all the way to fairy

Chapter 760 Action

After leaving the city, Motian was still hiding meticulously. As soon as he left, Shaohaoyue behind him deliberately left a few clues to guide the pursuers for a while.

Not long after, Mo Tian in front had reached the entrance of the Black Forest, took out the blood of the immortals prepared in advance, and Yu Jian quickly walked through the forest.

Suddenly, his body swayed, and the flying sword barely brushed against the tree trunk next to him, leaving a shallow and short scratch, and the blood in his hand also dripped down.

Then, he stopped abruptly, and cast the dust removal technique on a hundred miles around his body. In the process of doing all this, he didn't leak the slightest breath.

Shaohaoyue understood that, regardless of the immortal race or the demon race, there are many good trackers in the army. Some top tracker masters can even use secret techniques to deduce the enemy's every move when they leave.

For example, whether the left foot or the right foot is stepped first, which foot is light and which foot is heavy, when to turn, what posture and angle to turn, etc., they may all deduce it.

Mo Tian was pretending to be a fairy and was wounded and left. He was careless halfway and almost hit a tree trunk. Although he narrowly avoided, the blood from the wound dripped accidentally, and then he quickly made up for it.

After doing all this, he hid his figure again, restrained his breath, and turned around to go back. He is Mo Fei's own younger brother, and his elder brother had an accident, so he had to show up as soon as he was a younger brother. Otherwise, how can he explain that he is not in the Demon General's Mansion? .

At this time, the flying sword under his feet seemed to be grasped by an invisible hand, and he failed to turn his direction as he wished.

Mo Tian was stunned for a moment, and Xuan Er felt a chill down his spine, someone!who is it?
"move on."

After leaving the city, the thief obviously relaxed a lot, and the remaining clues were more obvious than before. The two chased them to the Black Forest almost without detours.

Gui Tu's two captains looked to the southwest from time to time, time passed, and soon arrived at that special moment, but there was no movement in the southwest.

The desk in this room is placed facing the window, and one meter behind the desk is a column.

With his spiritual thoughts swaying, he soon discovered that an isolation formation was operating in a room in the west side hall.

Then, she went to the edge of the Black Forest, Taoism tricks flowed from her fingertips, straight black trees rose up one after another, sharp bushes grew and entangled, and in a short time, the Black Forest expanded hundreds of miles .

The two commanders of the Fifth Army and the Tenth Army walked over quickly and asked tentatively, "Master Wu Hui, who is this?"

As soon as the words fell, his figure disappeared from the spot, and in the blink of an eye, he arrived at the Demon General's Mansion in Yanyuan. None of the patrolling soldiers in the mansion noticed it.

Wu Hui didn't have time to pay attention to them, he tried his best to mobilize the devil energy in his body, and finally broke through the restriction, and a strong bloody smell spread over the surface.

Teams of soldiers patrolled along their respective routes in an orderly manner.

Controlling Motian, Shaohaoyue cleaned up all the scratches and blood traces on the trunk.

In his consciousness, a demon who was completely wrapped in a special black robe put away his flying sword and landed on the ground. He leaned against a tree and took out a brocade box. The demon energy in his palm was surging, breaking the seal!

The thieves were cunning, and the clues left in the city were not obvious. It took the two captains some time to find the clues and chase them out of the city.

In his mind, he made a decision, and ordered in a deep voice: "Everyone returns to their respective positions. If anything about tonight is leaked, the decision will be made!"

Wu Hui strode forward and sniffed his breath. Before he could speak, the commander of the Tenth Army asked nervously, "How is he?"

The two commanders were in a bad mood, and they didn't bother to ask, so they hurriedly followed Wu Hui into the room.

The seal of the brocade box was placed by His Highness himself, and there is no movement now, which means that the thief has not yet opened the general plan of offensive and defensive deployment, and there is still a possibility of redemption.

Shaohaoyue looked down at the soil as hard as iron on the ground, and silently felt the progress of the pursuers approaching. Seeing that Motian was about to enter the range of their spiritual thoughts, she immediately controlled Motian to fly for a while, landed, and took out the brocade from the ring. box.

After leaving the Demon General's Mansion in Yanyuan, Wu Hui carefully searched for the thief's aura, and only when he passed by the Temple of Monsters, he quickly informed another captain of the soldiers through voice transmission.

"I still have a breath." With a gloomy face, Wu Hui quickly searched through Mofei's belongings, but he couldn't find the brocade box containing the general map of offensive and defensive deployment. To be precise, Mofei's entire ring was taken away.

Right now, Mo Fei was leaning against the pillar, unconscious, bleeding from the corners of his eyes, nostrils, and around his mouth, and there was also a puddle of blood under his body.

sprite hall.

An ominous premonition rose in Wu Hui's heart. Immediately, he appeared, and the demonic energy in his palm surged and hit the restraint.

He frowned, and his heart raced. Qimen was already the weakest among the four famous sects of the demon clan. No guarantee.

Everyone saw it, but they didn't dare to ask.

Glancing at the soldiers in the hall, Wu Hui, the middle-aged captain who had previously helped Zongtun overcome the demonic energy, said via voice transmission: "I'll go and have a look."

Before the words fell, his figure had disappeared from the spot.

Wu Hui took the lead and flew in front. Not long after, he felt the wave of devil energy ahead.

The room was in a mess, the book case was broken into several pieces, scattered in a mess, and the tea set was overturned on the floor.

Wu Hui swayed his spiritual thoughts, inspecting the whole room, he stepped to the window, and the strange breath came to the news.

Judging from the magic energy and spells he used, how did he defeat Mo Fei, who was a big realm higher than him, with a mid-term cultivation in the Heavenly Demon Realm?What's so weird about it?
Although he had doubts in his heart, Wu Hui knew that it was not the time to think about it, so he rubbed his voice into his voice with his spiritual thoughts, and shouted angrily: "Stop!"

The two looked at each other, both a little uneasy.

The soft and ethereal sound transmission resounded in the sea of ​​consciousness, and the calm sea of ​​consciousness was like a spring breeze in March sweeping the water, creating circles of ripples, and the consciousness became muddled...

In the heavily guarded Demon General's Mansion, a huge demon energy suddenly appeared, and all the demon soldiers were taken aback. Fortunately, they turned their heads and saw the appearance of the person coming, and the commotion quickly subsided.

The captain was shocked suddenly, and hurriedly summoned a confidant to report to Gui Tu, and he followed Wu Hui to pursue it.

All the demon soldiers looked at each other, and after a while, the two commanders sullenly ordered the soldiers to return to their original positions.

Hearing his angry reprimand, the other party not only didn't stop, but endured the pain of convulsions, broke the seal in one go, and opened the attack and defense map.

At this time, Wu Hui and Wu Hui had already rushed to the front. Wu Hui raised his hand and slashed a palm. The huge magic seal went straight to the man, trying to prevent him from escaping.

Sensing the danger, the man hastily resisted. However, he only resisted for a moment before being overturned and died, with half of his body destroyed by the magic seal.

Wu Hui was dumbfounded, and shouted involuntarily: "Is it really the middle stage of the Heavenly Demon Realm?!"

He found it unbelievable. He thought that he could break into the heavily guarded Demon General's Mansion and almost beat Mo Fei to death in the Nether Demon Realm. The Heavenly Demon Realm cultivation base should be a delusion, so he displayed the nine-level skill.

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