all the way to fairy

Chapter 763 Interest Exchange

Gelan City, the City Lord's Mansion.

Shaohaojin closed the Tianji Fan, and a spring-like smile bloomed on the corner of his lips, "The latest news, the magic army has begun to adjust its defenses, and we have indeed succeeded."

Shaohaoyue on the opposite side was calm, and was not surprised by this result. Mo Fei has not yet woken up. The actual decision maker of Gui Tu Fang is Wu Hui. Don't think about leaking offensive and defensive maps.

"Master and Shi Yan Shenzun have reached an agreement, and the human race should have received the general plan by now, and we, the monster race, will let you notify."

"it is good."

Shaohaojin complied, paused, and asked a little curiously: "The Lord Shiyan just agreed, is there no other request?"

The Yueqing Realm has great potential, and in the future it may become a high-level plane second only to the native land of the Immortal Realm. Over the years, all ethnic groups have sacrificed a lot. It is impossible to let all the clans out of the Yueqing Realm with a general plan of attack and defense. .

"There is also the case from that year, which has been exposed."

Shaohaojin was stunned for a moment before realizing what she was referring to in the case back then, and she was suddenly stunned, "Why did the gods agree that our Feng clan children are not at the negotiating table..."

Before he finished speaking, Shaohaoyue spread his hands: "Then what should I do, kill all four families and three clans?"

Shaohaojin was silent, yes, what can be done, the case involved a lot, and almost all the top forces in Xingque were involved.

One family and one faction, the Feng Clan can destroy it, but most of the Immortal Alliance, unless they betray the Immortal Clan, the Feng Clan can only suffer the loss, even if the seriously injured person is the most valued disciple of the gods.

At this time, Shaohaoyue added lightly, "It was just revealed on the surface."

The sunlight slanted in through the window sill, and it was a little dazzling. She raised her hand to slightly block it, and said calmly, "You can't exterminate the clan, you can always kill a few people."

The light sunlight shone on her fair and slender fingers, exuding a bit of Ling Ran's coldness.

Shaohao Jin smiled, "I just said, how could the gods allow you to be schemed for nothing, and you are not a master who is willing to suffer."

He clicked on the attack and defense map, and said in a brisk tone: "The fairy clan is in the back row. For this place, let's find it from the Yushan gate first!"

This attack and defense map is the deployment of the Demon Clan against the Feng Clan's defense zone. The most eye-catching place is the Sunset Plain in Yimapingchuan. This is the battle zone that Shaohaoyue's New Moon Army is in charge of.

The armies deployed by the demons for this place include the third main force of the abyss, the deep dark independent division formed by Xunxia, ​​the famous Xu family of the demons, and the fierce prison gate of the great demon sect.

Its number of soldiers is more than twice that of the New Moon Army. In addition, the war zones on both sides of the Sunset Plain have also stockpiled a large number of demon troops. Obviously, they want to hold them back and cut off the reinforcements.

"It seems that the Demon Race is also planning to use your Crescent Army as a breakthrough this time."

Due to the absence of the coach, Sunset Plains had been an important target for the demons in the past, but this time, the deployed troops were particularly terrifying.

Shaohaoyue's eyes turned cold, and her eyes fell on the Mingsha Wasteland in the west, "Isn't this Houxie the one who claims to be me among the demons? Let her be."

Shaohao Luo is in charge of the Mingsha battle area. She and Shaohao Luo are both the children of the Feng clan who are good at combat power. The defense areas in charge are one east and one west, which are far apart.

Hou Xie is a witch from Yushan's direct line, the seventh heir in line, and the younger sister of Hou Yu's mother.

There is no separation of charm and illusion, Shaohaoyue practiced illusion, and she practiced charm, so she is known as Shaohaoyue of the demon clan.

Shaohaojin smiled slightly, "I also have the same intention, I have notified the fifteenth brother, he should be here soon."

This person just couldn't stand it, just mentioned Shaohao Luo, the outside ban changes, accompanied by Zhang Yang's laughter, he was swept in like a whirlwind, "Seventh brother, you are looking for me, do you want to borrow soldiers or people?"

There was a sudden whirlwind in the room, and Shaohao and Yue were unprepared. The cups and utensils on the table were shattered to the ground, and the attack and defense map on the top flashed with light, and then went out.

Shaohaoyue: "..."

Shaohaojin raised his hand without even moving his eyebrows, and the white jade abacus placed on the multi-treasure rack opposite appeared in his hand, and his slender fingers moved calmly.

"Yunding Xueya, 700 Shuiyun coins for one coin, five coins for a pack, we drank some, even you three coins, 2100 Shuiyun coins;
Green Floating Fairy Lingzhan, one 2000 Shuiyun coins, four teacups, and a teapot, for the sake of our brothers, I will give you a discount, even if you get 10000 Shuiyun coins;
Ziyunqing vase, 7000 water cloud coins..."

Shaohao Luo's public laughter stopped abruptly, and he yelled loudly: "Seventh brother, you are too stingy, you are the big owner of Tangtang Yinquan Trading Company, you have a lot of money, and you still care about this, and you are not afraid of being laughed at when you say it."

"Then settle the bills owed earlier." Shao Haojin's expression remained unchanged, and he wanted to call Wan Xiang at the door to bring in the bills.

Shaohao Luo immediately wept, "Seventh brother, I was wrong! I was stingy, I was stingy! Your lord has a lot, so let him go like that."

After finishing speaking, he immediately changed the subject, looked at Shaohaoyue, and said with a smile: "Yaoyao is here too, you want to come to see Brother Seven, why don't you ask me to come together, it's safe for the two of us to go together."

"This is the Seventeenth Sister." Shao Haojin stopped teasing him and raised her voice to correct her.

He looked at Shaohaoyue, "Seventeen, let me introduce you, this is your fifteenth brother, very reckless, he was hunted down by Xiaoxiao back then, entered the fairy tomb by mistake, fell to a lower plane, and only came back a thousand years ago. "

"You are Seventeenth Sister?" Shaohao Luo was stunned, and couldn't help but look her up and down.

After he came back that year, he found out the truth of the matter. Seventeen was 12 years old when he made his official debut. Before that, even Yaoyao didn't know that he had a twin sister.

And he, before she showed up, had strayed into the fairy tomb and wandered into the lower world.

However, she has changed too much, right?

In Jiuliyuan, she is obviously lively and agile, but occasionally she is very cunning and cunning. Why does she look like a lady of everyone now?Is this the girl he knew in Jiuliyuan?

Although he was at a loss, Shaohao Luo was not easy to ask. After he came back that year, he immediately reported to the elders in the clan, and then he was told that the matter of Seventeen's fall must not be spread outside, including other brothers and sisters.

He was controlling his expression, lest he be noticed by the careful Shaohaojin, when he suddenly heard Shaohaoyue say: "I know him."

He was startled, didn't the god tell her?Why did you say it yourself?

I only heard Shaohaoyue explain softly: "When I was young, Master once visited your grandfather Miaoyuan Shenzun, I followed quietly, played with you all afternoon, and even burned a medicine garden."

"It's you!" Shaohao Luo widened his eyes, "So it was you that day!"

He remembered this incident very clearly. It was a sunny afternoon, he went to his grandfather to teach him how to shoot, and it happened that the God of Jiuxi came to visit, and he also met 'Yaoyao'.

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