In the same way, the teams of the same battalion will try their best to fight in the same area, so that it is convenient for the generals with high cultivation to issue orders and rescue in time.

The middle and lower-level officers suffered a lot of losses, and if the battle order could not be communicated to the bottom in time, it would really be a mess.

Obviously, the opponent is experienced and well versed in battlefield matters, and judging from his ability to easily obliterate the soldiers of the Heavenly Demon Realm, his cultivation base is at least a Taiyi Golden Immortal, so he must be forced out as soon as possible!
The old man opened his perception and tried his best to capture the spatial fluctuations. Finally, when it appeared again, he locked the position for the first time and rushed over.

The speed of the other party was very fast, and he completed the beheading and concealment in one breath, and the old man had no time to rescue him.

But this time, he saw the back of the other party.

Dressed in plain black and slender, she was obviously a woman, holding a short knife with her white and slender fingers, which disappeared in a flash.

Earlier, the dark light he had glimpsed was the light refracted between the blades.

The short knife only appeared for a moment during the assassination. I didn't see the details, only it was black ink all over, and the shape of the blade was a bit strange, it seemed to be wavy.

Wait, ink-colored dagger, wave-shaped, female fairy, Taiyi Jinxian and above, space attribute...

The old man's heart tightened. When these elements were put together, the only thing he could think of was Lian Xue, the personal guard of Yue Palace of the Feng Clan, who was born in the Shadow Sparrow Clan.

It shouldn't be, how could she appear here? !

This thought only appeared for a moment before being rejected by the old man. In the past, the New Moon Army would indeed send reinforcements to other weak areas of the Feng Clan, but as they targeted the Sunset Plains, the situation was reversed.

Moreover, the Mingsha War Zone is an important fulcrum of the Feng Clan's defense line, and it is a strong war zone. The Feng Clan asked Shaohaoyao to guard the adjacent Minglan Valley to facilitate the Mingsha War Zone's support at any time.

Even if the New Moon Army sends its own troops to reinforce other theaters, it is absolutely impossible to come to Mingsha!

The old man regained his composure and continued to search for the woman's trace. There were not many middle- and lower-level officers alive in this battle circle, so he quickly locked on the woman again.

This time, he saw clearly that short knife, which was shaped like a wave and covered with black ink, except that the tip of the knife was as transparent as ice, was Lian Xue's natal magic weapon - the Shadow Blade!
The old man broke out in a cold sweat. The guards of Yuedian, who absolutely could not appear here, appeared. What does this mean?
conspiracy!There is a conspiracy!

The target must be the high level of one's own magic army, most likely His Royal Highness Houxie!

The old man made a decisive decision, looked up at the high-altitude battle circle, opened his mouth to warn and report, when suddenly his neck felt cold, and he only uttered a short and hoarse voice, "Ha-"

The wound seemed to open a black hole, taking away all his strength.

After all, it was too late.

Outside the battle line of Mingsha, Shaohaoyue stood high in the sky, looking into the distance.

At the end of the field of vision, yellow waves rolled in, the sky was covered by sand and dust, and the sound of fighting was earth-shattering. It was still clearly audible thousands of miles away.

Among the crowd of voices, she quickly distinguished a familiar chirping, which was Jing Zhi from the Nine Heavens Kunpeng Clan.

Back then when Shaohao Luo fell into the lower realm, Jing Zhi made the decisions for all the battles that should be his responsibility. During those years, she had a lot of contact with Jing Zhi.

At this moment, the fierce battle is in full swing. Looking from a distance, one can see several kunpeng fiercely rushing into the demon army formation, waving their feather blades and sweeping their sharp claws, blood burst out from a large number of demon soldiers, and they were cut into pieces in an instant. Numerous pieces of meat scattered all over the place;
Or one bird fights against three or five demon generals of the same level, and doesn't care about the wounds on his body, just press down and attack fiercely...

She smiled silently, and muttered to herself: "Sister Jingzhi's style is still so hot and primitive."

She took out a set of blood nightmare warrior armor and put it on, restrained her breath, and entered the battlefield from behind the demon army. Wherever she passed, the demon warriors fell down for no reason.

She didn't hide her figure, and just walked through the demon army in such a grand manner. Even if someone had doubts about the soldier's collapse for no reason, they would not doubt her. That blood nightmare armor was the best proof of identity.

When she stepped into the middle-level battle circle, a high-ranking general of the fairy clan formed a seal with one hand to block the original opponent, and slashed at her with a knife with the other hand, trying to stop her.

His original opponent naturally refused to give way, took a few steps in the air, and appeared above the immortal seal, billowing devilish energy came out through his body, and then fell like a meteor, smashing hard on the immortal seal.

Immortal seal shattered, the face of the general of the immortal clan turned pale instantly, and a blush leaked from the corner of his mouth. He could no longer care about the newly appeared 'Blood Nightmare' demon general, and closed his hands to concentrate on dealing with the original opponent.

However, he wasn't worried either. On the battlefield, his comrades paid attention to each other. He couldn't stop him, and he had other comrades who had the strength to stop him.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the 'Blood Nightmare' Demon turn his body slightly, avoiding the attack lightly, and then without looking at them, he went straight up and leaped past the Demon Soldier who was helping her.

Then, he saw his opponent's eyes glazed over, his movements suddenly became sluggish, he hit him several times in a row, his body swayed, and he died! ?
This scene, in the eyes of others, is that the demon general of the 'Blood Nightmare' helped to restrain the immortal general, but was unable to do so, and was killed by the immortal general.

The fairy general was stunned, he was very clear about his own strength, it was impossible to kill that opponent easily.

Reminiscent of the other party's suddenly dull eyes, a vague idea popped up in my heart.

He raised his eyes and followed the 'Blood Nightmare' demon general, only to see that she briskly avoided the obstruction of several fairy generals, and two more demon soldiers died on the way.

Those two demon soldiers, like their dead opponents, were the ones who had a faint advantage in the battle.

Sure enough, she is not a blood nightmare general, but a strong man of their fairy clan!
The immortal general was overjoyed, the other party kept going up, obviously preparing to participate in the battle at the highest level, and with her demonstrated strength, she was enough to intervene!
It was also for this reason that he took the risk to stop him before. The battle at the top is the key to the victory of the war. His strength cannot assist the strong on his own side. What he can do is not to let the strong demons pass.

It is naturally a good thing for the strong on one's own side to pass.

Shaohaoyue soon came to the uppermost battle circle, and the yellow sand was flying around. Shaohao Luo was chasing the girl in eggplant pink clothes fiercely, opening and closing every move, extremely powerful, but his face But he was very aggrieved, and from time to time he uttered a few words of national abuse.

Hou Xie looked cunning and agile, and her body was as graceful as a spirit butterfly. As she moved around, the ancient bell tied to her wrist made a melodious sound. Accompanied by her brisk steps, she looked like she was dancing, not like she was fighting for life and death.

However, in the depths of her sly and agile eyes, there were occasional signs of fatigue, obviously not as relaxed as it appeared on the surface.

Shaohaoyue understood at a glance that the ancient bell was Hou Xie's natal magic weapon, and the melodious bell sounded casual, but actually contained some kind of strange rhythm, which matched her words and manners, and if she was not careful, she would be bewitched.

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