all the way to fairy

Chapter 762 Negotiations

After reporting the discovery of the theft of the attack and defense map and the process of finding it, Wu Hui said again: "Your Highness, my subordinates have sent people to thoroughly investigate all the anomalies tonight.

Not only General Yan Yuan's command, but General Ying Hui's command and our own soldiers are all undergoing screening, and the results will have to wait. "

After listening to his report, Gui Tu's heart that had been hanging all night finally fell, and he asked Yan Yuan: "What's going on with this Mo Fei?"

Yan Yuan secretly complained, Mo Fei was cautious and steady, and his ability was also good. His younger brother Mo Tian also awakened the blood of Tianji. Great rebellion.

"Your Highness, I don't know what the Mo family is doing..."

At such a time, Yanyuan dared not hide anything, so he immediately told all the information he knew.

Gui Tu frowned when he heard this, completely puzzled, it sounded like his confidant general valued Mo Fei very much, the Mo brothers had no reason to betray, and they were loyal in the past, why did they steal the attack and defense map?

However, Gui Tu still trusts his confidant very much, he just asked, without any other deep meaning.

"Did Mo Fei know in advance that he was the escort?" Wu Hui interrupted suddenly, his voice was cold.

Yan Yuan quickly waved his hand: "Of course I don't know, the general plan of offensive and defensive deployment is very important, no matter how much my subordinates trust him, they won't let him know in advance."

Wu Hui nodded, and continued to analyze for Gui Tu: "Mo's daring to steal the offensive and defensive map must have been planned long ago. In the past, our soldiers were in charge. Mo's must have internal support among the soldiers."

"Did you find anything?" Gui Tu was very pleased. Fortunately, the family sent Wu Hui, a competent subordinate, with clear and clear thinking.

"Tonight's soldiers are all performing their duties, the only exceptions are Zongtun and Wei Ting."

"Zongtun, Wei Ting?" Gui Tu was a little surprised, both of them were under Wu Hui's command.

Wu Hui didn't change his face, as if the two had nothing to do with him, "Zongtun chased a group of mysterious people a few days ago, and he was hit by a lotus belt. At the beginning of Haishi, he fainted from poison, Wei Ting sent him to the side hall, and there Watch him."

Gui Tu's expression became serious. If the other soldiers were normal, then there must be something wrong with them.

He ordered in a solemn voice: "Strictly investigate!"


Everyone in Yicheng knew that tonight was important. The soldiers on duty were all 12 full of energy, and there were few abnormalities. The screening was completed quickly, and no abnormal persons were found among them.

Gui Tu then put his focus on the two personal soldiers, and after some tricks, he discovered that Zongtun was actually a pawn of the Mo family!
As a pawn, the order Zongtun received focused on destroying the seal of the offensive and defensive map.

The focus of the Mo Brothers' plan is not on the content of the offensive and defensive map!

Everyone became more and more puzzled, what exactly did the Mo family want to do?
After a while, Wu Hui's expression changed drastically, and he said anxiously: "Your Highness, we must return to the front line as soon as possible!"

Yanyuan's mind was also spinning quickly, and he quickly understood the key point. It would be fine if the Mo brothers had other selfish motives, but if they were undercover for the fairy clan, the consequences would be disastrous.

According to the usual practice, if the seal is broken, the previous plan will be invalidated and must be overturned and re-negotiated. As a result, these high-level forces are trapped here.

The longer they linger here, the more dangerous the front line becomes.

Only asking to break the seal, the immortals most likely want to take advantage of their caution in attacking and defending the map, and keep the high-level demons in Yicheng!
The next day, when the first ray of sunlight fell on the ground in the morning, the Black Forest changed, and the dark tree trunks began to fade, slowly turning into dark green, dark green, gray green, emerald green...

The branches as hard as steel softened, swaying gently with the forest wind, charming and charming, and the leaves rustled.

The black forest that died at night came alive.

The Black Forest is a strange forest unique to Yueqing. At night, the trees are dark and hard, as if scorched by fire. The forest is silent and looks like a dead zone;
During the day, it is full of vitality. On the surface, it looks like an ordinary forest, but it is actually very dangerous.

When the Leqing Realm was first discovered, the two armies of immortals and demons met here, and fought fiercely for two days. When the reinforcements from both sides arrived, they found that the tens of thousands of troops from both armies had disappeared, and not even a single corpse was left behind.

Later, after repeated experiments, it was found that the black forest was full of vitality during the day, and would swallow flesh and blood creatures that entered it.

The dead trees will become night-like and extremely hard. The ships made of them have amazing strength and are important strategic resources.

Right now, this feature of the Black Forest has two advantages for her. First, after being activated during the day, it can destroy the scene; limit.

In fact, she had a high opinion of Jing An. When the sky was twilight, Jing An checked the scene for the last time and left the Black Forest.

Soon, one after another demon ships were seen flying away from Yicheng.

Shaohaoyue exhaled slowly, and followed. When passing through Wangshui Plain, he was attacked by the immortal clan, and 'Xin Hu' died in battle. Lian Xuegong retreated and came to join her.

Although Xin Hu and Ruan Qi met in private when they arrived in Yicheng, both of them were peripheral personnel, and they were both on duty outside the Demon General's Mansion that night, so they never left alone.

Therefore, Xin Hu, who Lian Xue pretended to be, was only asked a few words, and no one paid attention to it. With the death of "Xin Hu", the truth of the matter will be buried.

"They had a firm view of Mo Fei, and their subordinates didn't find a chance to do it." Lian Xue replied guiltily.

Shao Haoyue shook his head, "For the sake of truth, Mo Fei's injury is definitely not serious, and he won't wake up for a while. Right now, he is the key to take care of, and rash actions will easily arouse suspicion. You have done a good job."

"After a while, the subordinates will find a way to kill him."

Now, Mofei is the only one who knows that "Motian has a glimpse of the secret", and when he dies, the last hidden danger will be removed.

Ninefold Star Que, Immortal Yunding.

The man was dressed in a light white and slightly blue fairy robe, tall and handsome, sitting quietly under the tree, holding a volume of books, reading with relish.

The warm sunshine passed through the broken hair on his forehead, casting a shadow on the scroll. After his eyes moved down and he finished reading a page, he slowly raised his eyes and put down the scroll with a smile: "Brother Jiuxi is here. Welcome back from afar."

As soon as the voice fell, a phantom slowly appeared on the opposite side of the round table, which was Jiuxi. Behind him, the scenery of Shanyu Xiaozhu could be clearly seen.

As he sat down, the phantom gradually solidified, and the scenery of Shanyu Xiaozhu behind him disappeared into nothingness, as if he had walked from nothingness to reality in an instant.

Jiuxi didn't speak, but raised his fingers slightly, a jade slip appeared above the round table, a little bit of brilliance flowed, and a line of small characters appeared on the outside of the jade slip - the general plan of offensive and defensive deployment.

Surprise flashed in the man's eyes very quickly, and Xuan Er chuckled, "It seems that your little apprentice has passed the test, congratulations."

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