Hou Xie's charm technique is really good, she has seen high-level methods, and she is bewitched by her gestures. Even if Shaohao Luo knew that she practiced charm technique and was always vigilant, she would not be immune to some influence.

Shaohao Yue's eyes fell on the yellow sand around the battlefield, and he made up his mind, and when Shaohao Luo's personal soldier Jingku forcibly threw off his opponent and came to stop him, he took advantage of the situation to fight him, and sent a voice transmission: "Take Lead the battle circle towards your master, try to get as much wind as possible."

Jing Ku quickly recognized her consciousness, and he almost couldn't maintain his expression in astonishment. Fortunately, he reacted quickly and quickly suppressed his surprise, so that the Houxie guards who were chasing after him didn't notice the clue.

Houxie's personal guards intercepted Jingku, and quickly glanced at Shao Haoyue pretending to be the Blood Nightmare Demon General, only to feel that his face was familiar, and he was a Blood Nightmare who had met a few times before, and said, "Come and stop him, I will assist His Majesty."

Although Blood Nightmare is an elite in Desperate Nightmare, there is still a distance compared to their personal guards, not to mention that the personal guards have been with the master for a long time, and the cooperation is more tacit.

In this case, Blood Nightmare stayed behind to block Jingku, and it was the best choice for him to assist.

Not to mention that Jingku already knew that the so-called Blood Nightmare was Shao Haoyue pretending to be. Even if it was a real Blood Nightmare, he wouldn't be able to let Houxie's personal guards pass by, so he tried his best to stop it right now.

Under the deliberate guidance of Jingku and Shaohaoyue, they got closer and closer to the battle range between Shaohao Luo and Houxie.The cultivation bases of the three of them are not low, and the movement of the fight can be imagined. It is normal for a strong wind to blow up, sand and stones to fly.

With the surge of sand and dust, the large expanse of flying sand near Shaohao Luo and Houxie's battle circle was replaced. Due to the fierce fighting and the massive attack, Houxie and his personal guards didn't notice it.

Not to mention the two of them, Jing Ku, who was reminded, didn't notice the abnormality, only Shaohao Luo, who knew the overall plan in advance and had been waiting for her to come, saw it.

He regained his energy, and his subordinates attacked more swiftly, restraining Hou Xie's mind in him, so that she had no time to care about her surroundings.

In this battle against the Demon Clan, although Hou Xie is not the highest in cultivation, as the seventh heir of Yushan and the younger sister of Hou Yu's direct relative, Hou Xie has the most cards to save his life.

If you want to kill her, you have to cut off her escape route, so that her escape card will not be effective.

Finally, Shaohaoyue replaced all the nearby yellow sand with magic sand. She pretended to lose to Jingku, and flew upside down to bump into Houxie's personal guard.

Hou Xie's personal guards naturally wouldn't ignore his comrade-in-arms' loss. Without even thinking about it, he raised his hand to help him stop the castration and stabilize his figure, then stepped forward with a knife and continued to fight Jingku.

Just after taking a few steps, the long knife struck halfway, and his heart suddenly felt cold, and the strong immortal energy raged in his body.

His pupils were dilated, and his eyes were full of disbelief. There was no one else around where they were, and Jing Ku was opposite him. The source of the sneak attack behind him was self-evident.

The blood nightmare soldiers are pretended by the fairy clan!
It was only then that he suddenly realized that this familiar blood nightmare soldier did not match any face in his memory. The sense of familiarity was inexplicable, but he subconsciously wanted to ignore it.

The fake blood nightmare general has a lot of background!

The sudden change stunned the others, especially the old man in the ancient demon realm who was fighting Jing Zhi.

He is the one with the highest cultivation level in the demon army here, and immediately realized that he had been tricked, and quickly warned loudly: "Your Highness Houxie!"

While shouting, he left Jing Zhi behind and wanted to rush over to support him, but of course Jing Zhi would not let him succeed, he screamed in the sky, his wings swept across, blocking his way.

Hou Xie also noticed the changes here, and without any hesitation, she withdrew and stopped dealing with Shaohao Luo, wanting to leave this battlefield as soon as possible.

On the battlefield, it is common for subordinates to assist the master in beheading the strong enemy. It stands to reason that an unknown immortal soldier, she knows that there is such a person, so she just needs to be more vigilant.

But for some reason, when she saw the opponent make a move, she suddenly felt a strong palpitation in her heart. The intense sense of crisis made her have no time to think, and she reacted instinctively.

However, it was too late.

As soon as she made a movement, the yellow sand around her moved like life, condensed, piled up, and rebuilt, and soon built a huge yellow sand arena.

In an instant, she seemed to have come to another world, and she could no longer feel the slightest movement outside.

This posture was clearly intended to catch her in the urn, Hou Xie was startled, his figure flashed, and he came to the edge of the yellow sand ring, and the billowing devilish energy gushed out, attacking the yellow sand wind wall fiercely.

The yellow sand shattered, the fairy air flowed, and new sand was quickly condensed to repair the sand wall.

At this time, she suddenly felt a wind blowing in the back of her head, and a familiar force of great power came through the air, it was Shaohao Luo's spear.

The previous confrontation made Hou Xie know that he couldn't leave for the time being.

The Fifteenth Highness of the Feng family attacked swiftly, and once he took a move, he would face continuous attacks.

This type of cultivator, even if the strength is slightly weaker, can still defeat the opponent with a fierce offensive, and the weak can defeat the strong. It is difficult for them to be defeated unless the strength is much higher.

In the case of similar cultivation bases, the best way to deal with them is to avoid them as soon as possible, so that they have nowhere to focus or leverage.

This is the reason why she came to the Mingsha war zone. She practiced charm and was the best at dealing with opponents.

Sighing secretly, without saying a word, Hou Xie threw out a talisman in his palm, and slightly resisted the attack of the spear, while he himself stood up vertically, pulling out afterimages, and moved away from Shaohaoluo.

She put on a calm demeanor and said provocatively: "I'm still looking for a helper, tsk tsk tsk, it's no wonder that the title of God of War will change hands, even the ones in the realm can't beat you."

Shaohao Luo is very powerful, the gap in his cultivation becomes bigger as he goes to the back, Houxie broke through the late stage of the Youmo Realm for many years, and now he is only one step away from the Ancient Demon Realm, but he only broke through the late stage of the Taiyi Golden Immortal not long ago, the so-called same realm, The actual cultivation is quite different.

Besides, Hou Xie is the best among the demons, and the spells he practiced can beat him. It is already very good for him to be able to do this.

He cast a sideways glance, as if he was looking at a fool: "Our Feng family likes gang fights the most, what's wrong, you still want a fair duel?"

Hou Xie was not in the mood to bicker with him, he chuckled disdainfully on the surface, but was secretly wary of the helper who hadn't appeared yet.

Suddenly, the left arm was cold, like falling into an ice cellar, and the hairs on it stood up. Hou Xie screamed, moved his left arm away, and swept in the opposite direction like lightning.

In the field of vision, a piece of soft orange gauze was almost chasing after her arm. Under the dim sky, the orange gauze was radiant, like a gorgeous sunset in midsummer.

"Huanshiling!" Houxie cried out, her scalp tingling, it was Shaohaoyue!She actually woke up!
Without any hesitation, the divine sense immediately connected to the eggplant powder beads in the hair.

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