all the way to fairy

Chapter 755 Small Crisis

Shaohaoyue was speechless. She chose this magic soldier named Xin Hu as her fake identity, which was the result of many considerations.

Firstly, Xin Hu is a camp patrol soldier with a flexible route of action, which is convenient for observing the movements of the Mo brothers at any time; secondly, his combat power is not bad, and there is a high possibility of being selected as the entourage of Yicheng; thirdly, his personality She is withdrawn, not talkative, and the possibility of revealing her secrets is small.

But she never expected that lonely people would be squeezed out, and before departure, people would occupy their places.

The problem is that Xin Hu is withdrawn and unreasonable, and it is not in his character to bribe the person in charge.

Let Xin Hu die in a reasonable and reasonable way, and then pretend to be another accompanying soldier?
As soon as this thought came up, she stifled it. It was too eye-catching to be dead at this time.

With Xin Hu's character, what would he do when he encountered such a thing?

Although he is withdrawn, he is not afraid of things.On the contrary, because of his good strength and a little bit of aloofness, he won't swallow his anger...

Thinking about the key points, Shaohaoyue suddenly pushed away several colleagues, her face was so gloomy that water dripped out, she went straight to the person in charge's tent, suppressed her anger and asked, "Deacon Wang, why are there no subordinates in the entourage?"

Deacon Wang was writing official documents at his desk, when a hostile atmosphere suddenly broke into the camp, he was taken aback.

After seeing the person who came, he couldn't help but blacken his face, and the momentum of his whole body was suppressed: "It's against the sky!"

'Xin Hu' turned pale, and the pressure on his body was getting heavier and heavier, his bones were rattling, and his knees were involuntarily bent.

He clenched his back molars tightly, and the devilish energy surged all over his body. He actually withstood the coercion of Deacon Wang and did not kneel down.

Deacon Wang was astonished, and a look of apprehension flashed across Xuan Er's face, and he wanted to do nothing to stop and mutilate this ignorant boy.

Just at this moment, 'Xin Hu' lifted his foot, stomped hard, and with a loud bang, a deep pit appeared on the ground, invisible force rippled away from under his feet, and everything in the tent was turned over, including Deacon Wang .

Deacon Wang reacted quickly, and quickly stabilized his figure. He looked at 'Xin Hu' with suspicion, "Your cultivation base..."

Deacon Wang's tent is not far from the Chinese Army camp, and the movement here quickly attracted Mo Tian's attention. He came over with a dark face, and roared angrily: "What's going on?"

Seeing him, those magic soldiers who were waiting to watch the show quickly explained the matter.

After listening, Motian stared at Deacon Wang unkindly, and said coldly, "Is this how you do things?"

He knows that the people below accept bribes, and it is harmless within a certain range, but it must not hinder the business.

Xin Hu can withstand the coercion of Deacon Wang, which shows that he is very strong. Such a soldier is the backbone of the escort, how can he be dismissed.

Deacon Wang couldn't tell because the strength that Xin Hu had shown before was within the scope of usable or unusable, how could he know that the other party had secretly raised his cultivation base.

Lian Xue, who was standing next to her, watched this scene silently, feeling a little kind in her heart. After leaving the customs, His Highness has changed a lot, from being unfamiliar to her, to being not at all like her before.

Only when she is acting, is she like her before.

The next day, the team set off and arrived at the headquarters of the Demon Army in Xiling area in less than half an hour. Mo Tian took a few of his confidants off the magic ship to greet Yanyuan.

Shaohaoyue followed other ordinary soldiers on guard on the magic ship. She was in charge of the stern of the ship, so far away that she almost couldn't see her colleagues.

Because of Mo Tian, ​​Deacon Wang had to let 'Xin Hu' join the guard, but he couldn't swallow his anger and directly assigned 'Xin Hu' to a remote place.

Shaohaoyue naturally didn't care about these things, on the contrary, this move was exactly what she wanted.

Not long after, another battleship flew from the sky, with a beautiful tail, it docked beside them steadily.

The smoke and dust filled the air, stirring up the airflow, messing up Shaohaoyue's hair and clothes.

That was the Tenth Army. In addition to the Fifteenth Army, the escort this time also included the Dark Fire Tenth Army, the Fifth Army, and Yanyuan's personal guards.

"Bald, your uncle, will you know how to control the magic ship!" Someone cursed in a low voice.

Shaohaoyue took a look and then looked away. It was the magic soldier on the battleship of the Tenth Army who was in charge of guarding the stern.

"Hey! Xin Zhuichui! You're here too?!" A surprised voice came from the battleship next door.

Shaohaoyue was stunned for a moment, she was the only one at the stern of the ship, this sentence was naturally addressed to her, but what the hell is Xin Zhui chasing?

She turned her head and looked at the speaker calmly. She had thick eyebrows, a square face, dark purple curly hair, a round figure, and was as fat as a big stone pillar. The flesh on her face shook, and she let go of her surprise. She said with emotion: "I didn't expect that we were really Difficult brother!"

With this surprised expression and familiar tone, he should be Xin Hu's friend, and Xin Zhuizhui is his nickname for Xin Hu?
This kind of nickname, Xin Hu, a male devil who advocates strength, probably won't like it, well, it's a bad friend.

While thinking, Shaohaoyue had a way to deal with it. She glanced at him and hummed displeasedly: "I have a name."

No, the fat man was stunned for a moment, and wondered, "Don't you like me calling you Xin Zhuizhui?"

Shaohaoyue: "..."

What's the matter with this Xin Hu, who is tall and big, how could he like that kind of soft name?It's still overlapping words!

Looking at each other, she saw that the fat man quickly recovered from his daze, with a suspicious look on his face.


"You are……"

Before he could fully reveal the questioning words, Ruan Qi saw orange light in the depths of the opponent's eyes, everything in front of him began to blur, and his consciousness became chaotic.

"Forget the conversation just now."

A voice sounded, ethereal and ethereal, with a little majesty, like the earnest exhortation of the closest person, and also like the order of the leader or teacher.

Execute, execute...

A thought arises in the heart, the memory changes and mottles, and a fragment keeps sinking, until it is silent to the depths of the ocean of memory.

The dizziness dissipated in his head, and his vision became clear again. Ruan Qi looked at the smoke and dust scattered around the magic ship, couldn't help shaking his head, and cursed: "Your bald man, will you be able to control the magic ship!"

After scolding, he subconsciously went to look at the battleship next door, and he didn't know who the unlucky guy like himself was in the [-]th Army.

His eyes swept over, and he saw an ordinary face, which he didn't recognize.

Ruan Qi took the initiative to say hello: "Brother, you are also in charge of the stern."

Shaohaoyue hummed, but she felt a little anxious in her heart. After she used her confusion to make the other party forget the conversation just now, she immediately put on a hidden face for herself.

Now, in the eyes of the other party, he looks ordinary and there is nothing suspicious.

But the crisis is only temporarily lifted.

Since the other party is Xin Hu's friend, he will inevitably ask the [-]th Army. At that time, he will know that Xin Hu is also in charge of guarding the stern of the ship, and she must reveal her secrets.

Just now, she also thought about not showing off her face and pretending that the two have just met again. The problem is that she knows nothing about Fatty, Xin Hu's relationship with Fatty.

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