all the way to fairy

Chapter 756 Luck

Chapter 756 Luck
Right now, Yanyuan is nearby, and it is possible to leave at any time, so it is impossible to ask all the information slowly with confusion.

Shaohaoyue kept a cold face, as if he didn't want to talk more, but he was thinking quickly about the way to deal with it.

No, Ruan Qi is an acquaintance, ignoring her indifference, and said to himself: "I have a brother who is also in the [-]th Army, his name is Xin Hu, do you know him?"

Shaohaoyue raised her eyes and looked around, with a look of conscientious vigilance, her eyes naturally swept towards the front line, thinking to herself: the station is not far from the front line, and the dispatch of the magic ship will definitely attract the attention of the immortals.

Regardless of whether they know the reason for the demon clan's change, they will send troops to stop it, and then take advantage of the chaos to push this fat man out, and use their hands to eradicate this trouble.

After making up her mind, she curled the corners of her lips, took a big turn in her attitude, and said enthusiastically: "So it's Xin Hu's friend, it's a pleasure to meet you!"

Ruan Qi was astonished, because of Xin Zhuizhui's inflexible temperament, offending people is a common thing.Because of him, I have been affected a lot. After so many years, this is the first time that I have gained enthusiasm because of him.

He asked suspiciously, "Brother, is this?"

"Hey, I guess you don't know, but recently, Xin Hu's cultivation has improved a lot..."

At the moment, Shaohaoyue added fuel and jealousy, failed to push Deacon Wang out of 'Xin Hu', but was cut down by 'Xin Hu' in detail, and finally sighed: "Sure enough, cultivation is the root!"

Ruan Qi was deeply convinced, so Xin Zhuizhui's weird temperament, if not for some strength, how could he have entered the [-]th Army.

Xuan Er became excited, Xin Zhuizhui had already left an impression on Mo Tian, ​​if he could do a good job and get Mo Tian's appreciation, he would be on the verge of success!

Xin Zhuichui has developed, and he can follow suit!

Although Shaohaoyue didn't know what he was thinking, but when he saw the flash of secret joy on his face, he stretched out his neck and looked forward, guessing that he was looking for Xin Hu, so he immediately pulled him to chat, "After chatting for so long, I haven't talked yet. Please tell me your brother's name."

"Ran Qi."

In the heavily guarded place, Ruan Qi didn't dare to look around with his spiritual sense, but he couldn't find Xin Hu, so he had to look away in frustration, and started talking enthusiastically with Shao Haoyue.

When the magic ship set sail, Shaohaoyue knew that he and Xin Hu were young, from a commoner family in the Thirteen Continents of the Demon Realm, and joined the army at the same time, he was Xin Hu's only friend.

As she expected, the magic ship had just set sail, and before it could even fly out of the Xiling theater, a huge fireball suddenly hit it, like a blazing sun falling.

This round of fireball appeared suddenly, and the four demon ships had no time to dodge, so they could only hastily activate the protective magic circle to resist.

Shao Haoyue was overjoyed, and hurriedly looked at the magic ship where the Tenth Army was located, and soon found where Ruan Qi was.

After the fireball, without leaving the demons any more time to react, a small fairy warship appeared and jumped into the inner circle.Then it rotated flexibly, and the spikes on the ship were like blades, making several long cuts in the body of the demon ship.

Fortunately, the magic soldier reacted quickly, maneuvering the magic ship to dodge, avoiding the whole magic ship from being disembowelled.

However, as it evaded, a gap appeared in the formation, and the fairy ship sailed out quickly, breaking away from the battle circle of the magic ship.

"How courageous!" On the main ship, Yan Yuan was going crazy.

With a roar, he suddenly disappeared from the ship, and when he reappeared, he was already blocking the way of the fairy ship. He flicked his sleeves, and the billowing demonic energy rushed out, forcing the flying fairy ship to stop.

From the rear, four demon ships quickly caught up and bit the small fairy ship from the rear and two wings. One by one, the demon soldiers rushed onto the fairy ship like wolves and tigers, and began to fight side by side.

The opportunity is coming!

Shaohaoyue's spirit was shaken, and while rushing towards the fairy ship with all the demon soldiers, he looked at Ruan Qi, ready to pick a suitable time to send him under the blade of the fairy soldiers.

Looking at the past moment, she was speechless.

When all the demon soldiers rushed towards the fairy ship, Ruan Qi squatted down and hid!
Not only that, he quickly sacrificed a defensive object, and skillfully cast the concealment technique. If Shaohaoyue hadn't paid attention to his movements at the first time, after a while, he might not even be able to find his shadow.

How did this guy get into the Tenth Army Guard?Who is the guard, who hides by himself in case of trouble?

With a few words of slander, she could only put aside the idea of ​​solving Ruan Qi for the time being.

It would be fine if the other party didn't sacrifice any defensive artifacts, so she touched him quietly, killed him without anyone noticing, and then just threw the body on the fairy ship while it was in disorder.

But Ruan Qi never forgot to sacrifice his defensive artifacts while evading. Killing him would definitely make some noise, so it would be bad to make Yan Yuan suspicious.

Almost all the demons dispatched were elites. The immortals were in a hurry, so they were naturally no match, and they were quickly defeated. On the small immortal ship, except for the leader who escaped, the rest of the dozen or so people died in battle.

After some rectification, the four demon ships set sail again, and half a day later, they arrived at the headquarters of the Zhengxi theater. From a distance, they saw two masters, one immortal and one demon, fighting at a height of thousands of miles.

Judging from the aura of their moves, it should be Gui Tu and Song Zicheng, and under them is the battle between the fleets of the two sides.

Shaohaoyue regained his spirits, Yanyuan was Gui Tu's general, and their purpose in going to the headquarters of the Zhengxi theater was to meet Gui Tu.

Since Gui Tu was fighting with Song Zi, they would inevitably join the battle. When Da Luo Jinxian and ancient demons fought against each other, and the battle between demon ships was huge, breaking through Ruan Qi's defense naturally would not attract attention.

In her anticipation, the magic ship's hidden formation was activated, and it actually bypassed the theater and left!
Shaohaoyue was about to vomit a mouthful of blood, this little softie was lucky.

After flying out for a stick of incense, the distance between the four magic ships was widened, and a floating boat about three feet long lifted off from below and entered the center of the four magic ships steadily.

The floating boat is not gorgeous, but the splicing is natural and seamless, the magic pattern on the hull is mysterious, the overall lines are smooth, and it looks simple and grand.

At this moment, on the deck of the pontoon, there were a dozen or so figures standing, the head of which was a face as black as charcoal, thick eyebrows like ink, a pair of single eyelids with fierce and sharp eyes, the tails of the eyes were raised, and the cheekbones were protruding.

He stood tall, if it wasn't for the complicated and luxurious clothes on his body, at first glance, he would have thought he was a bandit.

This person is one of the four famous sects of the Demon Clan, Gui Tu, the number one heir of Qimen, has a reckless and irritable personality, and his martial arts moves are open and closed.

Glancing, Shaohaoyue quickly looked back, but was surprised in his heart, Gui Tu was here, so the one who was fighting with Song Ziyao in full swing was naturally his substitute.

After a little thought, she understood the purpose of Gui Tu and others. The overall deployment of offense and defense needs the heirs of the four famous families to take the lead, and the high-level demon clan discussed and decided.

This must not be hidden from the fairy clan, it's just a matter of knowing sooner or later, like my seventh brother, the chess pieces are buried deep, so naturally he knows that the demon clan will readjust the offensive and defensive deployment earlier than others.

(End of this chapter)

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