Other forces with insufficient information will come later, but by now, the senior officials of the fairy clan should basically know about it.

The Yicheng meeting cannot be hidden, and the demons will not try their best to hide it, but there is a time difference, and the departure time of each escort team is also different, and the notification is only three days before departure, which is the reason.

At that time, even if Xiao Zuo notified the immortal clan, it was too late, and in a hurry, he could only stop it a little bit.

The Immortal Clan knew that the Demon Clan was about to hold a meeting in Yicheng, but they didn't know the exact time. The fake Gui Tuxuan fought Song Zicheng at this time to confuse the public.

Gui Tu is the number one successor of Qimen, so it is impossible for him not to attend the Yicheng meeting. The battle between 'Guitu' and Song Zicheng fell in the eyes of the immortals, which is a clear indication that the time for the meeting has not yet come.

Of course, the demons confuse the public, not because they are worried about the immortals stealing the offensive and defensive deployment, but because the immortals know that the coach is not there, so they take the opportunity to attack.

I can't hold a meeting, and I lost the site when I came back.

With Song Zicheng's shrewdness, it is impossible for Jia Guitu to deceive him all the time. When the commander leaves, the demons will naturally make other arrangements, and Jia Guitu will cheat for a while to make money.

Shao Haoyue curled his lips secretly, Song Zi pretended to be smart, and always despised the reckless Gui Tu, but now he was having a lively fight with a stand-in, tsk, shame!

After a pass of contempt, she put the matter down.

Stealing the general plan of attack and defense is the Feng Clan's plan. At this time, it is the best strategy to let the Yicheng meeting go smoothly and let the Demon Clan think that no one knows their arrangement.

Shaohaoyue glanced at the Tenth Army Fleet. Now, what she should worry about is how to solve this hidden danger.

He has already entered the hinterland of the demons, and it is impossible to use the hands of the immortals to get rid of him; the Yicheng meeting is of great importance, and no demon soldiers dare to make trouble, and it is not feasible to use their hands to kill him.

After thinking about it, Shaohaoyue can only reunite with him as Xin Hu, hoping to fool him with superb acting skills.If unfortunately you are seen through, it will not be too late to think of a way to start.

Ruan Qi was just an insignificant pawn in the Tenth Army of Dark Fire, and his death did not attract much attention.

When it was getting dark, Yicheng appeared in the field of vision, and before landing, Shaohaoyue recognized from the emblems on the soldiers' uniforms below that the personnel and affiliated forces from the Abyss and Yushan sects had arrived, and now, only Jiuli and Yi were left The door has not yet arrived.

"Hei Charcoal, you are late."

The joking voice drifted into her ears, familiar yet unfamiliar, Shaohaoyue was startled, and followed the voice to look, the black-haired and purple-clothed girl in tight clothes was sitting lazily on the roof, her eyes were raised, and she was looking at this side with a half-smile.

Seeing her, Gui Tu rolled his eyelids angrily, "I want to cover you, and besides, Gou Lei's psychosis hasn't arrived yet."

While speaking, he jumped off the magic ship and walked straight to the hall where Xun Xia was. The door of the hall was wide open, and the young man in pink and white hair smiled modestly, "Brother Gui Tu, I haven't seen you for a long time."

The robe is light pink and white, with several peach pink flowers of different sizes embroidered on the left shoulder, the silver hair is scattered, without any accessories, the eyebrows are peaceful and clear, and there is a pink flower in the center of the eyebrows.

He is so beautiful and pure. Seeing him, almost all the magic soldiers couldn't help holding their breath, moving and stepping lightly, as if they were afraid of disturbing this beautiful person.

Gui Tu stopped about a zhang in front of him, put away his annoyance towards Xun Xia, and laughed loudly, "Brother Hou Yu is so fast."

That is a dreadful distance.

Shaohaoyue also quickly lowered her head, like other demon soldiers, held her breath, jumped off the battleship, and went to the west side of the hall under the command of a personal guard in Yanyuan.

Hou Yuxiu's solicitation technique, which looks pure and harmless on the outside, is actually the most difficult one among the younger generation among the four famous families of the demon clan.

Even if he does nothing, immortals and demons with low cultivation bases will be confused by him if they look at him more often, and they will feel trust and pity.

There is no distinction between charm and illusion. Compared with the relatively familiar Xun Xia, the possibility of being discovered by Hou Yu is more likely, so stay away from him.

The personal guards of the generals and commanders are responsible for patrolling and standing guard in the hall, and these guards are responsible for the periphery.

Xu was born in the 'Xinhu' patrol team and has rich experience. She was sent to patrol again, of course only in a small area in the southwest.

Since the meeting has not yet started, the requirements for them are not very strict. As soon as he received his task, Shao Haoyue found that Ruan Qi was looking for 'Xin Hu'.

She quickly walked out to welcome Ruan Qi, in case Ruan Qi learned from others that Xin Hu was in charge of the stern of the magic ship.

She frowned, with a trace of nervousness, and asked in a low voice, "Why are you looking for me at this time?"

"You can do it, kid. I heard that your cultivation has improved." Ruan Qi patted her on the shoulder and said with a smile.

Xin Hu didn't like people to touch him, so Shaohaoyue immediately frowned even tighter, slapped his hand off unceremoniously, and said displeasedly: "Take it away."

Ruan Qi didn't insist, and followed her strength to take away his hand. The moment the two palms intersected, a warm and cool thing was stuffed into her hand.

Shaohaoyue was slightly shocked in her heart, but she didn't show it on her face, she only raised her eyes slightly and asked with her eyes.

"Damn, you are so impolite, anyway, we have been friends for so many years, what's the matter if we touch each other?"

Ruan Qi was cursing, but winked at 'Xin Hu' for a long time, and said via voice transmission: "Brother, I'm quite interested, I specially found it for you, it's a matter of my old nose."

Shaohaoyue stroked the object in her palm, a square piece about three inches wide, which looked like a jade slip.

Gongfa?Mystery?Or did Xin Hu ask him to check something?
Unexpectedly, this fat man was very kind to his brother, and would come over as soon as he had a chance to move around.

During this trip to Yicheng, the most important thing is during the meeting and the return trip. At that time, except for the magic soldiers of the same team, other people will definitely not be able to communicate in private.

It is almost the only chance to give the jade slip to Xin Hu at this time.

During their conversation, Shaohaoyue had already felt several divine thoughts slipping over him, presumably some high-level magic soldiers noticed them.

She wasn't worried, there were quite a few soldiers walking around and chatting privately like them, Xin Hu and Ruan Qi were quiet and could only do things on the periphery, and those big men just paid attention.

'Xin Hu' smiled, made an expression of joy but tried to suppress it, and waved his hand: "Let's go."

She turned around, the corners of her lips curled up slightly, with a look of secret joy, and Ruan Qi muttered from behind: "Damn, why are you still so unpleasant."

Returning to the patrol team where she was, and taking a break, Shaohaoyue found a corner where there was no one around, and her divine sense penetrated into the jade slip, her face twitched uncontrollably, and she almost lost control of her expression.

It's not a secret technique, nor is it confidential information. The jade slips actually contain blueprints for several sets of doll clothes, as well as detailed drawings of their divisions!

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