all the way to fairy

Chapter 765 Persuasion

Nightingale didn't expect him to be so straightforward, she was stunned, and said after a while: "You are straightforward, much better than those sanctimonious hypocrites."

After a pause, his voice changed, and his tone turned cold, "Aren't you afraid that I won't agree?"

His dark eyes stared at Wei Lin, if there was any substance in his eyes, it seemed that there was no hiding his hidden thoughts.

Jun Yushan and the others suddenly changed their colors. This was what they were worried about. Nightingale was a Da Luo Jinxian cultivation base, and even if she took on the entire Jun family, she would not be her opponent.

If she didn't want to make a move, they had no choice but to annoy her. Without the Wang family, she could destroy the Jun family with a backhand.

Wei Lin's face remained unchanged, and he replied calmly: "I heard that you ascended from the lower realm, and you can pass the ascension punishment. You have a good character, and you will not be able to do such a thing as revenge."

A sneer appeared on Nightingale's face, and she reminded with a sneer, "I'm a killer."

People are unpredictable, and it is the most stupid thing to pin your hope on the character of others.

Wei Lin didn't care. The Qiuxi Building was different from the killer organization in the lower realm. In fact, it was a platform that provided a platform for posting and accepting tasks, and it was not mandatory.

The killer who relied on the Qiuxi Building was just a quester, and Nightingale was just one of the more famous questers in the Qiuxi Building.

The Qiuxi Building is similar to other organizations. Its special feature is that it dares to release any mission. I heard that there are missions to assassinate Daozu Gods on the list, but few of them have been completed.

He smiled politely, and said casually: "We ascended a year ago, we belong to the Cangxuan Immortal Realm, maybe we are from the same hometown as you."

Nightingale's complexion changed slightly. People who can ascend from the lower realms are not innocent.

She quickly inspected her body, but found no abnormalities, her heartstrings became even more tense, and she turned to look at Mu Yan who was tending flowers and plants by the window, "Are you poisoned?"

Mu Yan turned the Moyu flowerpot around and adjusted the angle to ensure that the chalcedony lucidum in the pot could evenly receive the sunlight.

She raised her head and said with a slight smile: "Senior, I was just joking. Although the hook-kiss poisonous flame is not the most rare poison in the world, but with Xiaoxian's meager cultivation, it is very difficult to detoxify. How dare you add another poison? You just It's just the poison left."

"Residual poison?" Nightingale sneered, "What a residual poison!"

"Senior, why don't you listen to the help we want to ask you first." Wei Lin interrupted helplessly.

They were playing carefully, just to prevent her from turning around and denying it, and they really didn't mean to threaten her.After all, this matter is a catastrophe for the Jun family, so I dare not be careless.

Nightingale's face was frosty, she snorted coldly, but said nothing.

Against her knife-like gaze, Wei Lin bit the bullet and told the whole thing in detail, starting with accidentally breaking the Wang family's collaborators.

After listening, Nightingale's expression eased a bit, her voice was still cold, "You want to use my hands to destroy the Wang family?"

"No, no, no," Jun Yushan waved his hand quickly, "We have already checked, the Wang family collaborating with the enemy was instigated by Zhou Chang, the rest of the Zhou family didn't know about it, and only a few people in the Wang family knew about it."

He handed over a list, "You just need to help kill these people."

Nightingale glanced at Zhou Chang in the first row, followed by his bodyguard Peng Xiao, who was cultivated at the early stage of Taiyi Golden Immortal, and the rest of the Wang family members were cultivated at the late stage of Heavenly Immortal Realm. It's a piece of cake.

Her expression was no longer cold and hard, she completely relaxed, "That's all?"

Wei Lin nodded and explained softly: "To you, it is a trivial matter, but to us, it is a matter of life and death. If there is any offense, please forgive me."

"You dare to threaten even when you know you're offending, you're not a coward." Nightingale said calmly.

Wei Lin was neither humble nor overbearing: "Senior, I'm afraid I misunderstood you. You are the Great Luo Jinxian. We are afraid that our words and deeds will annoy you, so we dare not threaten you."

Nightingale thought, yes, the difference in cultivation is there, if they really dare to poison, they will definitely anger her.

Any creature hates being threatened, not to mention that the menacing person is not as good as himself, and when he becomes angry from embarrassment, he is likely to kill them all.

Thinking of this, Nightingale knew that she had been a villain before, so she simply agreed, "I'll help you with this."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Mu Yan again, "Mu Xiaoyou, when will the lingering poison of this gentleman be cleared up?" There was a hint of temptation in the gentle voice.

Mu Yan tapped the Moyu flowerpot lightly, "I still need a chalcedony, I have to wait for a few days, if senior is impatient, it's the same to go to various elixir shops to buy it."

"Is it Yuludan?"

As an assassin, being poisoned is a common occurrence. Although Nightingale is not an alchemist, she also knows a lot about detoxification pills. The most common detoxification pill used is Yuludan.


"Only need Jade Pill?" Nightingale couldn't believe it. Although Jade Pill was expensive, it was not rare. All large alchemy halls sold it. With the medicinal effect of Jade Pill, it couldn't cure the poison of the poisonous flame.

Mu Yan nodded, and explained in a soft voice: "There is only some remaining poison, Yulu Dan will do."

Nightingale was silent, and smiled for a long time: "Mu Xiaoyou's medical skills are superb, and Xingque is rare. With you, a little doctor, there is no need for me to find someone else."

After a pause, he asked again: "I don't know if the remaining poisonous shadow will not affect the movement?"

Jun Yushan's eyes lit up, looking forward to Mu Yan's answer more than Nightingale.

"It doesn't affect."

Nightingale took a panoramic view of everyone's expressions and said, "In that case, then I should go to Yueqing Realm to help first."

"Hey, thank you senior!" Jun Yushan was overjoyed, and hurriedly prepared to go on the fairy boat.

A few days later, when the fairy boat arrived at its destination, Nightingale didn't delay, and went to the ninth war zone first, and killed the Taiyi Golden Immortal guard who made them afraid with a light blow of the sword, and with a backhand wave, Zhou Chang also fell down. He didn't even have time to ask a word in the future.

The strength gap between high-level practitioners and low-level practitioners is so great that it is irresistible.

After that, they went to the eighth war zone, but it took some time to find someone. Soon, all the Wang family members on the list died.

Jun Yushan's hanging heart was completely let go, and he sincerely thanked: "Thank you for your help, senior."

Nightingale straightened her shattered hair that was blown by the wind, and said: "Although I am very grateful to you for saving me, to be honest, this is really a firefighting effort.

I am the killer who assassinated Baixi, and the entire Cangxuan Immortal Territory has no place to stand, and I am involved, the Song family will not let you go. "

Jun Yushan was helpless, how could he not know how much crisis the family would bring to the family by rescuing the killer who assassinated Baixi Xianjun, the Jun family could still fight against the Wang family, and there was nothing wrong with Baixi Xianjun and the Song family. The power of resistance.

But if the immediate crisis is not resolved, the Jun family will be destroyed now, saving Nightingale, hidden dangers lie behind.

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