all the way to fairy

Chapter 768 Fierce Battle

Wei Lin also felt the fishy sweetness in his throat, and his blood surged up. His real strength was only in the middle stage of the Earth Demon Realm, and he was at the bottom of the battlefield.

This is the collision of the strong, and the aftermath of the stalemate is so powerful!

The most dangerous thing is when the stalemate ends. The aftermath of the offensive at that time will be much greater than it is now.

At that moment, Wei Lin didn't care about the risk of exposing himself, he took a step and stood behind Nightingale. He changed his mind and decided to give up pretending to be Zhou Chang.

After all, Zhou Chang is the nominal commander of the Ninth War Zone. No matter how low his cultivation base is, he will also get special attention from the demons. not weak.

The current Wei Lin can't deal with it.

Furthermore, there is another disadvantage of pretending, which is that he cannot display his original strength. On such a dangerous battlefield, it is very dangerous to exert his full strength, let alone restrain his hands and feet.

When a shield and a sword exploded, turning into a large amount of turbulent air, and everyone was concentrating on avoiding it, Wei Lin immediately disappeared and threw Zhou Chang's body at the same time.

Nightingale in front of him was also very considerate, blocking all attacks, and when the aftermath of the attack was almost subsided, Wei Lin quickly moved away from this high-risk battle circle and mingled with ordinary soldiers.

The battlefield was chaotic, and his strange face did not arouse any suspicion. On the contrary, with a few tricks, he harvested a large number of low-level magic soldiers and won a compliment.

During the interval between battles, Wei Lin watched the battle between Nightingale and the Scarlet Thorn general from time to time. Nightingale pretended to be very similar, and she was able to withstand it every time.

Beside her, there are a few late-stage powerhouses in the Celestial Wonderland, stumbling over the bloody thorny generals from time to time, fighting for a little respite for 'Peng Xiao'.

Of course, it's from a distance, and with their cultivation base, they naturally dare not get close.

At this time, Wei Lin suddenly noticed two figures behind Nightingale, crossing the Ninth War Zone garrison and disappearing into the sky.

There are deserters, it is still in the late stage of the Heavenly Wonderland.

Wei Lin twitched his eyebrows, and quickly withdrew his gaze. It has always been the tradition of monks to fly separately in the face of disaster.

If it were him, he would have no relatives and no reason, and would not fight to the death for insignificant people. This time, it is purely because of the presence of the great Luo Jinxian, Nightingale, that his safety is guaranteed.


The huge magic circle stretched from the sky to the ground, almost spanning the entire Sunset Plain.

From the horizon, a black tide spread over and slammed into the magic circle, causing high waves to rise immediately.

Those dotted waves are actually demon soldiers. They attack the magic circle with all their strength from all directions with agility.

On the magic circle, the khaki-yellow light flashed rapidly, shaking away the magic soldiers one by one, and the momentum of the crazily rising Kuroshio stagnated immediately.

Soon, those demon soldiers who were shaken away swarmed up again, attacking the magic circle regardless, only a few seriously injured retreated.

In the magic circle, there are many immortal soldiers, waiting in full force.

At the top of the center of the battle line stood four figures, one of them raised his hand and pressed falsely, and the messengers immediately passed on his order.

For a moment, bright red light flickered on the khaki defensive circle, and in the next second, huge bright red fireballs shot out one after another.

The rumbling thunder exploded in the sky above the setting sun, and all the demon soldiers within tens of meters were blown away and submerged in the brilliant flames. For a moment, the setting sun was bright red.

After the flames passed, the dark tide that originally filled the sky and covered the earth appeared blank areas, and connected in a line, as if being cut in half by the giant ax that opened the sky.

Such a scene was only for a short moment, and soon, the black tide surged from behind, submerging the black and white boundary.

The red light of the magic circle flashed again, and another batch of fireballs shot out...

Seeing that the gap created by the explosion was quickly filled, one of the four people above said nervously: "This is too much!"

The speaker stood slightly behind the other three. He was Yin Shen, Lian Xue's confidant. Lian Xue was not around, so he represented him.

Although he knew early in the morning that the magic army changed defense this time, using the setting sun as a breakthrough point, there would be a large number of magic troops attacking, but seeing it with his own eyes, Yin Shen was still a little bit astonished. The strength of the magic army was almost three times that of the New Moon Army. .

In his nervousness, he couldn't help but ask, "When will the reinforcements arrive?"

In the past, the Sunset Plain was also a key target of the Demon Clan's raids, and all parties of the Feng Clan would provide reinforcements as appropriate before the battle.

This time, knowing that the number of troops dispatched by the Demon Army to the Sunset Plain has surged, they only equipped a few more sets of attack formations.

"It will be later this time." Lian Yang replied softly, with a hint of excitement in her voice.

Yin Shen was a little surprised at her excitement, but he didn't ask any further questions. Although he represented his own family, his status was a bit low, and there were some confidential information that he could not know.


After the fireballs, there were dark purple thunderballs and crackling lightning explosions, and the harvested demons were obviously more than the previous fireballs.

Firstly, the power of lightning is stronger, and secondly, many magic soldiers rushing up are wounded, so the harvest of lightning ball is naturally greater.

In the defensive formation, the immortal soldiers waiting in full force are very calm. They have been familiar with this set of tactics for more than 3 years.

When the magic circle is breached, it is the time for them to desperately...

At the same time, Mingsha Wasteland.

The strong wind whimpered, rolling up the yellow sand, like a galloping horse, and the turbulent waves crashing on the shore.

In the darkness of the sky, ten demon ships flew over like walking on the ground, and the flying sand and rocks did not cause any obstacles to them.

This is the troop transport demon ship of Desperate Nightmare. On the surface, they are going to the Mingsha war zone, but in fact they just shot a feint. The real destination is the Minglan Valley adjacent to the Mingsha Wasteland, which is one of the weak points of the Feng Clan's battle line. one.

The more violent the wind, the more and more yellow sand was rolled up, almost forming a sand wall, connecting the sky and the ground.

"This terrible weather." On the demon ship, someone couldn't help cursing.

"Mr. Du, you really need to change your temper. It's just ordinary weather, and it made you curse, tsk tsk."

"Hmph, he's blind to gold and jade. This kind of strange place may be the birthplace of heaven, material and earth treasures in the future. If Yueqing Realm falls into the hands of the immortals, he won't be able to come here in the future even if he wants to." .”

"What did you say, boy? What does it mean to fall into the hands of the immortals? Are you looking down on His Royal Highness Houyu, or..."

"Shut up for me!" The leading general shouted, "We are about to turn around, cheer up for me!"


All the soldiers responded in unison. If the magic ship hadn't blocked it, the voice would have resounded through the sky.

Passing through this area, the wind and sand gradually diminished, and the sight ahead could be clearly seen with only the eyes, the continuous black mountains.

All the demons are eccentric, isn't Minglan Valley an oasis?Why are mountains black?
The speed of the magic ship was very fast. When this doubt came to mind, the magic ship quickly passed through the windy and sandy area.

"Isn't this Minglan Valley?" The quick-talking soldier hesitated to speak out, looking at the leading general.

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