all the way to fairy

Chapter 766 Defence

Chapter 766 Defence
Wei Lin doesn't care, their long-term goal is to kill Song Zicheng, and they must be enemies of the Song family, it is more important to solve the immediate crisis first.

Although their rescue had a purpose, the grace of saving lives was real, and Nightingale had a good impression of them, so she decided to leave as soon as possible to reduce the possibility of being discovered.

She tucked the broken hair from her sideburns behind her ears casually, and said, "Calculating the time, Xiaoyou Mu's Yulu Pill should be refined, and I will go ahead first."

"Senior walk slowly."

Several people sent each other off sincerely, and as soon as the words fell, they suddenly felt the breeze blowing on their faces, which made people feel chills in their hearts.

Wei Lin swung his consciousness, but found nothing unusual, but the wind gave him a feeling of uneasiness, as if something big was about to happen.

The experienced Zhang Duo and the others quickly changed their complexions, their voices trembling: "It's the demons, a large number of demons!"

Wei Lin's heart shuddered, Zhang Duo and the others were all veterans who had fought for many years, and their experience and judgment on the demon race was still higher than that of high-level immortals.

Nightingale also felt the strangeness in the wind. After careful inspection, she said: "There are also a large number of demon troops attacking in the two nearby war zones. It seems that they are preparing to attack by surprise. went."

"Late stage of Youmo Realm!" Several people exclaimed in surprise, the highest cultivation level of the three battle zones is only the early stage of Taiyi Golden Immortal, but the demon clan side has a demon general who is two realms higher, how can this be stopped?
What's even more unlucky is that the only Taiyi Golden Immortal was stunned by them just now, and now the highest cultivation level of their immortal clan is the late stage of the Celestial Immortal Realm, which is a whole big difference!

As the distance got closer, Nightingale detected more and more information, "It's the bloody thorn."

"Bloody thorns!" Jun Yushan's voice was almost deformed, his eyes were full of disbelief, "Guitu's direct subordinate army! Why did they come here?"

Zhang Duo's voice was heavy: "Deployment, this situation is only possible if the demons are fully deployed and adjusted."

In Yueqing Realm, Scarlet Thorn is the absolute main force, and its mobilization is related to the layout of the entire magic army. Only a comprehensive offensive and defensive adjustment will have such a big change.

The corners of Wei Lin's lips were tightly pursed. Deployment means turmoil, especially in a small war zone where there are no strong men in command.

The captured war zone may be brought back in the later stage, but these little fairy soldiers cannot be resurrected after death.

Misfortunes never come singly.

He looked into the distance, the soldiers on the front line were fighting bloody battles with the [-]th Dark Fire Army, and in the rear station, the soldiers on the front line took turns taking the time to rest, or racing against time to practice.

He sighed softly, looked at Nightingale, and begged, "Senior, can you..."

"Yes." Nightingale agreed without waiting for him to finish.

Wei Lin was stunned, a little unaccustomed to her straightforwardness, this is not simply killing a few people.

"I'm also an immortal from Xingque, so I can't watch so many soldiers die at the scene." Nightingale looked into the distance, "Let's go to the ninth war zone first. No one should have noticed that Zhou Chang's master and servant died at this moment."

"Thank you, senior." Wei Lin quickly understood what she meant, and before anyone found out, he pretended to be Zhou Chang's master and servant to meet the enemy, and dragged it off until the reinforcements arrived.

Jun Yushan was even more overjoyed. With some operations, it was possible to create the illusion that Zhou Chang's master and servant died at the hands of the demons. In this way, the existence of Nightingale was even more secretive.

Because only Zhou Chang's master and servant died in the Ninth War Zone, Nightingale ordered Wei Lin to go with her, and the rest returned to Jun's residence.

Nightingale was very fast, and when the two returned to Zhou Chang's residence, the outside was orderly.

Before they were able to disguise themselves, a horn sounded in a hurry, and messenger soldiers rushed in, "Report—my lord, the demon army is attacking!"

Wei Lin flicked the sleeves of his robe, and the strong wind blew the curtains in the room flying wantonly, blocking the messenger's sight.

Taking advantage of this time, he hurriedly changed into Zhou Chang's appearance, and before he could adjust the details, he lifted the curtain and went out, and asked sharply, "How many troops are there, and who is the commander?"

"I haven't figured out the details yet!"

"Explore again!"


The messenger turned around and walked out, barely looking at Zhou Chang the whole time, walking in a hurry.

At this time, Nightingale had already changed her disguise and praised, "Smart and bold, not bad."

Wei Lin said a few words of humility, and quickly adjusted his skeleton figure. In a short while, except for his cultivation, he was no different from the dead Zhou Chang.

After thinking about it, he simply concealed all his cultivation and acted like an ordinary mortal.

As the person in charge of the Ninth War Zone, few people would dare to peep at him blatantly, let alone 'Peng Xiao', the Taiyi Golden Immortal guard, no one would doubt him.

Furthermore, in such an urgent moment, who would have the leisure to pay attention to these things.

The two dodged out and stood in mid-air on the front line. The dark fire demon army that was fighting with the Zhou family was fierce and fierce, and the panicked immortal soldiers retreated steadily.

Behind the magic army, black clouds rolled in, like raging wolves, and they approached in an instant. The trembling breath in the wind became more and more intense, and the soldiers couldn't help tightening their weapons, their hearts beating like thunder.

The summoner, with a pale face, flew up to Wei and reported tremblingly, "My lord, it's a bloody thorn."

Wei Lin nodded, and raised his voice: "It doesn't matter if it's a bloody thorn or a green thorn, if you want to survive, you have to show your true skills!"

He still wanted to say something to boost morale, but because he didn't understand Zhou Chang's personality and habits, he had to give up.

As hundreds of demon soldiers in dark red armor appeared in the field of vision, an invisible aura that crushed all obstacles in the way surged, no matter whether the immortal soldiers or the demon soldiers, those with weaker strength subconsciously held back breathe.

And the sharper the fighter, the more he can perceive the oppression that the air is almost stagnant before the storm.

Wei Lin's expression was dignified. Among the demon soldiers in dark red armor, he felt an extremely terrifying aura, as if a tornado directly reaching the sky was slowly approaching.

In the face of the huge will that seems to be able to compete with the power of heaven and earth, all living beings seem so small.

His rich combat experience told him that it was just an illusion, an instinctive timidity born of being suppressed by the opponent's powerful pressure.

This terrifying aura should have come from the commander in the late stage of Youmo Realm. He looked at Peng Xiao, who was pretending to be Nightingale, and said, "Thank you for your help."

The gazes of the immortal soldiers also fell on 'Peng Xiao' involuntarily. Seeing that his face was calm and calm, everyone's uneasiness subsided a lot.

Wei Lin realized that the battles of immortal cultivators were different from ordinary people, and the strong had an irreplaceable role on the battlefield.

When the two armies confront each other, the strong on one's side must block the strong on the opposite side, otherwise, all advantages in strength, materials, and terrain are useless.

Even if the following war is won, as long as the strong lose, everything will be reversed in an instant.

After all, Xingque is still the strongest!
(End of this chapter)

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