy means resisting the enemy's counterattack.

There is a huge difference in cultivation between him and the old man, and he didn't want to take such a big risk, so he had to fight now.

Seeing the gray mist, the old man in gray robe snorted coldly, and the floating dust and fairy lights flourished, and a steady stream of power bombarded the gray fog space.

Wei Lin only persisted for a moment, and then his immortal power was exhausted, and his spiritual sense was throbbing. He gritted his teeth and tried hard to hold on.

Finally, Zhang Duo and the others dealt with the green-clothed fairy and rushed over in time, Wei Lin cleared the gray mist space.

The big picture is set.

With Zhang Duo standing in front, everyone worked together, and after two quarters of an hour, the old man was finally killed.

Standing in the courtyard full of blood and corpses, looking at familiar faces, the grief in everyone's hearts can finally break out.

Reorganizing the third battalion of 500 people, only six of them are left, which is almost equivalent to annihilation of the entire army.

If they were killed by the enemy on the battlefield, they would feel better, but now, the death is unclear.

Zhang Duo took a deep breath, clutching his bloody arm, and said angrily, "Third Young Master, we need an explanation."

Jun Yushan was also having a hard time. More than 500 people died, which was a big loss to Jun's family.

Wei Lin pursed his lips and said in a deep voice: "The city guards should be here, let's deal with them first."

During the battle, if the formation is triggered, it will definitely attract people's attention. For such a big commotion, the duty of the city guards will definitely come.


Zhang Duo and the others were keenly aware of the different meanings in his words. Was this tragedy related to the City Guard?
Jun Yushan exhaled heavily, took out the array flag from the old man, and was about to close the array outside the courtyard, Wei Lin called him, "You can take this opportunity to seek the protection of the city guard."

Jun Yushan nodded heavily, the tragedy of the Jun family was in front of him, even if the city guards were bought by the Wang family, they had no choice but to give the Jun family an explanation in full view.

The array flags flickered, the array covering Jun's house disappeared, and curious faces came into view.

"The array is open!"

"What happened... hiss..."

The gate of Jun's other courtyard was wide open, and the situation inside was clear at a glance.

There was blood and corpses all over the place, the only six people standing were blood-stained, and everyone was injured, and there was another person sitting on the ground behind him, adjusting his breath, his breath was very weak.

The onlookers felt chills in their hearts.

"Isn't this the third son Jun? What happened? Why did so many people die?" Someone recognized Jun Yushan and asked.

Jun Yushan's eyes were slightly red, and he looked over the crowd and looked at the city guard not far away. He clearly caught a flash of surprise in the eyes of the leader.

Obviously, it was this city guard that the Wang family had bribed, at least the leader had been bribed.

He clenched his fists tightly and wanted to rush forward in anger to kill one of the culprits, but reason prevented him from doing so.

He slowly let go of his fist, strode over, and shouted in grief and indignation: "My lord, you want to be the master of my Jun family, some thieves broke into my other courtyard and killed me..."

"A thief? Why is a thief so arrogant?"

The crowd was in an uproar, the dignified No. [-] city in the Cangxuan Immortal Territory, one of the Eight Great Temples of the Immortal League, unexpectedly had a thief enter and kill people!
"Hiss! Killed more than 500 people! This thief is so arrogant!"

"This is provoking the enemy..."

With a sullen face, the leader of the city guard waved to his subordinates, motioning them to go in and check the situation, while he said to Jun Yushan: "What happened, follow me to the City Lord's Mansion to find out."

Jun Yushan's face froze. At a time like this, he didn't dare to follow him to the City Lord's Mansion. The Wang family was so crazy that a thief would appear and kill him before he reached the City Lord's Mansion.

But the city lord's mansion handles the case, it is necessary to go through the inquiry, and it has to go.

For a while, Jun Yushan didn't know what to do, so he could only repeat incoherently: "My lord, you must let us be the masters, more than 500 people in my Jun family can't die in vain!"

The tragic situation in Jun's other courtyard was in front of them, and the crowd couldn't help but feel sorry for them, and they all spoke in agreement, demanding a thorough investigation, and the culprits must be found out.

At this time, the sky in the north suddenly brightened, and the white light shot up into the sky, and the dark night was as bright as day in an instant.

Immediately, a milky white flute flew out with terrifying celestial power. Halfway through the flight, the white flute stopped suddenly, as if it had hit something.

The sky and the earth roared, and Liyuan City, which had been built for tens of thousands of years and was heavily surrounded by magic circles, trembled. The protective magic circles were activated one after another, and Wei Lin and others who were watching from afar vomited blood.

Wei Lin was in a bad mood, so he hurriedly checked Liang Ge's situation, the small isolation formation specially set up for him had been destroyed, and Liang Ge fell to the ground, dying of exhaustion.

Wei Lin felt a puff of breath in his chest, extremely uncomfortable, escaped from the hands of the old man in gray robe, but died in the aftermath of the powerful battle, how sad!
"Deputy Battalion Commander!"


Others also noticed what happened to Lian Ge, and their eyes were red.

"Like...why?" Angry questioning resounded throughout the city, and a shadowy figure appeared in the sky.

It was a man with the appearance of a young man, with a simple dark blue jade hairpin inserted in his hair, and wearing a loose white plain robe. He should be a gentle and leisurely young man, but his entire right shoulder was stained red with blood, which was shocking.

He stretched out his hand and took the flying flute back, staring fixedly at the front, his handsome face was full of astonishment and anger.

"Immortal Baixi!" Someone recognized the man and shouted out loud.

After a moment of sluggishness, the crowd scattered like birds and beasts, and the battle of Da Luo Jinxian was not something that these little fairies could watch.

Wei Lin and the others didn't care about their sorrow, and immediately activated the other hospital's protective formation.

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