It was an extremely unique bead flower, with two silver-white metal hollow leaves as the base, and two eggplant pink beads in the middle, the beads had an excellent jade color, radiant and radiant.

At this time, the tips of the two hollowed-out leaves suddenly light up with dots of white awns, flowing along the veins, and soon meet in the middle, and a distant and ancient breath is revealed from them.

Shao Haoyue is very familiar with this breath, it is Jianmu Shenye's breath, her face is expressionless, her eyes fall on the two shiny beads, thinking: Jianmu Shenye builds a passage for escape, What are the functions of these two beads?
"Sure enough, it's Jianmu Shenye! Tsk, Seventh Brother's analysis is not bad at all!" Shaohao Luo came over with a gun and said in admiration.

Hou Xie's heart tightened when he heard this, this is a trap, a trap set by the Feng Clan against her!
Jianmu is an ancient sacred tree that connects all planes and is known as the world tree.Although its leaves are small, they also have some characteristics of Shenmu.

These two of hers have been refined by a special method, which can ignore any enchantment plane and open a small transmission channel, which is her greatest means of escape.

Since the brothers and sisters Shaohaoyue had long guessed that she had Jianmu Shenye, they would definitely target her. I'm afraid they can't count on Shenye this time.

Sure enough, Shenye was flickering, but never started to teleport.

Hou Xie endured the panic, his eyes passed the two, and finally fell on Shaohaoyue, and he suddenly realized: "One-leaf flute is the one-leaf flute of Jiuxi God!"

Jianmu is an ancient sacred tree, which is related to the origin of thousands of worlds. Its personality is so high that it even surpasses the strongest of the two tribes of immortals and demons. It can prevent its leaves from functioning. The easiest way is another sacred leaf.

As we all know, the one-leaf flute of the Jiuxi God is made by Shenye.

Shaohaoyue looked away from the pearl flower on her head, and said lightly: "Congratulations, you got the answer right."

When the matter came to this point, Hou Xie calmed down instead, pursed his lips and looked at the two of them, and suddenly giggled: "Since everything is in your plan, why don't you do it?

Why, the two members of the younger generation of the Feng clan who are most likely to become the God of War join forces, and are you still afraid of me alone? "

Brother and sister Shaohaoyue didn't get angry, they surrounded her from a distance, one behind the other, their plan was that Shaohaoluo would attack mainly and Shaohaoyue would hold her back.

At the end of the road, Hou Xie's other trump cards will inevitably be turned over one by one, and Shaohao Luo needs to resist it head-on. He has consumed too much in front, so he has to take this opportunity to recover more.

Hou Xie raised his hand to touch the round bead flower in his hair, and smiled sweetly: "It seems that you don't know all about my trump cards, don't you?"

As soon as the words fell, her figure became blurred, and tens of thousands of her were separated, either attacking Shaohao and Yue, or retreating in all directions to distance themselves, or attacking the wall of wind and sand.

Yushan's unique knowledge - a myriad of phantoms.

Seeing the phantom of the clone, the usual way to deal with it is to find the real one, but the phantom of Yushan is very different.

Every phantom can accommodate the main body, and with a thought of the caster, any clone can become real.

If you carelessly let the phantom get close, you may face the real evil in the next second. Therefore, every clone cannot be ignored.

Shaohaoyue raised her hand, and the fantasy silk shone orange and turned into thousands of silks, each of which accurately hit a phantom.

In an instant, hundreds of phantoms rushing towards her burst like bubbles, followed by phantoms a little further away.

Seeing this scene, Shaohao Luo was shocked. He was also dealing with phantoms. Although it was not difficult, it still required some effort. At this moment, he could barely pierce a dozen phantoms.

And the area around her has been emptied, there must be thousands of them, and her light and fluffy appearance is no different from popping a bubble!
Taking a closer look, he found that there was a little crimson spark at the tip of each silk, which was Nirvana Heaven Fire!

Shaohaoluo became excited, Nirvana fire, every Feng Clan's lifelong pursuit is that bit of scarlet meaning!
In the blink of an eye, Lingsi covered the entire yellow sand arena, all phantoms were eliminated, and only a muffled groan was heard, and Hou Xie's figure appeared on the edge of the wind and sand wall not far away.

Her eyes were full of shock, and she obviously didn't expect the Phantom Myriad to be deciphered so quickly.

Shaohao Luo shook his spear, rushed over like lightning, and attacked Houxie like autumn wind sweeping fallen leaves.

Hou Xie came back to his senses, a flash of joy flashed in his eyes very quickly, he grabbed a bead from the bead flower and threw it at Shaohao Luo, at the same time, she jumped up and fled in the opposite direction.

Shaohaoyue's eyes were fixed, and instead of chasing her, she flew towards Shaohao Luo, the silk fluttered, and quickly returned to the shape of silk, sticking against the wall of wind and sand, circling around.

After she appeared, Hou Xie's intention to escape was very obvious. Her main goal was to destroy the wall of wind and sand and escape, and it was incidental to bring trouble to Brother [-].

If the wall of wind and sand is not broken, she will not be able to escape.

As for Brother Fifteen, as the future helm of the Fire Phoenix Clan, the clan will definitely give him a life-saving card.

As the beads exploded, a huge scythe condensed with devilish energy appeared, and slashed towards Shaohaoluo.

A full blow in the later stage of the Demon Ancestor Realm, if one is not well dealt with, except for the core children of each race who have the means of life-saving provided by the elders, the rest of the fairy and demon clans will be wiped out, and the new Yueqing Realm may also collapse.

"Your uncle!" Shaohao Luo cursed, and a transparent bubble suddenly appeared, covering him and Shaohao Yue next to him.

The terrifying attack landed on it, and nearly [-]% to [-]% of it was absorbed by the membrane. Being inside the bubble, I didn't even feel a little vibration.

The remaining attacks were buffered by the film and protected by Huanshiling, and the transformed yellow sand ring barely resisted.

After the situation stabilized, Shaohaoyue poked it curiously. Although the bubble's membrane was very thin, it had several layers. The inside was defensive, and the outermost one was a circle of specially processed void law!
Those absorbed terrorist attacks were actually wiped out.

Surprised for a moment, she suddenly realized, "No wonder you owe so much debt."

The law of nothingness not only eliminates attacks from the outside world, but also eliminates the film that carries it, which requires a lot of immortal energy and the power of faith to protect the film.

If the opponent's strength is not high, a little emptiness will be enough to deal with it, and Shaohao Luo can easily replenish the lost immortal energy and faith.

However, if the enemy is strong and needs to use more Law of Void, or if it is used for a long time, the loss of immortal energy and power of faith will be far beyond the tolerance of Shaohaoluo, so it must be hoarded in advance.

Every time the invincible enchantment is activated, it is burning money, no matter how big the family is, it can't afford it!

What did the clan think, and why did they give the invincible barrier to Brother Fifteen?She deeply thought that this thing was more suitable for Seventh Brother.

Shaohao Luo was so suffocated that he almost couldn't get up, "It's fighting, don't chat!"

He didn't want to think about the bill that was getting longer and longer.

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