More demon soldiers looked around vigilantly. The mountains and the ground were all scorched black, as if they had been scorched by a raging fire.

Not far away, there are several rift valleys several feet wide. Judging from the scorched earth shape of the rift, it is not difficult to guess that there used to be magma flowing here.

In this situation, it is absolutely impossible to be Minglan Valley!
"This is where?"

"Did you feel anything unusual just now?"

"Only wind and sand."

"It's normal for the Mingsha Wasteland to have wind and sand, it's strange if it doesn't!"

"The magic ship's detection circle has been turned on, and no abnormal prompts have been seen..."

The soldiers communicated with each other in low voices, and finally turned their eyes to the leader, with some anxiety on their faces.

Around them, the other nine demon ships also stopped. Through the restraint, the leaders all saw caution in each other's faces.

At the moment, they communicate through special channels and reach a consensus on one thing—this is another world.

Although the Yueqing Realm is not yet mature, its own personality is very high, and there are possibilities for large and small secret realms and strange spaces...

Outside, the thick sand wall rolled up by the yellow sand trembled slightly, and large pieces of sand collapsed, turning into a rich fairy spirit, revealing a gorgeous orange yarn.

As the brilliance circulated, the orange yarn shrank rapidly, and soon returned to the size of a normal ribbon. After flying into the sand dunes, it was wrapped around Shaohaoyue's wrist.

She flickered with fairy light all over her body, and disappeared from the spot suddenly.

A quarter of an hour later, the western border of Mingsha Wasteland.

The sun is high, the heat is steaming, and the sand under the sun is dazzlingly yellow.

In the silence, the yellow sand at the bottom of a certain valley suddenly flowed to both sides, and a thin hand came out, with five fingers first, and then the entire palm.

The palm pressed and grasped sideways, and with a little help, a demon soldier in dark armor crawled out from under the yellow sand.

Not far away, the sand was also flowing, and a head popped out...

In the blink of an eye, there were twelve demon soldiers standing on the quiet wasteland, all dressed in the uniform armor of a desperate nightmare.

Different from ordinary soldiers, the armor on their bodies has dark red light flashing from time to time, the material of the shoulder armor and breastplate is softer, and the details are more refined.

They are not ordinary demon soldiers, but elites of desperate nightmares—blood nightmares.

One of the rigid conditions for being promoted to Blood Nightmare is to reach the Youmo Realm, which is equivalent to the Taiyi Golden Immortal of the immortal clan.

Although there were only twelve of them, their combat power far surpassed the [-] demon soldiers who sneaked in from the West Road.They are the real reinforcements for this raid on Minglan Valley. The [-] desperate nightmare fighters on the West Road are covering them.

The entire Feng Clan defense line has three fulcrums, one is the Sunset Plain in the east, the second is the Gusang Mountains stretching thousands of miles in the center, and the third is the endless Mingsha Wasteland in the west.

The Gusang Mountain Range is personally guarded by Phoenix Crown Prince Shao Haoheng, and the garrisoned army is the ace of the Feng Clan, the Feifeng Army, so it is very difficult to conquer.

Therefore, they plan to use the east and west as the breakthrough point this time. Needless to say, the east is the most suitable choice without a leader; the west is stationed in the Mingsha wasteland, and it is the Flame Legion led by Shaohao Luo.

Most of the generals of the Flame Legion are of the blood of the Fire Phoenix, violent, and extremely good at fighting. Among the soldiers under their command, there are also many good fighters from the Nine Heavens Kunpeng Clan and the Sky Swallowing Sparrow Clan.

Therefore, they chose the Minglan Valley theater adjacent to the Mingsha theater as a breakthrough point.

According to the plan, ten demon ships transported [-] desperate nightmare soldiers, feigned a shot from the Mingsha war zone, and detoured through the Minglan Valley. As a cover, their twelve blood nightmare elites sneaked into the Minglan Valley war zone.

But what's going on now?How could the place where they came out be Mingsha Wasteland?

The twelve blood nightmare soldiers were only surprised for a moment, then quickly adjusted their positions, forming a shuttle shape that could be attacked or defended, and vigilantly inspected the surroundings.


Soon, someone noticed something unusual. Not far in front of them obliquely, in front of a twisted wind-eroded rock pillar, there was a person leaning. Judging from her figure, she seemed to be a woman.

She was dressed in an orange dress of the same color as the wind-eroded rock column, with a hood, a tulle mask, and her head drooping slightly, as if she was dozing off.

The orange clothes and the orange skirt are integrated with the wind-eroded rock behind her. In the vast desert, at first glance, it is easy to ignore her as the wind-eroded rock, but when she checked her spiritual sense, there was nothing there. Obviously, she blocked her spiritual sense probing.

The leading witch winked at the others, and asked in a deep voice, "Who is your Excellency?"

After receiving her hint, the remaining eleven demon soldiers suddenly dispersed, or flew into the air, or scattered around the wind-eroded rock, surrounding it.

As if awakened by them, the woman raised her head. The tulle on her face was as light as nothing. It was the soft smoked veil commonly used by Xingque female fairies. It looked like smoke from a distance, hazy, but there seemed to be nothing up close.

This gauze does not cover the face, but only blocks smoke, dust and flying sand. It is affordable and has various styles. It is a daily decoration for Xingque female fairies.

Under the veil, the woman's skin is porcelain white and delicate, her orange eyes are clear and gentle, and a little dazed flashes away in the blink of an eye.

"Shaohao Yao!"

A soldier exclaimed, his body was faster than his brain, and he flew over like lightning. Halfway through the flight, his brain began to think: Why did she appear here?
Although Shaohaoyao's cultivation is already at the late stage of Taiyi Golden Immortal, she is an alchemist, and she is not strong in actual combat. Compared with other members of the Feng clan, she can even be said to be weak.

During the Battle of Yueqing Realm, she was more of the nominal leader of Minglan Valley, and most of the offensive and defensive affairs in the war zone were replaced by her guardian elders. What she really took care of was the logistics of the Feng clan's pills.

In addition, every time she travels, she is accompanied by a large number of guards, and it is absolutely impossible for her to go on the road alone.

An answer came to mind, and in the next second, a companion behind him called out his heartfelt voice, "It's Yuedian! Yuedian of the Feng Clan!"

It was only then that he realized that only he stepped forward, and none of the other companions moved.

It's going to die, it's really bad to be impatient, this is the end of it!
He stopped in a hurry, wanting to turn back immediately and stay away from the woman, but he rushed forward too fast and too hard, and he couldn't hold back at this moment, and the distance between the two sides was already very close. At this moment, he had already reached Shaohaoyue near.

When he was in despair, he heard another companion's pride: "So what about Shaohaoyue, she lost more than [-] years of time, she is still at the early stage of Taiyi Golden Immortal, but we have two late-stage ghosts and three middle-stage ghosts... "

The demon was overjoyed, yes, there are a total of 12 of them, and half of them have higher cultivation than her.

He was about to echo and summon his companions, when suddenly he felt a chill on his neck, and a warm liquid flowed down, and then the orange figure flashed past in front of his eyes, his attack landed on the wind-eroded rock, and the wind-eroded rock, which was as tall as a man, shattered into sand , smashed open.

He was blown away by the aftermath of his offensive, and at the last moment of his life, out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of the woman in orange clothes floating in the air, and the grand sunlight poured down from her head, shining holyly.

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