In the ice sword all over the sky, Lian Yang raised his voice, his voice trembling uncontrollably: "Guard Lian Yang, report to my king! Welcome back my king!"

Lian Xiao had already stood up from the white jade seat. He raised his hand, and a dark blue long spear with a square edge and flat head appeared in his hand. The magic weapon was unsheathed, full of killing intent.

He took a few steps in the air, stepped out of the command area, and appeared on top of the head of a demon general in the early stage of the ancient demon realm. Immediately, his spear merged into one, and with a fierce aura, he slashed down like lightning. The demon general was pierced by the spear before he could even react. , Turned into a rain of blood and bones all over the sky.

Then, the dark blue long spear swept across, and the spear came out like a dragon, and the stern spear intent swept across the field, setting off a strong wind, which made people unable to open their eyes.

When the turbulent air flow calmed down and his vision returned to clarity, he still maintained the last posture of swinging his spear, with a hundred feet around his body, and not a single demon soldier survived.

Lian Xiao looked up, fixedly looking in Shaohaoyue's direction, and shouted loudly: "My personal guard Lian Xiao, report to my king! Welcome back my king!"

On the other side of the battlefield, the woman in the moon white robe shook off her opponent, leaped up into the air, and made seals with her hands. Runes condensed around her body, almost covering half of the sky.

She raised her hand and pointed, and thousands of runes flew down, turning into thousands of sharp blades...

"Guard Lianruo, report to my king! Welcome back my king!"

Lian Xue was also very excited, the dagger in her hand swirled lightly, her figure had disappeared from the fairy ship, and in the next second she appeared behind a demon general, with a flash of cold light, the head of the demon general flew into the sky.Whether she appeared or swung the dagger, it was like a ghost, and the enemy didn't even notice it at all. It wasn't until his head flew out that the other magic soldiers around were shocked.

Just as she was about to deal with it, her figure had already disappeared, and another high-ranking demon general appeared again and separated her head. In less than a few breaths, seven or eight demon generals had already died under her sword.

It wasn't until she stopped in mid-air and raised her voice that many people caught her, "Guard Lianxue, report to my king! Welcome back my king!"

In the battle formation, the bearded man grabbed the flag bearer's flag, waved it, and shouted loudly: "New Moon First Division, report to my king! Welcome back my king!"

As soon as his words fell, tens of thousands of soldiers from the First Division shouted together: "New Moon First Division, report to my king! Welcome back my king!"

"Second Division of the New Moon, report to my king! Welcome back my king..."

"New Moon Seventh king..."

Shouts of greetings sounded, and the setting sun turned into a sea of ​​cheers. In the excitement of the crowd, Jing Zhi was also infected, his blood boiled, and he let out a long roar, leading five hundred flame legions into the battlefield.

"Nine Heavens Kunpeng Jingzhi, with the Flame Army, welcomes the return of Yue Palace!"

But this time, she didn't fight as a prototype. In the sky at this time, there can only be a pair of wings spread out!

Shouts echoed in her ears, and her gaze joined her body. Shaohaoyue felt an indescribable feeling in her heart. There was a gap in her frozen heart, and a breeze called moving came in.

She pursed the corner of her lower lip, and put her toes on the Huanshi Ling. The orange light of Huanshi Ling became more and more magnificent, so gorgeous that she couldn't look directly at it. Finally, a huge orange-gold phoenix flew out of the ten thousand-zhang orange light, and the surrounding people Crimson flames blossomed, jumping and writhing around her, as if celebrating.

All the New Moon Army stopped their voices immediately, and raised their heads to look at the gorgeous phoenix in reverence. The clan was crushed to the ground, and many of them with low cultivation levels died convulsingly.

Xun Xia and other high-level officials rushed to take action, but at this moment, Shaohaoyue's divine beast was in full swing, and the soldiers of the Yu clan gathered all the beliefs in her body. A large part, at this moment, is also somewhat difficult to resist.

Shaohaoyue flew to the highest point, turned around abruptly, spread her huge wings, and danced with wind and fire!

At this moment, in everyone's field of vision, the whole world seemed to disappear, only the orange-gold phoenix flowed through the whole world with its gorgeous feathers and gorgeous tail flames.

After a while, the bright rays of the sun gradually softened, and the huge orange-gold phoenix turned back into a human body with its orange silk fluttering. Although its figure was several times smaller, its power remained undiminished.

She overlooked the entire battlefield, and calmly shouted: "Lian Yang."

Lian Yang clenched his swords tightly and raised his voice to respond: "Your Highness!"

"Leave the right wing to you!"

"Lian Yang takes orders!"

"Lian Xiao."

"Your Highness!"

"You are in charge of the left wing!"

"Lian Xiao takes orders!"

"Lian Ruo, support from high altitude!"

"Yes, Your Highness!"

"Lian Xue, walk around the audience!"

"Lian Xue takes command!"

After giving orders to the four people, Shaohaoyue stopped directing others. She had just come back and didn't know the offensive and defensive layout of Sunset Plain, so rashly commanding was easy to make mistakes.She nodded, and with a wave of Lingsha, she raised her voice: "The whole army is attacking!"


The shout of killing sounded again, and the generals of the Yu clan rushed out fiercely like a rainbow, and bombarded their opponents with one attack after another.

Shaohaoyue waved her yarn and went straight to Xunxia.

Xun Xia avoided sideways, and at the same time swung the crescent scimitar to block the flying Huan Shiling, she laughed and teased: "I haven't seen you for more than 3 years, but when you come up, you are so rude, thanks to me The two have been friends for many years."

Shaohaoyue's expression was indifferent, Chang Ling shook, turned into an orange whip, and slammed it towards Xun Xia, "If I don't poke you a few holes, how can it reflect the deep friendship between us."

This whip was as fast as thunder and lightning, but it was silent, Xun Xia was shocked in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face, rolled his eyes, and cursed angrily: "Barbarian!"

These words were just casual words, she knew very well in her heart that Shao Haoyue was not a brave and foolhardy person, not to mention anything else, just a simple order just now, it was obvious.

When the atmosphere is enhanced to such an extent, giving orders in person can further unite the morale of the army and ignite the fighting spirit. Most generals will cautiously refrain from commanding when they don't know the deployment.

However, she named the four personal guards and gave a rough battle strategy, which did not affect the overall battle deployment, and successfully condensed the hearts of the entire New Moon Army into one strand.

It has to be said that she is very talented in military command, especially in terms of rallying the army and boosting morale.

Admiration comes back to admiration, Xun Xia will not be merciful to the enemy, the crescent scimitar lightly raised, the blade light was like snow, and went straight to Shaohaoyue's vital point: "You are not my opponent now!"

Thirty thousand years ago, the two had the same level of cultivation. After 3 years, she was already in the Ancient Demon Realm, and Shaohao Yueke was only at the early stage of Taiyi Golden Immortal, and there was a big difference in the realm.

Shaohaoyue waved the Huanshi Ling, intercepted Xiaoxiao's saber intent, jumped up, dodged the saber, and smiled slightly: "So, I brought a helper."

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