Yaoyao worshiped Jiuxi God since she was a child, and wanted to learn alchemy from him. At that time, when he saw 'Yaoyao' calling God Master, he was so happy that he kept congratulating her for getting her wish.

Thinking of this, he paused, in his memory, Yaoyao only called Shen Zun as master a few times, other times he was still the same as them.

Therefore, Yaoyao at those times was actually seventeen, and he recognized the wrong person.

Shaohao Luo scratched his head in embarrassment, "Why didn't you correct me then?"

I still remember that back then, he was talking about Yaoyao, calling her all afternoon, and dragging her to the aunt's house next door to play. Later, there was a quarrel and the medicine garden of my auntie was burned down.

Thinking about it now, she had a completely different personality from Yaoyao that day, she was very lively, but she was very similar to the one she knew in the lower world.

From childhood to adulthood, he has been a peerless good brother. He never fights with Yaoyao, and there are very few quarrels. He has been surprised by what happened that day for a long time.

"Master won't let me reveal my identity." Referring to the past, Shao Haoyue's expression softened a bit. Strictly speaking, Brother Fifteen was the first person she knew besides Master and Huahua.

At that time, Yaoyao happened to be refining alchemy, so the master asked her to live in Zhuque Shenzhou for a few days as Yaoyao.

"Burning the medicine garden?" Shaohao Jin looked at Shaohao Luo playfully, "Could it be that time when you were cut off from your ration for a hundred years by the clan?"

Speaking of which, Xiao Shiwu's debt-paying journey began at that time.

For mythical beasts, they need a lot of energy-rich food in their infancy, and nutritional balance must also be considered.

High energy is bound to be accompanied by high prices. Without sufficient financial resources, it is impossible to support the cubs of the beast.

Originally, the food for the cubs was provided by the clan, and there had never been a precedent for the punishment of the cubs to cut off their rations, so this was a great joy for the clan.

At first, Xiao Shiwu had the backbone to express his self-reliance. However, with his strength at that time, he couldn't hunt any good food.

After only persisting for three days, I gave up and went to eat and drink with my brothers and sisters. After a long time, I feel embarrassed, so I can only pay IOUs and borrow money to survive.

Mentioning the embarrassing things of the past, Shaohao Luo's face burned in a panic, and he decisively turned the flames of war. He looked at Shaohao Yue, "I remember you were also cut off your ration for a hundred years, how did you get through it?"

He remembered that in the first few days, he went hunting and cooking with her, and his life was very miserable.

"Sold a crate of pink glass white jade peaches and a crate of emerald green autumn pears."

Shaohao Luo: "..."

So, only he had a miserable life.

After joking for a while, Shaohaojin suddenly felt wrong, "Since you mistook her for Yaoyao, why are you still fighting?"

The two of them were the youngest of the brothers and sisters back then. In front of Yaoyao, Xiao Shiwu always wanted to be a good brother and let her do everything.

Shaohaoluo glanced at Shaohaoyue sadly, and said, "I also really want to know the reason. That day I was the same as usual, but she suddenly threw a phoenix fire at me."

Because of this matter, he was brooding and sad for a long time back then.

Shaohaoyue pursed the corner of her lower lip. At that time, she only had three senses, no sense of smell or taste, but he was chattering around Lingzhi Xianguo.

Pick a fruit for a while, ask her if it has a light and sweet taste, pick a flower for a while, ask her if the fragrance is strong, and ask her how to distinguish the year.

How did she know these things, she was worried that if he continued to ask, she would reveal her secrets, so she deliberately got angry and ended the topic, not wanting to burn down the medicine garden because she was unfamiliar with fire control.

"You talk too much, it hurts your brain."

Shaohao Luo: "..." You talk a lot.

Shaohaojin couldn't hold it back, and laughed, and Xuaner joked again: "Seventeen is not Yaoyao, who has been enduring your nagging, and with her violent temper when she was young, if you grow up together, it must be very lively .”

"Hot?" Shaohao Luo was surprised, "Back then she wasn't irritable, compared to Yaoyao, she was more noisy, but she was very cute and lively, more in line with the image of a younger sister in my heart."

Surprise flashed in Shaohaojin's eyes. When Shiqi first appeared, she was a little girl covered in thorns, which had nothing to do with being lively and cute.

Little Shiwu Mang is a little reckless, Feng Clan still has basic intuition, and she will not mistake her character.

So, what has she been through?Why did the personality change?

He wanted to ask a few words, but Shaohaoyue suddenly said seriously: "Okay, let's get down to business."

Shao Haojin was keenly aware that she didn't want them to explore her past too much.

He nodded and reopened the offensive and defensive map, "My initial thought was..."

Liyuan City, Jun's other courtyard.

In Jun Yushan's longing, the door of the training room finally opened.

He walked up to meet him quickly, and congratulated him patiently: "Brother Wei, congratulations, you have only been ascended for more than a year, and you have broken through to the middle stage of the fairyland. Looking at the Ninefold Star Que for hundreds of millions of years, there are not many people who can do it!"

Wei Lin smiled and said a few words modestly, not surprised.

Although Feisheng has only been a little over a year old, he has experienced many things. First, a large amount of water from the Immortal Pond was refined, followed by day and night battles in the army. Almost all the water in the Pond was refined. chemical absorption.

During this period of free time, I borrowed some meritorious deeds from Jun Yushan in exchange for cultivation resources, and the breakthrough came naturally.

After exchanging pleasantries, Jun Yushan hurriedly got down to business, "Senior Nightingale's injury is almost healed."

As he said that, he looked at the small courtyard where Nightingale was recuperating, and the anxiety in his eyes was undisguised.

A few days ago, when Ye Ying just woke up, he wanted to negotiate with her. Unexpectedly, after asking about the process, Ye Ying said that it was Mu Yan who detoxified her and Mu Yan who healed her. She only recognized this life-saving grace.

As for Mu Yan, she was soft and weak on the outside, but she had great ideas on the inside, saying that she saved people at Wei Lin's request, implying that how to repay the life-saving grace depends on Wei Lin, but Wei Lin went to retreat and broke through.

These days, Jun Yushan was so anxious that he couldn't do anything. Mu Yan was just a peripheral alchemist of Jun's family and did not belong to Jun's family. He couldn't order her.

Furthermore, with Nightingale, the Great Luo Jinxian, even if Mu Yan joined the Jun family, at this time, she couldn't be ordered casually.

Wei Lin was naturally aware of his impatience, and Dang Li was pleasantly surprised: "That's great, I'm going to pay my respects to senior!"

Surrounded by Jun Yushan and the others, he quickly came to the small courtyard where Nightingale was convalescing, "Little Immortal Weilin, I have met senior."

Nightingale was silent and did not speak.

She is a Da Luo Jinxian cultivation base, far surpassing all others, she does not speak, and everyone dare not speak.

For a while, the room was so quiet that a needle could be heard, the atmosphere gradually froze, and everyone felt that it was difficult to breathe.

"I heard that you suggested to save me."

Finally, a soft voice broke the silence, everyone exhaled involuntarily, and the stagnant atmosphere in the room dissipated.

"Yes." Wei Lin raised his eyes, looked at her calmly, and said, "I have encountered some troubles, and I would like to ask you to help me."

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