all the way to fairy

Chapter 770 Surrender

"Wheel fights can consume her—"

The voice of the demon soldier who was uttering nonsense stopped abruptly, his eyes widened, his eyes were full of disbelief, and it took only a short breath from his comrades bursting up to falling down.

With one breath and one move, she killed those who were in the same realm as her!Those who are higher than one or two small realms should not have much power to parry, so how can they fight?
As soon as this thought arose in his heart, the demon soldier felt the air flow passing by quickly around him, and the hurried voices of his comrades changed from near to far.

"Fuck you, run away!"

"Think about that battle back then, the demon king Ye Shiyu died, but she was still alive..."

Hearing this, the nonsensical people were suddenly shocked, yes, no matter what the process was, the result of the First World War was that the demon king Ye Shiyu in the early stage of the Demon Ancestor Realm had no bones left, while Shaohao Yue in the early stage of the Taiyi Golden Immortal was alive and kicking .

She can kill the strong in the Demon Ancestral Realm, let alone a few of them in the Little Demon Realm.

Thinking of this, he turned around and started to run away, trying his best to run away!

As he was running, he saw the gorgeous orange gauze, like a sharp arrow, chasing up from behind, turning suddenly, and shooting into the body of a fellow robe obliquely in front.

He suddenly broke out in a cold sweat, why didn't he feel any movement when Aya flew by?

Not to mention immortal energy, there is not even a stream of air coming from the sky!

While thinking about it, he saw Feishe's silk yarn turning again and sinking into the body of a fellow robe, while the fellow robe diagonally in front was still running desperately, as if he hadn't noticed that Lingsha Huanshi had submerged into his body at all.

wait, didn't notice...

The man who spoke out loud felt bad, he suddenly lowered his head, his mind buzzed, and it went blank for a moment, only the gauze as thin as a cicada's wing flew away from his chest continuously in his field of vision!
Even if he saw it with his own eyes, he still didn't notice it!
How can this be? !
As an actual experiencer, he quickly guessed some tricks. The gauze is light and thin enough, and the speed is extremely fast, so that the wound still maintains the original fit. The other party is practicing illusion. A small paralysis technique is enough to make them ignore the insignificant pain.

This means that Yue Dian, a member of the Feng family, has reached the level of perfection in controlling Huan Shi Ling, and every piece of silk, every strand of silk is under her control!

In a blink of an eye, he quickly decided on a countermeasure, and his body suddenly moved sideways, causing the silk yarn to cut half of his body.

At the moment when his body was about to break free from the silk blade, two silk silks were lifted up from the mirror-smooth silk surface, and they walked around his body lightly.

Do not--

He shouted silently in his heart, and the silk seemed to be alive, flying around with his movements, and finally touched and tightened suddenly as he wished.

He frantically activated his magic skills and struggled vigorously, but it was useless, the magic energy that could corrode all things couldn't do anything to the hair-slender silk.

In a panic, he saw that the gorgeous veil was no longer flying, and the veil was soaked in a little bit of scarletness, and the terrified screams of his fellow robes came to his ears, which stopped abruptly in the blink of an eye.

It's Tianhuo!Nirvana fire!

He was completely desperate, and only then did he realize that even though her cultivation level hadn't increased in more than 3 years, she had achieved Nirvana, and could control the Nirvana Sky Fire at will.

If she had been Nirvana back then, it would have been difficult to kill Demon King Ye Shiyu, but she would not have paid such a high price!
In extreme fear, he watched helplessly as the silk wrapped around his body was stained crimson, and a terrifying burning sensation appeared. The devilish energy in his body melted like ice from the scorching sun, and then his skin, flesh, and bones...

When the last Blood Nightmare Demon Soldier was burnt out, the overflowing glow gradually dimmed, and Huanshi Ling flew back to Shao Haoyue's hands.

She frowned slightly, looked at Huan Shiling, and spread her hands again, a mass of soft fairy power gushed out from her fingertips.

Strange, why is there a little law of nothingness in her celestial power?
That point of emptiness is very subtle, if it wasn't for the use of Concealing Smoke today, Huan Shiling's concealment effect is far better than before, she would not be aware of it at all.

Putting it down if she couldn't figure it out, she let go of her immortal power, gently stroked Huan Shiling with her fingertips, raised her eyebrows and asked, "Why don't you run away?"

Besides her, there was also the leading witch at the scene. When she found out that it was her, the witch stood still and even put down her weapon.

The witch smiled wryly and said: "If you make a move, you will never be injured. I know how much I am. Whether I run or not, the result will be the same."

"Oh, is that so?" Shaohaoyue raised his eyebrows, Huan Shiling flew out again.

The witch's face suddenly changed, and she hurriedly shouted: "I am willing to betray the demon clan and work for you!"

"Immortals and demons are different, it's useless for you to betray the Ninefold Star Tower." Shao Haoyue rolled his eyes, and Huan Shi Ling entangled him.

"Immortals and demons just have different cultivation systems, and they are not necessarily enemies!" the witch shouted loudly, her voice was distorted in a high-pitched voice.

Shaohaoyue paused, his words were somewhat similar to his master's meaning, he once said that the demon clan should be suppressed, and the immortal clan should also be vigilant.

Suppressing, rather than killing them all, means that immortals and demons are not in absolute opposition.

The reason, she is also very clear.

At the end of the ancient times, under the leadership of Goddess Ye Nian, the fairy clan defeated the demon clan and drove them back to their lair.

After the victory of the war, their Feng clan ushered in disaster.

It was the first time that Shaohaoyue looked at this witch squarely. She was tall and curvy, and her long black hair was tied up high, making her charming features a bit more heroic.

Such a witch who understands current affairs and has ideas, is still the little leader of Blood Nightmare, her talent should not be bad, and it would be no problem to blend in with Hou Yu's personal soldiers when she grows up.

Hey, it's a pity, if I met her in this situation, even if I wanted to let her go, she would be suspected by the demons when she went back, and she couldn't be cultivated into a dark chess player.

After regretting for a while, she said lightly: "Give me a reason not to kill you."

Chu Ying breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly said: "I have some attainments in formations. This time I am going to Minglan Valley, and my task is to arrange a set of spirit-absorbing formations."

"A spirit-absorbing formation?" Shaohaoyue was surprised. Hearing the name, it seemed to be a formation from the lower realm.

Chu Ying hastily explained: "Yes, the spirit-absorbing formation, this is a set of formation passed down by my elder brother and ancestor, and it is said that his ancestor created it himself.

The layout is simple, and with a little adjustment, the absorption of spiritual energy can be changed into absorption of immortal energy and magic energy.There are two most amazing things about this formation, one is that it can grow, and the other is that the eyes of the formation can move, making it difficult to break the formation..."

"What did you just say?" Shaohaoyue was in a trance for a moment, and almost blurted out.

Chuying repeated: "There are two most amazing things about this array, one is..."

"It's not this sentence." Shaohaoyue interrupted her.

"Simple layout?"

Shaohaoyue shook his head, suddenly murmured softly: "Master~brother~"

She closed her eyes and repeated it softly, but she no longer felt the strange sense of loss just now.

She tilted her head slightly, letting the sunlight fall on her eyelids. After a while, she opened her eyes again, and the bottom of her eyes returned to normal. She asked, "Your senior brother's ancestor?"

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