Chu Ying felt strange, and didn't dare to ask, and replied respectfully: "I come from the lower realm, and my brother's surname is Lu, and his family ancestor was once the overlord of Qingxuan.

According to him, in order to avenge his family, his ancestors set up a simple spirit-absorbing formation in the enemy's family. Later, the formation grew out of control, not only destroying the enemy's family, but also almost destroying the life in that star field. "

so smart!

Shaohaoyue was surprised, and became somewhat interested in this so-called spirit-absorbing formation. After thinking for a while, she said: "Then I will give you a chance, and they will give it to you."

"Thank you Yue Dian, no! Your Highness, Chu Ying, join me!" Chu Ying was overjoyed, Xuan Er was suspicious, they?
Before she had time to ask, Shaohaoyue's divine sense locked onto her, and the world spun, and in the next second, the world had changed.

What caught my eye was familiar magic ships, as well as dark human heads.

"Don't shoot, it's Master Chuying!" Several voices sounded almost simultaneously.

Chu Ying looked at the armor specially made for Desperate Nightmare on the soldiers, and there were a few familiar faces. Isn't this the ninth division that covered them in sneaking into Minglan Valley?

It turns out that 'they' refers to these people.

Chu Ying suddenly realized, and the bloodthirsty coldness in his eyes flashed away, and he asked calmly, "Why are you here?"

"My lord, it's like this..."

Introducing Chuying into the world of Ayane, Shao Haoyue rushed to the battle line of Mingsha without stopping.

In the singing sand theater, tens of thousands of birds are flocking, one after another.

Pairs of wings fluttered, stirring the sky and the earth, and the vast yellow sand made a weak and helpless person, being swept east and west for a while, unable to land at all, the boundless desert has become thousands of miles of barren rocks.

In the clouds and sky, Shaohao Luo was dressed in red like fire, holding a double-edged gun, chasing and beating the girl in eggplant and pink clothes. When the spear was brandished, the runes on it flickered like clouds coming out of Xiu.

He made a feint, and the long spear turned abruptly, stabbing towards the rear obliquely, the blood-red fairy jade connected to the tip of the spear became deeper and deeper, and the bright red light flowed through the spear body instantly, and clusters of bright red flames overflowed .

At the point where his attack landed, the figure of Kefen happened to move here!
Shaohao Luo opened his mouth, and a smile flowed in his eyes, the prediction was right!Now let's see where you hide!

In the next second, the eggplant powder figure moved slightly, and then collapsed.

Shaohao Luo's smile froze on his face, and he couldn't help but explode: "Your uncle's is fake again!"

"Hey, just a little bit."

Not far away, the fuzzy figure of eggplant powder became clear, and the girl in the cardamom age tilted her head slightly, smiling slyly, deep in her big round eyes, there were slight palpitations that flickered and disappeared.

Shaohao Luo was so angry that he recalled his natal spear, Mourning Yun, pulled a spear, and shouted unconvinced: "If you come again, I won't believe it!"

"Come here," Houxie raised his chin, beaming with joy, "Ten thousand times, it's the same."

In the dark, the girl was pretty and agile, as bright as the warm sun. Suddenly, her round eyes rolled and she said with a mischievous smile: "If you call me sister, I can consider suppressing my cultivation level to be like you."

With this smile, the whites of the eyes that were not much were covered by the upper and lower eyelids, leaving only the dark eyes, cute and cunning.

"Master, I will use you!" Shaohao Luo was like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, "As long as you have a little charm, you are ashamed to show it!"

Charm is Houxie's housekeeping skill, and she was looked down upon, and she was furious on the spot, "Hmph! I don't know what's good!"

The two fought again, Shaohao Luo's momentum was like a rainbow, and his attacks were as swift and violent as a gust of wind and rain, continuously; .

For a while, the two fought inseparably, but their battle was not the most eye-catching on the entire battlefield.

Accompanied by a long howl that resounded through the wilderness, a woman dressed in dark blue spread her huge wings, turned into a Kunpeng, swooped down from the sky, and carried the blue sky on her back, her feathers like hanging clouds.

The raging wind seldom unified the direction, and with the instigation of the huge wings, the birds, fierce birds, magic generals and soldiers in the sky were all overturned, regardless of enemy or friend, even Shaohao Luo and Hou Xie Er who were above the sky People are also affected a little bit.

Hou Xieqing couldn't help praising: "As expected of the Nine Heavens Kunpeng, a race that chases and eats dragons!"

"That's it!" Shaohao Luo and You Rongyan, the woman's name is Jing Zhi, she is his number one bodyguard, and the second master of the younger generation of the Nine Heavens Kunpeng Clan.

His words made Hou Xie realize that she had unintentionally grown others' ambitions, so he hurriedly made amends: "She is the one who is amazing, why are you so proud."

"She is my uncle's personal guard chief! I subdued her with my own ability!"

Hou Xie rolled his eyes to the sky: "Hey, the hero doesn't mention his bravery back then, all I know is that you are not as good as her now."

After a pause, she rolled her eyes, and said in a playful tone: "The Jiutian Kunpeng clan is a relative of your Feng clan, so she should be your cousin. Since she is much more powerful than you, why don't you give it to me?" She can be a bodyguard."

No matter what the reason was, it was a fact that his cultivation was not as good as his own personal guards. Shaohao Luo was so suffocated that he turned all his anger into attacks and poured it all into the battle against Hou Xie.

"Don't sow discord with my uncle, don't look at yourself in the mirror, and take a nanny with you when you go out, you haven't been weaned!"

This time, the evil spirit exploded after the change. Although she is young, although she is talented and hardworking, her cultivation is only at the late stage of the Youmo Realm, one step away from the Ancient Demon Realm.

Because of Shaohao Luo, the personal guard of Daluo Jinxian, she had to bring an elder from the ancient demon realm.

The mouth guns became angry, and the two struck even sharper...

The high altitude is the battleground for the strong, and the ground is the battle circle for the soldiers of the lower ranks. Although they are not as noisy as the upper ranks, they are more numerous and more chaotic.

Under the dim yellow sand, a dark light flashed past, and the little leader of the Heavenly Demon Realm, who was originally in the upper hand in the fierce battle, fell to the ground in shock.

Seeing this situation, an old man in the Youmo Realm swooped down in the air, and slashed fiercely at the place where the dark light flashed with the ink knife in his hand.

That little leader was not the first to die abnormally. Before him, a dozen lower-level generals had died inexplicably. The old man had been paying attention and finally caught the opponent.

Where the blade landed, the scene was a little blurry, and then it slashed into the air, but the old man sensed the hidden spatial fluctuations, and couldn't help sneering: "So it's the attribute of space, no wonder it's so arrogant!"

Before he finished speaking, his ears keenly caught the short "uh" sound, and he turned around abruptly, watching another young general die.

This space attribute fairy soldier is targeting their middle and lower rank officers.

The old man was very angry. This kind of melee may seem chaotic, but it is actually regular. The soldiers of the same team will stay very close, supporting each other and cooperating to kill;

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