Could it be Yaoyao? !
It's still not right, Yaoyao has Taoist ancestral guards around her, and the life-saving means given by the clan, even if the devil comes in person, it is unlikely to catch her.

Upon closer inspection, the girl's face is still different from Yaoyao and Shiqi, about [-]% similar, the light pink petals at the corner of the left eye are birthmarks, not Huadian.In addition, the girl's eyes are dim, and she seems to have some vision problems.

Who is this woman?
Shaohaoluo was puzzled and couldn't help but look at Shaohaoyue.

Her eyes were already red, as if she couldn't hold back her emotions anymore, she tightened her five fingers holding Ling, and stared at Hou Xie coldly: "Congratulations, you got what you wanted and angered me."

Her voice was soft and slow, but it made people feel an inexplicable chill.

After saying that, her figure suddenly disappeared from the spot, and when she reappeared, she had already gone to Hou Xie's side, she even gave up on Huan Shi Ling, clenched her fists and waved towards Hou Xie.

Hou Xie was startled suddenly, and was about to dodge immediately, but the front of Tao Tao's fist had arrived in an instant, and the space around her showed signs of collapsing, and she felt the tyrannical breath of the void magnetic storm.

Unable to escape, Hou Xie had no choice but to bite the bullet and resist.

When the fist touched, there was a muffled thunder-like crashing sound, and Hou Xie felt his whole arm go numb, the cold killing intent invaded his body, and the devilish energy flowed uncontrollably, boiling instantly.

What was even more frightening was that the fist Shaohaoyue swung was not only filled with immortal energy and the power of faith, but also impregnated with the fire of Nirvana, and soon her protective demonic energy was burned.

Hou Xie screamed, flipped his hands, and a powerful magic seal went straight to Shaohaoyue's chest.

Shaohaoyue didn't intend to dodge at all, the other hand stretched out, the hair came first, grabbed Hou Xie's wrist, dragged and tugged, Hou Xie's body was like a kite with a broken string, and it rushed towards her uncontrollably past.

At this time, Hou Xie's magic seal also landed on Shaohaoyue's chest, and the strong magic energy quickly eroded through the protective immortal energy, blood gushed out, and the chest cavity was sunken, obviously hurting the bones.

However, Shaohaoyue didn't even move her eyebrows, as if she couldn't feel the pain, her cold eyes locked on Houxie firmly, pulled her closer, and punched her hard on the face.

Hou Xie's mind buzzed, and he became dizzy for a moment.

Not only was she stunned, but Shaohao Luo was also stunned. Is Shi Qi so reckless?Don't use weapons, fight with bare hands, and don't hide from the enemy's attack!

Don't kill!

He was stunned for a long time before he realized it, and he didn't even care about the sound transmission. He rushed over and shouted hastily: "Seventeen, I'm the main attacker. You are only in the early stage of Taiyi Golden Immortal, stay away from her..."

It's a pity that Shaohao Yue, who had gone berserk, couldn't listen to it at all, and Shaohao Luo didn't dare to join the battle circle rashly because of the killing intent exuding from his body.

Soon, he saw an extremely shocking scene. Shaohaoyue raised his right knee and pressed hard against Houxie's lower abdomen. Houxie immediately screamed and curled up like a boiled river shrimp; the next second , Shaohaoyue pressed down on his elbows like a mountain top, beating the curled up Houxie until his body straightened.

Shaohao Luo opened his mouth into an O shape, and couldn't believe his eyes at all. Hou Xie, whose cultivation base was two small realms higher, had no power to resist her, and his cultivation base was like a decoration.

Shoulder strikes, elbow strikes, knee chisels one after another, the jiji is extremely heavy, without any gaps, and does not give Houxie the slightest chance to fight back!
Seeing the back, Shaohao Luo felt his blood boil, this is exactly the goal he has been pursuing!

He stared at it, reluctant to blink, and even took out the photo stone to record it, preparing to dig it out and review it.

After watching for a while, he summed up a few key points. First of all, he had to get close. Previously, he had not been able to form a strong suppression of Hou Xie, because he did not have close range, and the attack could not fully exert its effect.

However, this point is very difficult.

People who are not good at melee combat will never give people a chance to get close, especially when facing enemies with higher cultivation bases than themselves and outstanding agility, it is even more difficult to get close.

Unless, like Seventeen, he adopts an injury-for-injury style of play.

In addition, during this period, the enemy cannot be given any chance to escape, let alone give the enemy a chance to breathe. This style of play is all about one effort.

Houxie was terrified, why did this happen?Shaohaoyue's mind was clearly shaken, why couldn't his charm still affect her?

Moreover, isn't she practicing illusion, why is her attack more ferocious than Shaohao Luo who is good at melee combat?

In the Demon Clan, Shaohaoyue has always been famous for being fierce. There are many rumors about her cruelty. She thought it was an exaggeration before, but now she realizes that those rumors are true.

Facing such a desperate lunatic, unless his cultivation level is much higher than hers, once he is suppressed by her, there is no chance to use any means to save his life.

At the juncture of life and death, Hou Xiexin swayed, and actively sent the vitals in his chest to Shaohaoyue's fist. With a loud bang, the bones in his body broke, the magic core shattered, the seal inside was triggered, and a wave as thick as Viscous soup-like magical energy spewed out.

"Be careful!" Shaohao Luo hurriedly warned.

As soon as this devilish breath came out, Hou Xie's face immediately turned pale, and his breath was sluggish.

This devilish energy is the original devilish energy of Houxie, the essence of a lifetime of cultivation, once it is lost, the cultivation base will be greatly damaged, but the corresponding power is also extremely great, even if it is a fairy clan that is one level higher than her, it will surely die undoubtedly.

Shaohaoyue cultivated an extremely high level of immortal energy, which was not comparable to that of ordinary immortals. This devilish energy could not kill her, and after the evil begging, she was seriously injured and let go.

However, she was wrong, Shaohaoyue who was in a state of berserk was an out-and-out lunatic, although he didn't bear the evil spirit forcefully, he didn't let her go either.

A little bit of crimson light seeped out from Shaohaoyue's body, clusters of sky fires were bright, half of the magic energy was burned, and less than half of it finally landed on Shaohaoyue's body.

Pausing for a moment, fierce fists were still falling like raindrops, Hou Xie was in despair.

The rest of her life-saving means needed to be activated with demonic energy, and now the demonic energy in her body was completely messed up. She had just sorted out one, but the next moment she was smashed out of control by a fist, and she couldn't use the magical energy at all.

With the passage of time, the wounds in the body became more and more serious, and the immortal energy, the power of faith, and the sky fire stirred up the heaven and earth in the body, and the demonic energy was defeated.

Unwilling, aggrieved, and resentful, Hou Xie closed his eyes and fell silent.

Shaohao Luo was so startled that his eyes almost popped out. According to their information, Hou Xie had a lot of cards in his cards, including escape, defense, and strong burst attack, all kinds of methods.

But under Shi Qi's attack, Leng didn't have a chance to play a role, so it's no wonder Hou Xie was aggrieved.

After returning from the lower realms, everyone praised Seventeen for his strong combat power, but he was actually somewhat dissatisfied, especially the title of Future God of War, which belonged to him before.

But now, he is convinced!

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