all the way to fairy

Chapter 761 Action

He never expected that the other party really only had the cultivation base of the Heavenly Demon Realm, and it was only in the middle stage!
How can this be?

Wu Hui and the two looked at each other, and they both saw disbelief in each other's eyes. They were afraid of a trap, so they didn't go forward immediately.

After waiting for a while, Jing An, the captain of the personal army, hesitantly said: "Is there any fraud?"

Wu Hui pondered for a moment, then replied solemnly: "The general plan of offensive and defensive deployment is of great importance. Even if there is fraud, we have to go there."

As he said that, he retrieved the general map with the object control technique, and the corpse did not change. The two were a little relieved, and walked to the front of the corpse vigilantly.

Seeing the face of the corpse, the two were shocked, and Jing An exclaimed: "Mo Fei's younger brother! How could it be..."

The following words got stuck in his throat, and the previous weirdness was explained, "No wonder the general plan was taken from the Demon General's Mansion! No wonder he was able to leave the city without a sound! What a Mo family, what a Mo family brother!"

The more he spoke, the more angry he became, his voice raised unconsciously, echoing in the quiet black forest.

Wu Hui's face was also as black as a pot of ashes, but as the head of the eight personal soldiers, the chief personal soldier carefully selected by the Qimen senior management for Gui Tu, he had a calm personality and was experienced in his actions. His anger only lasted for a short moment before he regained his composure.

He carefully checked the surroundings first, but found nothing unusual, and then said in a deep voice, "Go back first."

The soldiers were wronged, and thought: Did you give me a chance to finish speaking in one breath?
Despite the preparations, when he really felt the seal was broken, Gui Tu was still startled and almost couldn't help jumping up.

After drinking for three rounds, the hall was very lively, everyone was a bit superior, and their words were casual, not so particular about respect and inferiority, especially when facing a boss like Gui Tu who likes to fight for wine, the demons even got excited.

Gui Tu's face twitched a bit, this is ten thousand years old wine!However, when it comes to drinking, he will never admit defeat, and immediately said proudly: "Come again."

Gui Tu sat up straight in a jerk, sweating profusely, his mind cleared up for a moment, when the questioning words came to his mouth, he hurriedly stopped.

Time passed, and finally, he stood up with the sword and left again.

After a while, a figure appeared, and Jing An left and returned.

Jing An also knew that the matter was serious, so he quickly suppressed his anger, raised his hand and took Mo Tian's body into the ring.

"Such a small bowl, why don't you rinse your mouth?" Xun Xia curled his lips in disdain.

Gou Lei on the top squinted his eyes slightly, and urged at the right time: "Full him up quickly."

Shaohaoyue didn't move, just stood where he was.

Gui Tu has a fiery temper, knowing that Xun Xia deliberately provoked him, he couldn't stand it, so he immediately opened his eyes wide, picked up the wine bowl on the table, and drank it down with a straight neck.

Shaohaoyue exhaled secretly, the scene of the re-enactment was temporarily passed.

In the end, he slammed the wine bowl on the table, proudly provoking: "I can't do it?"

What a prudence!

The purpose of this banquet was to confuse the public. How could everyone really be hungover? After a while, seeing that Gui Tu didn't say anything, everyone tacitly returned to the state of drunken chatting and laughing, but their eyes glanced at Gui Tu from time to time, revealing their inquisitiveness. meaning.

Gui Tu is just reckless and not stupid, so he quickly understood the implication of Wu Hui's words: there is still a possibility of redemption, so don't act rashly.

Shaohaoyue quickly adjusted the angle of the blade of grass, gently bent it three inches from the blade, and then quickly hid it.

Half an hour ago, there was a banquet in Yicheng.

Shaohaoyue: ...

Although he had practiced many times, Shao Haoyue still couldn't help feeling nervous. This magic soldier was meticulous every time he checked, and he didn't relax in the slightest because of previous checks. He was a very qualified soldier.

However, in order to better confuse the public, although the captains of Gou Lei and Xun Xia also attended the meeting, they did not come to the banquet.

Those who are eligible to attend the banquet are mostly important generals attending the military meeting and their confidants and personal guards.

While admiring, she became anxious, wouldn't the magic guard stay here all the time?Her transformed forest can only last for an hour!

The two left, and the dark black forest returned to silence without a single sound.

At this moment, in Gui Tu's sea of ​​knowledge, the voice transmission from the soldiers sounded again, "Lord Wu Hui has already gone after him, and I'm here to report to His Highness, please rest assured."

At this moment, the guard's voice transmission suddenly sounded in the sea of ​​consciousness: "Your Highness, Mr. Wu Hui sent someone to report that the general plan of offensive and defensive deployment has been stolen."

She made a decisive decision, and after the other party left again, she quickly dispersed into the fantasy forest and restored the scene at the edge of the original black forest.

He replied angrily: "Can you finish talking in one breath?"

Just as she was perfecting the last detail, Jing An's figure appeared within the scope of her consciousness again. The previous two times, the interval between his appearances was getting longer and longer, but this time it was suddenly shortened. He is well versed in anti-surveillance routines.

Considering the protective formation in Yicheng, she didn't rush to go back, and simply stood guard at the scene all night, in case the magic soldier detected abnormalities from behind.

His big move made the others jump, and the banquet fell silent for an instant, and the sound of needles falling could be heard.

Generally speaking, it is enough to confirm three times, but the general plan of offensive and defensive deployment is of great importance, and it is not possible for the other party to directly monitor it for several days and nights.

"Hei Charcoal, you can't do it tonight." Not long after the banquet started, Xun Xia propped his chin and jokingly said.

After drinking bowl after bowl of wine, Gui Tu's eyes began to straighten, and his speech gradually became incoherent.

He carefully inspected the scene and saw that it was exactly the same as when he left, so he left again.

After a while, Jing An landed on the ground and began to inspect the scene bit by bit as usual. Compared with the last time, his speed was much slower. It should be compared with the previous inspection results one by one.

In addition, she still needs to reproduce a scene one by one on the edge of the Black Forest. There is not enough time, how can it be done?
Most of the plan was successful, and only the final finishing touches were left. If the demons were alerted at this time, they might be in vain!

She waited patiently, and after a quarter of an hour, Jing An appeared again.

Shaohaoyue exhaled slightly, and was about to close the fantasy forest, when Jing An's figure appeared in the center of the black forest again.

Finally, when the banquet was over, he summoned Yan Yuan and hurried back to the Monster Hall. Inside and outside the hall, everything was as usual, only the lights in the Central Conference Hall showed that it was unusual.

In the hall, Wu Hui was sitting on the chair on the right, his face was so gloomy that water dripped out, and there were a few people kneeling not far in front of him. They were the commanders of the Fifth Army, the Tenth Army, and Yanyuan's important personal guards.

Seeing this, Yan Yuan's expression changed suddenly, the important personnel of the Demon General's Mansion were all here, and it was probably because of Mo Fei's fault.

He silently stood aside, waiting for Wu Hui to report back to Gui Tu.

Before Gui Tu could ask, Wu Hui presented the general plan of offensive and defensive deployment, "Bring back the general plan, the thief died on the spot, there should be no signs of leakage..."

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