Two days later, Shaohaoyue was patrolling with the patrol team, and suddenly felt a change in the sky, and a demon was flying towards the camp. She had a thought, and immediately guessed something.

She didn't use her spiritual sense to investigate, in order to prevent accidents, but controlled the speed, and when the visitor appeared in the field of vision, she happened to patrol near the door.

She stopped at first, watched and inspected vigilantly, and after seeing the other party's clothing clearly, she went up to him: "Where are the two adults?"

The cold-faced female devil in front threw a token to her, and asked unceremoniously, "Where is your general?"

Shaohaoyue inspected it decently, and immediately put on a smiling face: "So it's Lord Gu Yuan, please! Please! My general is in the camp."

While speaking, she naturally led the way for the two demons, led them into the camp of the Chinese army, and before exiting, she calmly threw a grain of phantom sand at the door.

Right now in the whole camp, the person with the highest cultivation level is Mo Fei, who is in the early stage of Youmo Realm. She is completely confident to hide it, and she has to be vigilant all the time when she arrives in Yicheng.

"General Mo is overjoyed!" Before the tent was closed, the male devil congratulated Mo Fei beamingly.

Shaohaoyue communicated with her spiritual thoughts, and 'seeing' Mo Fei's face stiffened slightly, then quickly adjusted his expression, and asked in surprise, "Where does the joy come from?"

The male demon's old face turned into a chrysanthemum with a smile, "Marshal decided to betroth Miss Biling to you. This is double happiness!"

Hearing the previous words, Mo Fei had already guessed a little bit, and he was still tense, but Mo Tian beside him was shocked, and the expression on his face suddenly became forced.

Spotting his younger brother's expression from the corner of the eye, Mo Fei stepped forward, blocking the sight of the two demon envoys, with a look of surprise: "Really?"

"Of course it's true, how dare the little devil make fun of the general." The male devil congratulated with a bit of sourness in his voice.

Although Miss Bi Ling's cultivation base is not high, her talent is average, and her blood relationship with the marshal is not close.But this is a signal, a signal that the Marshal values ​​Mo Fei.

With this level of relationship, after he has improved his cultivation base and made enough military achievements, he will become a confidant general, just around the corner.

This is not without precedent.

Marshal Yinghui is a demon cultivator who has ascended from the lower realms and has no foundation at all in Xingque. Because of her outstanding military exploits, she is appreciated by the five elders of Qimen, and she is recruited by marrying a Qimen devil with mediocre talent.

Now, Ying Hui and Yan Yuan are both powerful magic generals of Gui Tu, the young lord of Qimen, and their degree of trust is even better than that of Yan Yuan.

Shaohaoyue outside was also a little surprised, she only intended to reveal her intention of marriage, as for which witch to choose, it all depends on Yanyuan's intention, which they can't control.

The witch Bi Ling was one of the most likely candidates she guessed after discussing with Shao Haojin.

Even if Biling was not chosen by Yan Yuan in the end, it didn't matter much. Fate is fickle, and it affects the whole body. Small changes are also normal.

But she didn't expect that the final candidate was really Bi Ling!
Was Brother Qi's analysis too accurate, or was He You pushing it secretly?

Surprised for a while, she was more relieved, it was better this way, when the news of Immortal Baixi's assassination reached the Mozu a few days later, the Mo brothers should be sure that they had really peeped into the sky.

In the camp, after talking about the happy event, the cold-faced witch changed the subject and said sternly: "The marshal has made an appointment to return to Yicheng in three days. General Mo, please arrange the garrison in advance."


The next thing went smoothly. The day before the departure, news of the assassination of Immortal Baixi reached the Demon Race.

The Mo brothers were worried, regardless of the imminent departure and the many affairs, since they heard the news, the two brothers have been discussing in the Chinese army camp how to avoid the catastrophe of the [-]th army.

Mo Fei was so anxious that he said, "Brother, think of a way!"

Almost all the main members of the Mo family served in the [-]th Dark Fire Army, and the entire army was annihilated, which was equivalent to exterminating the clan.

"I'm thinking."

Mo Fei is also anxious. Although the Yicheng meeting is important, it will not last long. According to the usual practice, the results must be discussed within three days.

Counting the two days on the road, that is to say, they had to make Marshal Yanyuan change his mind within five days.

However, Tianji only gave a little instruction, and they didn't know anything about why the Dark Fire [-]th Army became the bait.

Mo Fei took a deep breath and rationalized his thoughts bit by bit, "The Dark Fire Army is the backbone of the marshal, and the death of the [-]th Army is a great loss to him. It should not be his intention to use us as bait."

"Brother, what do you mean, the marshal was also forced to do nothing?" Mo Tian became even more anxious. If Yan Yuan meant it, they could still think of ways to change his mind.

But if Yanyuan is forced, it will be troublesome. As the coach who leads the army alone, Yanyuan has to compromise, what can they do.

Mo Fei twisted a word between his eyebrows, "I just don't know whether the [-]th Army became the bait because of the special location of the war zone, or it was the marshal's turn to give the bait."

If it's the former, try to change the defense zone, and you can change the fate of the [-]th Army; if it's the latter, you have to find a way to increase the weight of the [-]th Army in Yanyuan's heart and let him change the bait.

To change a theater, one must first know which theater the [-]th Army is in charge of. In addition, the theater can be changed just by changing it;

As for the weight in the marshal's heart, how can he increase the weight in just a few days?You can't fight a big victory now, can you?

Mo Tian, ​​one head and two big, muttered angrily: "After discussing for a long time, it seems that there is no discussion, and there is still no way."

Mo Fei frowned, showing hesitation: "Perhaps, there is a way."

"What way?" Mo Tian's eyes lit up, and he looked at his brother eagerly.

"After the offensive and defensive map comes out, if there is any sign of leakage, it will be completely overthrown."

After pondering for a moment, Mo Tian slapped his thigh: "Good idea! As expected of a big brother!"

Whether it is to find out the responsible theater in advance, or to increase the position of the [-]th Army in the marshal's heart, it is difficult to reach the blue sky, and it may not be able to change the fate of the [-]th Army.

But this plan will definitely work!
Since it is a bait, it is a key deployment. If there are signs of leaks in the attack and defense master plan, the key deployment will definitely be redeployed.

At that time, no matter what reason the [-]th Army becomes the bait, it can change the fate!

Next, the two brothers began to discuss how to access the attack and defense map, how to break the seal, and how to blame the immortals afterwards.

Of course, they didn't plan to fight in person.

Most of the plan was successful, Shao Haoyue smiled slightly, and the next thing they had to do was to make the two brothers have to fight in person.

Only when the two of his brothers died in time, no one would notice that this was the work of the immortal clan.

When the shift was changed, Shaohaoyue returned to the barracks and got bad news. The magic soldier she pretended to be was not on the list of entourage to Yicheng.

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