Hou Xie in the distance was not in the mood to watch the two of them quarreling. When the scythe fell and a crack appeared in the wall of wind and sand, he flew over immediately, trying to escape through the gap.

It's a pity that Shaohaoyue reacted faster, and Huanshiling was thrown out the first time she made a move, and she bumped into Huanshiling.

After a short delay, the crack was quickly repaired; what's more terrible, Shaohaoyue came out from the invincible barrier before the ancestor's attack was completely dissipated, and tightened the Huanshiling, trying to wrap her body around her.

The orange gauze is flying, and a little bit of scarletness is flowing in it.


When the demonic energy collided with the scarlet meaning, it was like cold ice meeting a scorching sun, and large areas were burned to death. Houxie used his figure to the extreme to avoid the flying entanglement of Huanshiling.

No, the rank of Nirvana Heavenly Fire is too high, and one point of Heavenly Fire requires a lot of demon energy to counteract it. In addition, Shaohao Luo, who fights like a mad dog, cannot be exhausted with them, and must leave as soon as possible.

The key to escape is to break Shaohaoyue's phantom sand blockade, and she has to try to shake her mind in order to find a flaw.

Thinking of this, the rhythm of Hou Xie's feet changed, and the ancient bell on the wrist jingled continuously.

Shaohao Luo put away the invincible barrier, and just walked a few steps, his eyes were confused for a moment, and his figure froze, he shook his head irritably with a dark face, "Illusion is really annoying!"

As he spoke, he chased after him with a long spear. Under the ringing of the bell, his attacks were no longer smooth and flowing, and would freeze up from time to time, failing to form a continuous strong suppression of Hou Xie.

However, Hou Xie's expression was not relaxed. Shaohaoyue, whom she wanted to target, was not affected by the ringtone at all. Her eyes were clear all the way, calmly driving Huanshiling.

Those orange eyes were too clear, without any shadow at all, as if everything in the world could be reflected in them, and it was deeply imprinted in Hou Xie's mind.

At this moment, Hou Xie deeply realized that in terms of illusion, he was far behind Shao Haoyue, and it was impossible to defeat her.

No, this is Shaohaoyue's illusion countermeasure, her illusion has affected her!
Hou Xie shook her head vigorously, and shook those clear eyes out of her mind. She took a deep breath and praised: "As expected of Fengzu Yuedian, good illusion."

Shaohaoyue smiled slightly: "The art of charm and illusion lies in attacking the mind. You want to run away when you see me. If you don't have any intention and courage to fight with me, how can you defeat my illusion?"

Hou Xie's mind is in turmoil, yes, the magic illusion technique attacks the enemy's mind, if he loses his fighting spirit first, how can he defeat the opponent in the magic illusion duel?

She blinked her eyes, "Thank you very much, with my sister's advice, I will definitely improve my princess' charm skills after returning home."

These words are naturally intended to disgust Shaohaoyue brothers and sisters. Words to tease, irritate, and confuse are also compulsory courses for charm arts.

Shaohao Luo stabbed horizontally, and responded coldly: "It's a pity, you can't go back."

Hou Xie turned around to avoid it, tapped his toes on the barrel of the gun, and used his strength to open the distance again.

Shaohaoyue sighed softly, and leisurely drove Huanshiling to pursue: "Hey, rotten wood can't be carved, and I'm blind to my guidance."

Afterwards, he was extremely evil: "You—"

"Hahaha..." Shaohao Luo almost laughed out loud, and sighed in her heart that her ability to block others was as usual.

I also feel that her language style is very distinctive, with earnest tone and crisp voice, the front is polite, and the style of "Lao Tzu" in the back is seriously inconsistent.

Of course, Shaohaoyue didn't know about his mental activities, she still had a sincere face, pointing out the appearance of the younger generation, as if the sarcasm just now didn't come from her mouth, "You don't think you are innocent in your heart, how can you confuse others Do you believe in your innocence? The highest level of magic illusion is to believe in yourself."

"You and I--"

Hou Xie wanted to refute, but felt that what she said made sense. Her brother Hou Yu had also told her about this, and based on this alone, it could be seen that Shaohaoyue's illusion was not comparable to hers.

Hou Xie knew very well that the purpose of Shaohaoyue's words was to blow her confidence and disturb her mind.

But she couldn't stay in chaos, because what Shao Haoyue said was true.

Hou Xie pursed the corners of her lips, and the innocent expression on her face disappeared. After a long silence, she raised her eyes and said firmly, "I don't believe it, you don't have any knots or desires."

If you want to draw someone into the illusion, you have to find out the other person's weaknesses, knots or desires.

Next, while avoiding Huanshiling's pursuit and Mourning Cloud's spear attack, she recalled things related to Shaohaoyue, and suddenly, a figure appeared in her mind.

"I found it." She smiled brightly, stared at Shaohaoyue, and said word by word: "I know your heart is knotted."

Before the words were finished, the five fingers were lightly raised, the demonic energy surged, and the illusion of yellow sand became far away. Soon densely packed demon soldiers appeared, filling the sky and the ground like raindrops.

Shaohao Luo was a little puzzled, this was not a psychedelic realm, but an image manifested with demonic energy, an unusual battlefield.

On the side of the demons, the highest level of cultivation is only in the early stage of the Youmo Realm, and they are all ordinary demons who are unbearable to fight. Is there anything that can become a knot in Seventeen's heart?
However, after chasing after Xie's Huanshiling, she slowed down, and the light and insignificant orange yarn seemed to be mixed with thousands of sand and stones, and fell heavily to the ground.

He looked sideways and saw that Shaohaoyue's face was expressionless, but her jaw was trembling uncontrollably, and he could even hear the subtle sound of her upper and lower teeth colliding quickly.

She is forbearing, trying her best to forbear.

Shaohao Luo was surprised, this is really Shi Qi's knot!

Now is not the time to get to the bottom of it, he suppressed his doubts and reminded: "Seventeen, she is messing with your mind, don't fall for it."

Without Huan Shiling's pursuit, Hou Xie's pressure dropped sharply, and she immediately felt much more relaxed. She smiled even brighter, "It seems that you already know that this is the battle, and it's just an ordinary scene that can make you mess up. My sister is right, she is your heart knot!"

While laughing, the densely packed demon army separated to the two sides to make way for the passage, and two demon youths came out. The one on the left had a bulging stomach and mustache, like a hill, and the one on the right was thick and bald. , holding a ten-year-old girl in his hand.

The two demons approached until they were within a hundred feet of the fairy clan's defense line before stopping. The bald man roughly pinched the little girl's jaw and raised her face, exposing her face to everyone's sight. The fat man opened and closed his mouth. , should be shouting.

When he saw the little girl's face clearly, Shaohao Luo froze for a moment. The plump melon-seeded face, fair skin, almond eyes and willow eyebrows were almost exactly the same as Yaoyao's.She fell into the hands of the demons?

wrong!Hou Xie just said that "she" is Shiqi's heart knot, this woman must not be Shiqi.

Posted in advance, no update tomorrow.

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