Shaohaoyue recalled that in the past, that person said that he wanted to learn alchemy, become her exclusive alchemist, and make her various flavors of elixir.

Unfortunately, that promise could never be fulfilled.

She turned her head and looked out of the window, looking at the calm sky, and murmured in a low voice: "Huahua, these pills are still so hard to eat. When did you refine the orange flavor for me?"

What answered her was a room of silence.

The wound on her chest was piercingly cold, bringing her thoughts back to reality. She looked down at the wound, and a few strands of yin and cold demonic energy were entrenched on it, preventing the wound from healing, and the flesh and blood on the edge of the wound even appeared necrotic. .

It is the essence of the original devil energy of the post-evil, only a few tiny wisps, no matter the power or the tenacity, it is surprisingly large, and its grade is not inferior to the Nirvana Heavenly Fire.

It is extremely rare to be able to cultivate such a pure demonic energy at this age and at this cultivation level, even if there are only a few wisps. No wonder Houxie, who is called the Demon Race, really has two brushes.

Shaohaoyue exhaled, with a thought in her mind, the peach powder scimitar appeared in her hand, the blade swirled slightly to cut off the dead flesh, and then she mobilized a cluster of crimson flames to gather around the wound, shaking it away, turning it into a little crimson glow Submerge into the wound, and eat away the entrenched cold energy bit by bit from the inside out.

After dealing with the yin and cold energy, she stuffed the pill into her mouth with no expression on her face, and began to heal her wounds.

An hour later, the cabin restraint was triggered, Shaohao Yue withdrew from the state of cultivation, opened the restraint, and the soldier in charge of guarding said respectfully: "Yuedian, the setting sun has arrived."

Shaohaoyue nodded, strode out of the cabin and came to the deck, looking at the battlefield ahead, the vast wilderness stretches as far as the eye can see, the original thousands of miles of withered yellow disappeared, revealing stretches of crimson land, as if stained with blood.

In the center of the wilderness, the two spirits of immortals and demons clashed fiercely, and the killing cries were deafening, resounding throughout the universe. The defensive circle that spanned the entire Sunset Plain had already been breached, and the soldiers fought bloody battles.

Because the demon army besieging the Crescent Army came from four different branches, with different costumes and fighting styles, the entire Sunset Plain looked chaotic.

Shaohaoyue's eyes moved up and landed on the two women in the top circle.

A woman is petite, wearing a dark purple dress, with black hair and high beams, on her pale face, the only gorgeous thing is the blood-red lips, which make her appearance delicate and strange, she is Xunxia from the famous demon family Abyss;
A woman with a hot body and a frosty face, with a layer of white light floating on the surface of the silver-white armor, is the head of her personal guard - Lian Yang.

At this time, Lian Yang holds the double swords, holding the crescent scimitar that Xun Xia slashed, and the picture freezes. A dark purple crescent.

In front of the two of them, the cold water vapor billowed, and the purple light lingered. Behind them, there was a whirlwind.

At first glance, they seem to be evenly matched, but if you look closely, you will find that Xun Xia looks calm and at ease, Lian Yang's mouth is tightly pursed, and there is faint sweat on his forehead, which is obviously a bit difficult.

In the center of the battlefield, a white jade seat was placed in the air, and a young man with sword eyebrows and starry eyes sat upright, playing with a small and delicate dagger.

On the side of the seat, stood an immortal soldier who looked like a guard. The young man was condescending, overlooking the overall situation, and said a few words to the immortal soldier beside him from time to time.

With a solemn face, the immortal soldier passed the youth's order to all parties through the communication token in his hand.

The corner of Shaohaoyue's mouth twitched slightly, commanding the overall situation, commanding the overall situation, what's the matter with putting on such a grandpa appearance?

The young man's name is Lian Xiao, who belongs to the Nine Heavens Kunpeng clan, and is her distant cousin. He was originally the chief bodyguard arranged for her by the clan, but because she selected Lian Yang in advance, Lian Xiao took the second place.

In the past, Lian Xiao was a bit sultry in private, but she was quite normal on the battlefield, and now she's showing it like this, tsk tsk, liberating nature!

Lian Xue clenched the Shadow Blade and asked softly, "Your Highness, shall we act?"

In the current battle situation, the Demon Army is completely suppressing the New Moon Army, and they can barely maintain it by relying on Lian Xiao to demolish the east and make up for the west. The situation is precarious and may collapse at any time.

"I'll go first, you guys later." Shaohaoyue jumped out of the fairy ship, this battle feather clan is in a weak position, the focus is to improve morale.

This time, she will make a high-profile appearance, announcing her return to the entire world of immortals and demons!

She stopped above the edge of the battle line, twisted her thumb and index finger, "Snap!"

The crisp snapping of fingers was not loud, but everyone on the sunset battlefield, regardless of immortals and demons, could clearly hear it. This crisp sound seemed to resound in the depths of their souls.

The low-ranking soldiers were at a loss and ignored it, while the high-ranking warriors of the immortal and demon clans were startled, vigilantly searching for the source of the snapping fingers.

Xun Xia, Lian Yang and the others immediately locked the direction of the voice and looked towards the edge of the battle line.

The thin orange gauze floated down, like the gorgeous sunset in midsummer, flying across the sky, and the grand orange light enveloped the entire setting sun plain.

At this moment, the setting sun entered dusk, just like its name.

With such a huge change, the low-level fighters who were previously at a loss also felt the strangeness, and looked up at the sky one after another.

While the silk gauze was flying, the woman in light gold clothes slowly walked into the sight of everyone along the road paved with orange gauze.

"Your Highness!"

Lian Yang's eyes filled with tears. Although she had received the news a few days ago, seeing it now, her inner excitement was still uncontrollable.

Not only her, almost everyone recognized her when Huan Shi Ling came out, and the whole New Moon Army couldn't be more excited.

"It's Your Highness!"

"His Royal Highness is back!"

"Thirty-seven thousand two hundred and forty-three years, Your Highness, you are finally out..."

Some people were so excited that they couldn't help crying. The scene at that time was vivid in their minds. When the devil king suddenly arrived, everyone thought they would die, but that petite figure stood in front of them as before, using blood to build a way out for them.

The orange gauze was gorgeous and decisive, covering the sky. It was the most beautiful sunset glow they had ever seen.

For more than 7000 years, the setting sun that lost its coach is like a piece of delicious fat. The army of demons is pressing down on them, and they are used as a breakthrough time and time again.

Now, the king who led them to Megatron, led them to create miracles, and stood alone against the enemy in times of crisis is back!
They finally waited until the orange yarn fluttered!Wait until the sunset is full of sky!Wait until the king returns!

Persistence for so many years was not in vain!

Lian Yang forced back the passion that was surging in his eyes, the two swords in his hands radiated dazzling light, and the sword light gushed out, throwing Xun Xia Lian away with the knife.

She didn't catch up, the two swords were crossed in front of her chest, the cold wind picked up, and the wind and snow swept over the tip of the sword. Countless ice swords were formed in the air, and they shot down with an irresistible sword force, and a large number of magic soldiers The body was pierced by the ice sword.

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