Chapter 753
The onlookers and the city guards who watched the tragedy of Jun's family quickly entered the other courtyard and hid in the protective formation.

"Because you deserve to die!" The indifferent female voice sounded.

Only then did everyone realize that a woman in light purple clothes appeared in the night sky at some point. Her right hand was slightly bent like holding a sword, but the palm was empty.

Suddenly, she waved her sword, the wind howled, and the emerald green wind blades poured down like a rain of thousands of swords.

Seeing this move, the four of Zhang Duo turned their heads together and looked at Wei Lin.

Wei Lin was also stunned for a moment, this move was the fourth form of Ye Luo's volleying sword art - Wind Knife and Frost Sword.

This woman also practiced Ye Luo's volleying sword art!

Jun Yushan only fought against Wei Lin once. In the battle just now, Wei Lin didn't use the Wind Saber or Frost Sword. He didn't pay attention to the abnormality of Zhang Duo and others. He kept his eyes on the woman in the night sky, and suddenly exclaimed: " The Invisible Sword! It's Nightingale! Nightingale, the Killer of Qiuxi Building!"

"The safety of Liyuan City is becoming more and more unreliable. First, some thieves broke into the other courtyard of Jun's house and started killing people. Now the commander of the first army is openly assassinated, tsk tsk!"

Someone subconsciously sighed, and as soon as the words fell, they felt chills down their backs, turned their heads to look, and met the eyes of the leader of the upper city guard, Yin Wu, shrunk their necks and closed their mouths.

Outside, Immortal Bai Xi blushed with anger, held up his flute to parry, and a milky white fairy light appeared in front of him, blocking all attacks.

Wei Lin felt strange, Ye Luo's volleying sword art really showed its power from the fifth form of Wan Shi Qing Liu Fang, the first four forms can only be regarded as beginners, and their power is not great.

Especially when the strength of the opponent is the same, this move has very little gain, and it is not even as flexible as the third form of floating light. You can chase the enemy, dodge, and adjust your position during the battle.

In addition, this trick is a bit of a simplified version of the Evergreen Flow. After learning the Evergreen Flow, he seldom uses it.

Nowadays, it is basically only used on the battlefield when facing many demon soldiers in the early stage of the earth demon realm, in order to save immortal power.

This killer codenamed Nightingale is not very professional.

Then I remembered her conversation with Immortal Baixi, who seemed to be acquainted, could it be that Nightingale was merciful?
While thinking, the nightingale in the air flipped her wrist slightly, and in the next moment, she had rushed to Immortal Baixi's side, slashing horizontally with her long sword, Immortal Baixi lowered her waist to avoid it, the flute in her palm swirled, blocking the shadowless sword, and then fell straight down, pulling distance.

"Then don't blame me for being ruthless!" Said coldly, and Bai Xi's flute touched his lips.

Wei Lin hurriedly yelled at Jun Yushan: "Stop the sound!"

They couldn't bear the sound attack of Da Luo Jinxian.

Jun Yushan also reacted quickly. Almost the moment Wei Lin opened his mouth, he had already communicated with the formation, pulled out the formation flag, and activated the nested sound isolation formation.

The white air waves were like water ripples, centered on the white flute, rippling away, and everyone saw that Nightingale's attack slowed down a bit.

Suddenly, her body swayed, she staggered a few steps while clutching her right shoulder, and looked at Immortal Baixi with mocking and desolate eyes.

Immortal Baixi put down the white flute, with a gloomy expression.

Two more figures flew up into the sky and surrounded Nightingale. Their cultivation level Wei Lin couldn't see clearly, they were at least Taiyi Golden Immortals.

"It's City Guard Commander Li and Elder Song Nian!" Someone said in a low voice.

Seeing this situation, Nightingale made a false move and retreated resolutely. Commander Li waved his hand and immediately led his men to chase after her.

The assassination of Immortal Baixi is such a big event, the captain of the city guard who was bribed by the Wang family couldn't sit still, and hurried back to the city lord's mansion with the city guard team.

