all the way to fairy

Chapter 767 Fierce Battle

Thinking of this, Wei Lin suddenly noticed something strange. Judging from the reactions of the immortal soldiers, Zhou Chang was just a decoration, and it was Peng Xiao, the strong Taiyi Jinxian, who could really make them feel at ease.

However, the actual person in charge of the Ninth War Zone is Zhou Chang.

A middle-stage Celestial Immortal who has reached the end of his cultivation and has no further potential for advancement.

This is not logical!
If Zhou Chang was a genius with potential, it would still make sense. The aristocratic family would indeed allocate powerful guards to protect undeveloped geniuses, but Zhou Chang was obviously not in this case.

Under normal circumstances, a scion of a family with low cultivation and no hope of advancement like him would be responsible for tedious chores.

Those with connections may be in charge of a war zone, but this war zone should match his strength, instead of letting Peng Xiao, the Taiyi Jinxian powerhouse, hold the battle for him.

As the saying goes, a good bird chooses a tree to live in, and Peng Xiao is too careless for Zhou Chang.

Wei Lin glanced at the demon army at its peak. With Nightingale here, there is no need to worry. He simply asked via voice transmission: "Senior, is there anything special about the Zhou family? Why did Peng Xiao serve as Zhou Chang's guard?"

"You're really sharp." With a word of appreciation, Nightingale's gaze became complicated, and finally she quietly replied, "Peng Xiao is a flying immortal."

Wei Lin's thoughts turned quickly, and he understood what she meant, and asked: "Among the top powerhouses in Xingque, are there any Ascension Immortals?"

Nightingale didn't answer, but looked at him more and more appreciatively, acquiescing to his guess.

Wei Lin was startled, "Xing Que is suppressing Feisheng Immortals!"

Judging from his short life in Xingque for just over a year, the combat power of Ascending Immortals from the Lower Realm is generally better than that of native Xingque Immortals of the same realm. Strength means having resources, and most of them are cautious temperaments. In the years, how could it be possible that there is not even a top powerhouse.

He suddenly remembered that, except for the famous family, the power of faith and its related artifacts were only traded in the Xianmeng trading house, and behind the Xianmeng trading house was the famous family.

"It's the power of faith, right?"

Nightingale was surprised, she thought she had already thought highly of him, but unexpectedly she underestimated him, he was more sensitive and delicate than she thought.

"Yes, it is the power of faith. The biggest difference between the immortals of Xingque and the monks of the intermediate plane is that the cultivation base requires not only immortal energy, but also merit and faith.

In Xingque, immortal energy is everywhere, it is only a matter of quantity, and the power of faith comes from all living beings.

Among Feisheng Immortals, although there are not many Daluo Jinxians, there are also many. Do you know why only Baixi is the one that people talk about? "

These days, because they might be hunted down by the Baixi forces, Wei Lin asked Jun Yushan and the others to find out in detail.However, their status is low, and all they know is public news.

Even so, Bai Xi's resume can be described as a legend. When he ascended, there was no training camp for newcomers, and he was dragged into the battlefield as soon as he left the reception hall. Many people died before they adapted, but he survived. With a sharp sound attack reputation spread far and wide.

500 years later, he broke through to the Heavenly Fairyland and joined the Beacon Army. He quickly showed his talents. On the way to escort Miss Song's family to Dankao, he was assassinated.

After that, several misses of the Song family secretly made love to him, and each launched a fierce pursuit of him. In the end, Song Wanran, the direct descendant, won out and became a fairy lover with him.

With this level of relationship, Baixi is valued by the Song family even more, and has risen steadily. Up to now, he has become the only one in charge of the fairy monarch, and according to the common saying, he is the Marquis of Borderlands.

When people mention him, they can't help sighing that the dowry can change the fate. On the surface, they envy him for his good fortune, but in fact they envy him for being able to control one side alone.

Nightingale took a slow breath, "Aside from joking, I believe many people think that his ability has been recognized by the Song family.

However, those who can stand out from the lower realms are not amazingly talented, and those who can quickly adapt to the war between immortals and demons and survive are not super capable.

But for tens of thousands of years, among the immortals who ascended from the lower realms, he is the only one in charge, who has the right to speak with the local forces of Xingque.

With all exceptions, it was because he got a small thousand world by chance and coincidence, and became the heavenly way of that small thousand world. "

"The Dao of Heaven?" Wei Lin was a little surprised, but felt that it should be so. As early as when he was in Canglan, he discovered that the Dao of Heaven they feared was not a high-ranking god, but a human being.

It turned out that the so-called way of heaven was the will of a certain immortal.

The Small Thousand World, the Dao of Heaven, all living beings, the power of faith...

He realized that under normal circumstances, most of the living beings admire the Heavenly Dao of that world, that is to say, if they become the Heavenly Dao of one world, they will have a stable source of faith and will no longer be subject to the Immortal Alliance.

He suddenly thought that the transaction between Ali and Nanmi, the reward that Nanmi asked for was the world, or an intermediate world like Qingxuan Starfield.

There was a warm current in Wei Lin's heart, and his eyes were warm. Only at this moment did he truly understand what a price and what a great deal it is to save a world once.

Nightingale felt his huge emotional ups and downs. Hearing such a big secret suddenly, it's normal to have big emotional ups and downs, but why are his eyes still flushed?

When she was puzzled, Wei Lin quickly restrained his emotions, only the determination and eagerness in his eyes remained.

During their sound transmission, the demon army flew closer and merged with the original demon soldiers of the [-]th Dark Fire Division. Soon, there were only hundreds of demon soldiers in dark red armor left in the sky.

In fact, Scarlet Thorn came with three hundred of their demon soldiers, and the other tens of thousands were ordinary soldiers, but everyone knew that they were the threat.

At this time, a young man with a handsome appearance and a broad chest jumped up, jumped over a group of blood-red thorny elites, and came to the front. Looking at Peng Xiao, who was pretending to be Nightingale, "He didn't escape, but he was a little courageous."

It is the high-level power that decides the outcome of the war. Faced with this inevitable outcome, the high-level monks on both sides of the immortals and demons will flee if they can. Staying will only increase the casualties.

Nightingale sneered: "Today, I will let you see that I am not only courageous, but also capable!"

She was also unaware of Peng Xiao's speech habits, and cautiously adopted the oral habit that was commonly used on the battlefield.

"The tone is not small!" The young man snorted coldly, and a blood-red broad sword condensed in the air, and slashed towards 'Peng Xiao'.

Nightingale raised her hand, and a dazzling yellow shield quickly formed, facing the blood-red broadsword.

The two things collided, and the sky and the earth roared.

Just the aftermath of the attack caused the air to surge and spread out. Wei Lin and the high-ranking generals in the ninth war zone around him all lit up with various colors of fairy lights, and the weaker fighters nearby were even stimulated to vomit blood.

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