The onlookers who were eating melons also lost interest in the thieves in Jun's other courtyard, and all left.

Until this time, when Jun Yushan had time, he explained to Zhang Duo and the others that he accidentally broke the Wang family's collaboration with the enemy.

After hearing this, Zhang Duo and the others didn't know how to feel.

After discussing, everyone decided to leave quickly.

Right now, Liyuan City is focusing on the safety of Immortal Lord Baixi. How can the city guard provide them with protection? Maybe the maddened Wang family will take advantage of this opportunity to fish in troubled waters and launch another attack.

They took out the fairy boat and opened a hole in the protective array. Just as they jumped onto the fairy boat, there was a bang when something heavy fell down and landed on the deck.

However, only his voice was heard, but his shadow was not seen.

Wei Lin and the others unleashed their weapons in unison, scanning the deck vigilantly, and after a while, a lavender figure appeared.

It's a nightingale!
I saw her curled up into a ball and passed out.

Everyone was stunned, and Jun Yushan ordered subconsciously: "Go and invite the city guard..."

Before he finished speaking, Wei Lin grabbed the formation flag in his hand and closed the opening of the protective formation.

Jun Yushan froze for a moment, and asked with his eyes.

"How can I not want the high-level thugs who came to my door." Wei Lin raised his eyebrows.

Jun Yushan's eyes lit up, Nightingale was Da Luo Jinxian's early stage cultivation, and the killer sent by the other party's Wang family was more than enough!

After being excited for less than a second, he hesitated again, "She assassinated Immortal Baixi, this matter..."

Before he could finish speaking, Wei Lin raised his voice and interrupted: "We will have a future after we get through the crisis of the Wang family."

Jun Yushan was silent and agreed.

Several people hurriedly checked Yeying's condition. After a brief inspection, they found that her right shoulder was stagnant, and toxins were still flowing in her body.

After several men avoided, Hao Lu and Yan Hong stripped off their clothes and inspected them carefully, and then said: "She was hit by the green burning palm of Immortal Baixi, and the poison entered her body. She must detoxify as soon as possible, otherwise her life will be lost." .”

Immortal Baixi's killer move, Green Burning Palm, is driven by the poisonous flames of the strange fire hook kiss. If the person caught in the endless sea of ​​​​flames, every corner of the body will be under extremely high temperature. If the poisonous flames cannot be cleared in time, the whole person will turn from the inside out. Outside, burned alive.

Hao Lu transformed her celestial power into ice spirit and injected it into Nightingale's body to help her suppress the poisonous fire temporarily. "She is now in a coma, and the poisonous fire has lost its suppression. If she is allowed to explode, she will die instantly."

Jun Yushan had a pale face, "The poisonous flame of Da Luo Jinxian, at least I have to get the top-quality detoxification pill, where can I find it?"

Wei Lin pursed the corners of his lips, hesitated for a moment, and said: "You guys use Bing Ling to help her suppress the poison fire, I'll go to Pinglu to pick someone up."

In autumn, the sky is clear and cloudless, and the sky is high and far away.

After the shift, Shaohaoyue sat on a big rock, dazed in a daze.

After a while, the magic soldier played by Lian Xue came over, looked around quietly, and saw that no one was paying attention, then came to her side, and sent a voice transmission: "Your Highness, there is news from Liyuan City that Bai Xi has been assassinated." .Should we find a way to disclose it to the Mo Brothers."

"No need, this matter can't reveal any clues, let them investigate by themselves. Is there any news from Heyou?"

"Heyou has succeeded, and the will of the marriage will be passed on to Mo Fei soon."

Shaohaoyue nodded secretly. Yanyuan intended to marry the witch from the clan to Mofei. Heyou only needed to remind Mofei at the right time, so that this matter could be disclosed to Mofei before the Yicheng meeting.

Even if Mo Fei moved the attack and defense map behind him, no one would suspect He You.

 Happy holiday!
(End of this chapter)

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